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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔠𝔠𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔚𝔬𝔩𝔣 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢 [ ɪʀᴏɴɪᴄ ✧ ᴄʜᴇᴠᴀʟɪᴇʀ ]


Dec 31, 2018


Within the land of shadows lay a realm where not even the sun dare rise. A once proud and prosperous human kingdom, long abandoned by the people that once inhabited it. For nearly two hundred years, the land had been devoid of life, a solemn ruin of the great civilization that once occupied it. But as all things die, so too is new life born. The once desolate lands have now become occupied with new people from foreign kingdoms, seeking new opportunities and farmlands to toil once more. However, the superstitious people of these new lands have begun to spread rumors of the kingdom that once existed before them. Of these rumors, an abandoned castle at the heart of the lands have worried the peasants. They tell stories of a demon king that rules over the land, the legends becoming more extreme with each passing day...


Within the forgotten lands lay an abandoned spire, nestled at the top of an ominous cliff side and reaching upwards towards the blackened sky. To the outward observer, the dark tower was in a state of obvious disrepair, even the pathway leading up the titanic slopes being lost to the weathering elements. It is a place where no person dare tread... and yet the peasants are mesmerized by it, enamored by the small lights that illuminate the spire from the darkness. It is evident that someone... or something resides there to this day... but what could it be? Such a question has riled the fearful peasants, so much so that they have turned to an outsider for help. A poor farming season and early winter have only driven the peasants even further into superstition, believing that whatever lurks within the abandoned spire to be the cause of their problems.

Little did the mortals know, deep within the cavernous tower ruled a Prince born of witchcraft and deceit, with a mane of gold and emerald eyes. Abandoned by those that had once adored him, the lonely Prince took to hoarding gold, diamonds and weapons. Anything shiny... anything valuable... in the absence of people, perhaps the Prince simply wanted to see his own reflection. Nevertheless, he kept all of the treasures that amassed into a great pile within his lair, having no other purpose in life than to collect the beautiful objects that would never abandon him. But even with all of his toys, the accursed Prince was tired... he was bored... he was depressed. As he lay against the splendid piles of treasures from his long lost kingdom, he shed tears.

He wanted to die.


Clouds formed over the foreboding castle, a storm of white pouring over the land and lathering the mountainous cliff side in a soft blanket of white. One would think that such inhospitable weather, matched with the mountainous terrain would ward off any would be trespassers, but humans were far more unpredictable than even the Gods could anticipate. A lone, feminine figure fought up the dangerous slopes, navigating towards the castle entrance with a surprising speed. But throughout her journey, she had been watched by a wayward pair of eyes. Vibrant, emerald stars that peered out from their lonely prison from beneath the veil of darkness. She couldn't see them, but if she had, they would warn her to stray from her course. For there was only sadness within his walls, beset between beautiful mountains of gold and riches. But of course, the woman would be unable to heed his silent warnings. She would continue to navigate towards the entrance to his lavish abode. It was time to meet his visitor, the Prince taking to the spiral stairs that led down to the front entrance.

The hall was a barren wasteland, kept as such to ward away potential thieves. Despite hoarding treasures, the castle remained in a state of disarray, the columns rotting and rubble decorating the dusty floors beneath his feet. The Prince could not even remember his name and yet images of the once beautiful palace still pervaded his thoughts. He remembered that he had been adored once, with swarms of servants available to cater to his every whim. He watched as the woman struggled through the foreboding doorway, the only entrance to the massive sprawl that was the Prince's cage. He waited for her to notice him, the darkness seeping around the dimly lit castle like a great serpent. Upon seeing the strange woman, the Prince eagerly licked his lips. What a beautiful, little thing. Perhaps, if she would not be the one to finally bring him peace, that he would take her as his own. A piece of treasure to rival the rest of his collection.

"Welcome, to my humble castle." Surprisingly, he still knew how to articulate words, though he wondered if the language he spoke was still relevant or understandable.

