Fx Male Vanilla's not the best Flavor


Mar 27, 2020
'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here’

Hi all! Just call me Elfie.

I have recently come off an extremely long hiatus. You might be thinking “oh she is probably really rusty” well you might be right on that. BUT, I write fiction as a hobby, so hopefully I’m not too shabby. I work full time, 8-5 Monday through Friday, so I keep pretty busy. Weekends are usually my sweet spot *wink*.

I enjoy writing through PMs, but I will write on discord as well. That being said, I would love longer term roleplays that can be replied to once or twice a week, with replies of 300-600 words (or more). That doesn’t mean I will not do short term roleplays or roleplay’s that can be answered once a day or more, just craving the former.

I do have partner standards. BIGGEST RULE, please do not approach me with a half-hearted, single sentence message unless you are just looking to chat. Now, I don’t expect a lavish novel length proposal, but I want to see some passion in my partners. Literacy is high priority, but grammar mistakes here and there do not bother me. Attention to detail is also a requirement, if it’s a quicker roleplay its understandable to pass up on the small details, but one liners really irritate me. My smut to plot ratio changes to fit the plot at hand, but just because a plot is heavier in smut does not mean there is no story. My usual ratio is 50/50.

If a roleplay is not doing it for me, I will let you know. I will either suggest tips to fix it or apologize, because I can’t make myself continue. I expect the same curtesy in return. I will not be upset or mad, that is the name of the game.

I'm curious if people are still trigger happy when it comes to PMs, so if you have read this far and intend to message me, please put your fave color as the subject.

Below I will list my interests, but they are not set in stone. Feel free to send me your original ideas. Here is my F-List, it’s not elaborate currently, but you get the gist of what I like: Link

Time periods/settings:
Prehistoric (Never done this, seems interesting.)
post-apocalyptic (Always nice)

Pairing ideas:

Monster/Human or small humanoid character(MC)
Dragon/Human or small humanoid character (MC)
Criminal/kidnapped victim (MC)
Scary Biker/kidnapped victim (MC)
Typical Slice of Life Pairings
Professor/ Student (MC)

Plot Ideas:
Kind of barren at the moment, I’ll add more as I get ideas.

Monster’s Accidental Breeder

(MC) leaves her village to forage for medicinal items in the forest. She is typically on her guard in such a dangerous place, but when a tree limb breaks off a tree, she doesn’t expect it. (MC) ends up knocked out only to be found by (YC which is hopefully a beast of sorts or dragon). When (MC) finally wakes she has no memory of who she is, and her life before the accident. (YC) who may have already had intentions to take what he wanted of the young woman, gets the idea to use the situation to his advantage. He spins her a new life and tells her she is his wife/concubine/breeding bitch.

Broken world

Based in apocalyptic times, there are four horsemen that have come to ravish the earth for their god. (YC) would be one (or all, I can get kinky) of the horseman. (MC) is a human that's world has been turned upside down. The news is able to get some track on the horseman's travels so when a town hears that they are coming their way they scram. Except the older stubborn population... and (MC) she is tired of running even though she is begged to leave, she can't. She's going to fight. In this I see her kidnapped, and forced to watch as the horseman (one or all) ravishes the world with his talent. This is a little dark but I feel like this story can be played in a variety of ways.

This can be shaped multiple ways, and has the potential to be longer term.
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