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Fx Female The various ways of dominating a young kitten

Kotomi Aurora

Apr 4, 2015
Kitten here seeking out a dominating Mistress/Owner to either tame or take in a pet. Am open to loads of various scenes and pairings. Just to list a few of my own here:
  • Slave auction
  • Mail order pet/slave
  • Stray being taken in
  • Kidnapped from home/streets/work
  • Authority figure/low level thief
  • Boss/Employee
  • Teacher/student
  • (Step)Sisters
  • (Step)Mother/daughter
  • And more...
Of course these listed aren't the only things I'll do or play out. It's just a very small list and I am always open to hearing yours ideas you have in mind. I'm open to modern, fantasy, and futuristic settings. Can play my character in different ways. She can be innocent and caregiving, easily painted in whatever color you'd like. Or she can be a bit resilient, fighting along the way until you reach that point in breaking her in.

As for how I roleplay I can do both 3rd and 1st person, whichever you prefer. As for my post length I do tend to post from 2-4 paragraphs here. Can post in both PM and threads so no problem with either or.
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