The once silent night stirred awake with stifled sounds of screaming and gasping before all fell hushed. While stirring and revolving in her bed, Elle’s lids fluttered open indolently as her consciousness grew stronger by the passing moments. ”Did I just hear… screaming?” She’d blink before rubbing the crust out from within her eyes with curled up hands carefully. All was still before more muffled screams lingered in her ears that came from down the hall where her bedroom was located. Uncovering herself from her weighted blankets she’d dangle her legs over the edge of the bed before planting her feet firmly on the cold flooring beneath her. Her body was securely wrapped in a white long-sleeved shirt with matching pants.

She’d tip-toe towards her dresser, opening the first drawer to grab her dagger. The blade mocked her as she stared back at her reflection upon it. The handle was smooth to the touch as she clutched it securely, a gut feeling lingering that whatever she heard earlier wasn’t on good terms. Elle heaved in a deep breath of air as she lingered towards her closed door, hearing approaching footsteps on the other side. Upon opening the door, five masked individuals made their way towards the hallway.

Her eyes widened as they darted towards their hands, noticing they wielded an assortment of weapons, stained with crimson. ”That explained those screams! She’d connect the puzzle pieces together, already aware that her valuable family was now deceased. Her feet moved quicker than her mind as she darted to the left and bolted like a bat out of hell. The group was hasty to follow in her tracks, their footsteps reverberating off from the hallway walls. Elle didn’t bother to look behind her to see how far they were from her back.

One of the entity’s tossed a blade in her track, causing it to scrape up against her right upper arm. Immediately she could feel a warm trickle of liquid drip down from her elbow and dribble down onto the floor, coating her once white shirt cerise. Elle didn’t let that stop her as she dashed her way out the front entrance of her abode. The rocky tarmac was cold against the soles of her feet, not having enough time to put on shoes. When she ran into the forest, she revolved her head to see if anyone was following her, and to her surprise the chase ceased.


Tales of a legendary beast that hoards an assortment of treasures came across Elle’s mind as she paced throughout the rocky terrain, the soles of her feet becoming wounded and scarred. If she were to find him, perhaps he would help her in taking back her kingdom and overthrowing those who slayed her family. She would lather him in thoughts of obtaining her own riches in exchange for his services, that’s if he would agree.

The night was cold and treacherous as she traveled north, avoiding contact with any wildlife that inhibited where she crossed paths. The topography grew more rock-strewn, making it hard for her to walk a decent pace to her destination. Her feet ached as well as her wounded arm. In the distance, a grand castle inhibited the murky skies, inviting her in with promises of warmth and shelter. “This must be the kingdom where this beast lives.” She muttered to herself as she climbed up perilous slopes. Sweat beaded at the top of her brow before wiping it away with the back of her hand, her body heaving itself upwards to continue her long journey.

It seemed like ages has passed before the entrance was in sight, and she threw out a sigh of relief to see that her hard work had paid off. The building looked to be in a state of disarray, and she couldn’t help herself but feel bad for whoever lived encased within those walls. Were they happy there?

Steadying her posture upright, she’d knock thrice on the grand door, but it was too thick for anyone to hear. Pushing and pulling at it with all the force she had within her she would hear an approving creak. Unhurriedly the door opened, showcasing a dimly lit hallway that smelled of aged dust. Elle couldn’t help herself but to let out a light cough, taken back by how dusty it was.

In the vague lighting held an indistinctive figure, and as she paced forward the lighting illuminated a face of a male. His jawline was chiseled perfectly, his hues iridescent with life, and his hair messily assorted atop of his head. He was rather tall compared to her petite height, feeling intimated. Her right hand gripped at her dagger firmly, an instinct for safety precautions.

“I apologize for intruding; I did indeed knock however.” Elle closed the door behind her, the wind from outside terminating now that she was inside. “I am Elle, Princess of Hylusa.” Generously she would bow down before him, her snowy tresses falling towards the floor until she raised her head back up and tucked a stray hair behind her right ear. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have traveled far in search for someone… or something.” She began to explain herself as she looked at the male before her, wondering if he would know the answers to her questions. "I don't want to spoil much now, but I need this persons help, badly."

The Prince eyed the intruder hungrily, watching as the lithe silhouette pressed into the decrepit space before her. A feminine voice signaled her arrival with an apology, before the wind's ominous howls gave way to the creaking closure of the door. He found the stranger's action amusing, for closing the door meant that the little Princess would have nowhere to run. Whether she had been cursed with stupidity, or graced with an overwhelming sense of confidence, not even the Prince would be able to ascertain. Perhaps, the little treasure presented before himself would have many more surprises contained within.

