Fx Male Looking for story-focused play on Discord


Feb 13, 2019
Hey everyone!

As the title states, I am looking for a male writing a story-focused roleyplay with me. Of course, it doesn't mean that there won't be any smut. I just prefer a nice build-up.

I only play via discord, so please don't ask me to write via PM or on forum.

Here are some of my ideas:

Idea #1
This plot would require you to play two males. But one is more of a side character. We can decide if it plays in today's world or perhaps 30s/40s or even 50s. Now to the main plot: Think a bit Tarzan and Jane-ish.
My character is a rich heiress. Her father had recently passed away and his passion was the flora and fauna and animals of the amazonian jungle. He had financed many expeditions there and whenever it was possible he had even joined those expeditions. For those kind of expeditions in the amazonian jungle there had always been a guide needed (that would be the "side" character of yours). He is a macho type, with guns and knives and knowledge of the dangers of the jungle etc. Obviously he doesnt live there, but has been guiding many groups there for years. Since my father had been a big financier and had always picked that macho guy to do the job, he and my character had met too. So he either a) is very interested in my heiress - after all he is a macho and it would hurt his ego not to bed her or b) he had already managed to wrap her around his finger and they are engaged already. (that is something we could decide on)

Anyways...now with the father dead and her inheritating all the money she decides to continue doing what her father loved. So she finances a expedition into the jungle again and even decides to join this time. The macho guy is of course the guide again. They visit a part of the jungle they havent been before to explore and that is where your main character lives. Here are options again for the main chara. a) he could be the last of his tribe b) he could, a bit like Tarzan, be living there his whole life already. His parents could've been explorers but they died when your character was a teen or so. He speaks perfectly English and continued to be living there for many years. After all he grew up there and knows his way around. At some point our main characters meet in the jungle. How they meet is up to us. He could be rescueing her in some way or helping her when a snake pops up or whatever. So there is fascination on both sides. My character is intrigued with your character and wants to find out more about him. At some point she will bring him back to camp and wants to show him things. The macho guy won't be too happy about it. My character will try to talk yours into coming to civilization with her, to show him the cities and make use of his great knowledge of the jungle etc.

Should he agree there are alot of things we can play out. I mean he doesnt know about alot of things or knows how to act in society. I think it could be an interesting and unique play

Idea #2:
This plot would require you to play two characters again. We are the children of missionaries. We are living with our parents in a little hut in Africa ever since we can remember. When we were both in our late teens, our parents died due to an illness; leaving us behind. Since we dont know any other life, we continue living there, helping the african people. Perhaps our father had been a doctor and you learned a lot from him and so you treat and help the africans; occasionly traveling to a city to get more supplies – while I help by assisting you and teaching them the english language. Naturally we are really close since we only have eachother. Lately however, you start to have more than just brotherly feelings towards me. Things start to get complicated when a hunter passes our hut and asks to stay for a few days. I start to give the hunter alot of attention and you start to get jealous....

Idea #3:
You are in your 30s, a very good looking, calvin-klein model kind of guy. You are a dream and you totally know it and take advantage of your good looks. You never worked a single day in your life and finance your whole lifestyle by dating/being the boy-toy/gigolo to rich older women. They shower your with expensive gifts in exchange for your affection. You are also never really "interested" in them other than letting them finance your lifestyle. If one woman loses interest in you, you simply move on to another rich lady. One day, as one of of the women take you along somewhere, you meet me/get introduced to me. Im sort of a mousy character, in my 20s - you are polite but not really interrested, until you hear that I am the daughter of a very rich man and will inherit a massive fortune one day. From that moment you start to charm me with the intention to wrap me around your finger and then propose marriage to me, so that you too will be filthy rich and never have to worry about money ever again and can pick your lovers by their looks and not by their bank accounts from now on....

Idea #4:
As a teenager our mother gave birth to me and I was given away to grow up with my father. After all our mother came from a posh area and my father was just a gardner. So it would have been frowned upon if she had kept me - after all the whole pregnancy had been handled secretive. Shortly after, she met your father and got married to him and eventually gave birth to you. We never met eachother or knew that the other one existed. Now years later, our mother dies and I am mentioned in the will. I am surprised as I never knew my mother. However, I am getting her share of the company that you and her have been running for years. You are shocked and outraged that some waitress is getting what you wanted... So the mess begins...

If any idea caught your interest, feel free to contact me.

I'm looking forward hearing from you!
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