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Fx Female Some Up Close and Personal Social Distancing


Jan 2, 2014
San Diego
Well, I'm sure many of us are experience a bit of madness thanks to a certain global pandemic, so I've once more returned to have some quality interactions with other people since my family and I are stuck at home. SO I'd love to RP, or even just talk to other people. I hope to hear from you lovelies soon!

What I’m looking for is some nice, long term roleplaying. Something with a deep plot, substance, and some romance. I love a good story and good smut as well, but like any good relationship, you have to work for it.

So, if anyone’s interested in playing with me, I have some very simple, very reasonable rules. Please respect them and understand that some of these rules are ironclad. Don’t worry, I don’t have many, and you’ll find I can be quite… flexible in some regards. I’m here to satisfy you as much as you are to satisfy me.

No Boys Allowed

Sorry gentleman, but I am a lesbian, and strictly play lesbians. Maybe sometimes bisexual characters, but that will mostly be a background element or a catalyst to my character seeking out the fairer sex. So, if you’re looking to play a male (or character that identifies as male). Please look elsewhere. This is not to exclude the gentlemen in the house who can play women. If you’re skilled at imitating women in your writing, then I’ll happily oblige.


I am at least beneficial to be able to work remotely from home during these hard times, but I am a full-timer and mother of two. Even when I'm stuck at home I can find time to breathe some days. I get it, my workload fluctuates constantly. I understand it’s hard and this may be the last thing on your mind as well. I will do my best to keep responses frequent as at least once a day but don’t be surprised if I drop off for a day or more, I will do my best to PM you if there will be a delay, I would appreciate you extending the same courtesy or just tell me if you’re losing interest.

No Animals Allowed

Sorry furries, but this is a strictly human zone. I keep it strictly human, so no furries and no bestiality. Nothing personal, that’s just not my kink.

Terms of Service

Yeah, this is more or less the list of things that are more implied, but worth stating anyway. No scat, rape to the point it takes my character and the plot out of my control, as well as no gore during sex or vore. Pedophilia is strictly banned on this forum, so that goes without saying. As well as anything else that’s just so far beyond decent like necrophilia and the like. Finally, just don’t be a dick. Don’t be a dick and we’ll get along nicely.

Now that all the business talk is out of the way, let’s have a bit more fun. I’ll talk a bit more about what I like in a good RP and things I enjoy from my many years on this forum. I prefer to take other peoples’ ideas instead of listing a mountain of roleplaying ideas and plot hooks. So here’s a bit about me and my ladies.

Yes Mistress

While I’m not really hardcore when it comes to bondage or BDSM, I'm more of a Dom. I can be a switch too if the need arises. Here’s your invitation to be my pet. If you’re looking for a confident, sexy mistress to order you around and happily put you in your place, I’m always happy to oblige. I emphasize my characters’ love to control through emotions and psychologically. Though, I take care of my precious, little pets. I’ll treat you right, so long as you behave.

Magic in the Air

I love fantasy and everything magical. I will gladly do anything fantasy balanced from warriors and mystical beasts to angels and demons. I draw a lot of inspiration from classic fantasy, contemporary fantasy, as well as a blend of my own ideas. I have a very deep knowledge of most things Dungeons and Dragons as well. Feel free to show off your nerd pride. I’m even fine with modern day fantasy and original superheroes. I prefer OCs over using established characters. So, no Marvel or DC Universe heroes, or My Hero Academia. If the story is established in, say, My Hero’s universe with quirks, that’s fine, but no canon characters interactions or locations.

Isn’t it Romantic?

I, like many of you I’m sure, am a sucker for a good love story and romance. It can be the most genetic plot hook, but I love adding my own flair to tried and true love stories. From fantasy to normal everyday life. It’s the characters that matter most. I’ll happily explore any genre that I see as palatable. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Wiggle Room

Here’s where we start to get into the gray areas. Futanari, I’m not wholly against it, but your character has to be endowed with both anatomies. And please don’t whip out your two-foot dong and grapefruit sized balls, and jizz literal buckets. That’s beyond unrealistic and gross to me. Fandoms, generally I don’t do things within established universes. I may soften that stance if it’s a series I like, such as Pokemon. Transforming characters are fine, but know there will be no sex between any characters while characters are in animal forms.

Natural Twenty

Now I get to show off my nerd side a bit. Dungeons and Dragons is fine, but I’ll avoid the Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Planescape, Greyhawk, etc. in favor of our own world. Same thing goes for established characters, sorry Drizzit. Gods and Goddess, as well as creatures from Monster Manuals, are fine. Note, I play 3.5 and 5e, so the creatures will more resemble those respective editions.

I think that pretty covers everything you need to know about me and my tastes, I do so look forward to hearing from all of you. It’ll be my pleasure to have a nice, long roleplay with you. I use both forum posts and Conversations if you so prefer. I hope to hear from you soon.

With love, May
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