"A Princess? To what do I owe the honor of a royal visit?" The Prince bowed in kind, willing to entertain the momentary lapse of formalities. What the Princess failed to understand was that she had waltzed headlong into the wolf's den, a place where she should not so easily expect to escape. Nevertheless, the Wolf Prince heard the Princess' words with a stoic gaze, for he could seldom remember the last visitor that had traveled into his domain. "Very interesting." He cooed underneath a hushed breath, barely audible even among the castle's foreboding silence. With that, he stepped down from the rubble, navigating his way down towards the figure.

As he moved closer, the vivid touch of torchlight brought color to the woman's face. Her features were gentle and noble, with stubbornly silken skin and magnificent strands of sterling that reached down the length of her petite figure. She was dressed modestly, her feet appearing wounded and calloused from having traveled far without shoes. Yet, her disheveled appearance only added to her beauty. But more interesting than any of her other features were the innocent, azure skies that stared upon him - pure gemstones that gazed upon him with a mixture of conviction and benevolence. The gaze in her eyes reminded him of how people had seen him before he had become a monster.

"And what sort of help does a beautiful Princess like yourself seek?"
The Prince remarked ominously, stepped closer... and closer... until the cold space that once lingered between them dissipated between their royal forms. He moved closer, until his larger size would become threatening to the Princess, forcing her to step backwards to prevent colliding into him. This would go on for several more steps, until the Princess would feel the hard embrace of the door pressing against her back.

"More importantly, what does the Princess of Hylusa have to offer me?" He bit his lower lip teasingly. Indeed, if the Princess was seeking him out, then she surely had a grandiose request for him, one that would not be sated by gold and small trinkets. No, there would certainly have to be something far more interesting for him to ever want to leave his domain. He reached down, masculine digits hovering underneath Elle's soft portrait. A finger captured her by the chin, averting her gaze upwards and towards him, so that emerald gemstones could meet the vibrant sapphires that stared back at them.

But before Elle would be able to properly collect her thoughts, the gentle touch of his hand upon her chin fell to more nefarious desires. Abandoning her face, the hand slowly reached further downwards, his strong hand suddenly capturing the Princess by the throat. Gently, he begun tightening his grip, until the little Princess would feel herself struggling for air. She had made a grave mistake coming here. "Whatever legends you've heard are true. So tell me, why would a beautiful Princess come here... knowing that she would never be allowed to leave."

The Prince smiled, a mischievous grin melding upon his handsome portrait. "The question is, how long will you entertain me?"
The Princess watched as the enigmatic figure came to life, pacing evenly towards her direction. His form continued to gracefully get closer to her, eliciting her to step back to avoid a collision. She continued to stride backwards, her orbs looking from left-to-right apprehensively, then back to his own hues. A loud thump would resonate as her back finally struck against the door she came through. “Foolish girl, why did you close it?” She sighed at herself, feeling intimidated by the man before her.

She managed to swallow down the lump in her throat, building up the courage to respond to his first inquire. “My family has been assassinated in my Kingdom, and it has been overthrown. I heard rumors that if I traveled here, a beast would be able to aide me, but I do not see one?” Her brow quirked upwards, confused as to why he was becoming so… hostile.

Distressingly his fingertips caressed her chin, making her jolt with a fear she didn’t know has had acquired. Her mouth opened to respond to his query, but his digits had other plans. Sprawling outwards like a spider’s legs his fingers quickly grasped a hold of her neck, his grip robust and vacant with thoughtful emotion.

His fingers continued to curl, tightening his grip around her petite esophagus. Her hands hurriedly reached up to claw at his hand, leaving crescent-like indentations in his flesh, but not harsh enough to draw blood. Elle shook her head to give her some air circulation through her windpipe, enough for her to draw a few words.

Maybe, he was the beast...

“I can… offer you… riches… or part… of my… kingdom for you…. Efforts.” She winced as she struggled to get the words out, her lips beginning to turn a faint hue of blue. “Or… if not… I’ll offer you… my body… anything… please, help me… get my kingdom… back!” It was hard forming words when her throat was being clenched to death.
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