Fx Female The good stuff: Pairings, plots, fandoms and more


Mar 24, 2020
About Me
I am Jessica, a 21 year old Dutch student. I am a bit of jock, I have done most sports available to me since I was little but ultimately stuck with gymnastics which I have practiced since I was 8 years old. I also have been into fitness for a long time but the past few years I have picked up Crossfit which I absolutely love! I am also a huge nerd. Ever since I was young I was playing Nintendo games, watching cartoons and fantasy movies, and have been a book worm. Now, I have also started writing my own stories. Which brought me to this site. In my own opinion, I am a detailed, literate, versatile writer and a fun writing partner. But of course you'll be the better judge of that. So let's get started and find out if we're a match.

Writing Etiquettes
- No one liners. I like to write a decent amount of text myself, although I don't want to put up mandatory writing lengths since I think this should be a bit dynamic I tend to write multiple paragraphs.
- Frequent replies preferred. I myself will be able to respond every other day if not daily if no serious life priorities come up and would love a similar frequency from my partners, however writing blocks and other stuff happen so let's also give each other some flexibility. Basically I'm an active writer and am searching for an active partner.
- Roleplays preferably written in pm's. I feel most comfortable writing in pm's and stay on Blue Moon.
- Communication is key. I would like a proper line of communication with my partners. Tell me when you're going to be inactive, give me feedback and most importantly let's talk about our roleplay the fun part is that we're doing this together. Also totally open for chit-chat with my partners.
- If interested shoot a pm my way! Please send me a pm instead of posting in the thread. Also I would love an extensive first message telling my what it was from my request thread that appealed to you and what you want to write or talk about together. No one liner rule applies here as well.
- Side notes: Both first and third person writing are fine. I am willing to write multiple roleplays with one partner. I like to have fun on this site, but I'm still here for writing stories so I'd want our story to have a proper backbone.
- Hard No's (F-list will come up in the future): Extreme Violence, Non-con, Scat, Vore & Gore.

General ideas:


Slice of life
Teacher x Student
Teacher x Teacher
Teacher x Parent
College roommates
Therapist x Client
Photographer x Amateur/Professional model
Boss x Personal Assistant
Olympic athlete x Olympic athlete
Crossfit games athlete x Crossfit games Athlete
Celebrity x Celebrity (x Fan)
Cosplay x Cosplayer (x Fan)
Youtuber x Youtuber (x Fan)
Hitchhiker x Driver
Cheerleader x Cheerleader
Babysitter x Single parent
(Step) Sister x (Step) Sister
(Step) Mother x (Step) Daughter
Film Noir Detective x client
Secret agent x Secret agent
Secret agent x Researcher
Pilot x Co-Pilot

Monster hunter's (Van Helsing style)
Angel/Demon x Human
Adventurers in Fantasy world
Detective x OC in an occult mystery (H.P. Lovecraft)
Greek God x Demigod/Hero
Superhero x Superhero
Two enhanced Humans waking up in a empty spaceship

Avatar The legend of The last Airbender
Kim Possible
Harry Potter
Game of Thrones
Star Wars
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Deus Ex
Resident Evil
League of Legends
The elder scrolls


The True Arthurian tale (Fantasy)
King Arthur is not a noble King he is like the myth says. He is a Tyrant who rules with an iron fist. The knights of the round table are thugs loyal to Arthur and plague the land and the inhabitants (maybe in a less direct less obvious way). Merlin is a malicious but genious strategist and advisor to the king. Arthur deceives the people of Camelot with such myths as his sword and the holy grail to subdue.
Our characters can be anything in this story: knights, prisoners, princess of another kingdom, adventurers determined to stop King Arthur or Arthurian Characters themselves.

A luxury summer working (slice of life)
Our characters are both High School students (Seniors), who have been enrolled in an excellence program for working abroad to see more of the world and gain some valuable experience.
It turns out that our characters both have been selected to work in a luxurious five star beach hotel in an exotic country. The girls will fulfill a lot of different functions in the hotel to get as much work experience as possible. But will of course also have some spare time to enjoy the luxurious hotel they landed themselves in. Over the course of their experience in the hotel the inexperienced girls will get to know each other and themselves. Of course, it goes without saying that a romance develops between the two girls. This is a pure slice of life roleplay, with a large focus on fluff and summer love.

The road to Olympic gold (slice of life)
This Roleplay would be about two Olympic athletes in the same sport, my heart goes out to Gymnastics but it can be any sport we decide on. The relationship between the girls can be long time friends, family, training partners or even somewhat strangers to each other. This roleplay would describe their days working towards the Olympics, where they struggle with all sort of problems: Time management, training, maybe even placing for the Olympics and of course getting their financing straight. The two athletes would be placed in the same Olympic team and start training together apart from that they are in this journey together so share a lot of the problems. A big idea is the two raising money together, going to talkshows, doing photoshoots, raising awareness, doing seminars together. During this time spent together, the girls grow closer and closer to each other.

Survival (Fantasy)
This Roleplay is inspired by resident evil 2. Basically our two characters will be trapped in an area, a small city, village or a large building therein, where they have to survive a zombie outbreak or some infectious disease that transforms the people around them, with of course some larger plot going on at the same time that we do not have to address but can hint at. Definitely an action packed rp, little less romance but we can write that in easily at the same time as well.

(Legend of Korra)
After the events in the series the gang split up. Mako and Bolin found their place in helping the earth kingdom becoming a true democracy. Tenzin and the other Air benders went back to the air temple to their best and provide a reputable temple for air benders around the world. Korra and Asami didn't take the trip to the spirit world like was suggested in the ending of the series instead in this version they went to Zaofu, the iron city of Suyin Beifong, where they took residency. Here Asami takes care of her business and tries to rebuild the business empire her father once had and Korra is training her skills and, admittedly, is taking some time off. We can write about the adventures they have here in Zaofu and surrounding areas, or can go with a bit more slice of life style roleplay and have them enjoy the luxuries of the palace, go to events in the city and write about a romance growing between the two.

Have you ever played D&D? Heard of the concept? I want to write a story with you wherein a character of yours is set in a world where I guide you through as a DM. I will play as every character you encounter and set the setting for most events in the world. Basically I will be the narrator of the story. We can write this as close or far away from actual D&D as we like. But I thought a chance system for actions in this world would be a fun idea. If interested send me a PM with your ideas and we'll work it out.

Thank you for reading my request thread!​
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