| Ms. Grinch's Interests |

Ms. Grinch

Dec 17, 2015


« Greetings and Hello's »

I am back after a very long unplanned hiatus, just trying to get back in the swing!
I am a female and have been roleplaying for over a decade. Roleplaying is a favorite
hobby of mine that I rarely get to enjoy these days. When I do, this thread will detail
what I am about, and how I like to go about it.

Unfortunately I am all over the board when it comes to my interests, kinks, and
writing skills. The best way to describe it, is that I am moody. It all falls down to what
I am in the mood for. Does anyone else have this problem? Females have
a god-given right to be moody, so I've heard. So lucky me!

What in blazes is she talking about?! Nothing, really. Just trying to justify why you
wont find any rhyme or reason to the direction of my plot requests or kinks. You'll just have
to trek forwards and weed through what may, or may not be in your style. Good luck!

► The Basics:

• I do not post on the weekends
• I average about 1 post a week
• I post about 2 - 7 healthy paragraphs per post
• I do not like one-liners
• I want detail, even in smut
• I like to discuss things in PM

► The Kinks:

• I play both Dominant and Submissive characters
• I play any and all gender pairings
• I enjoy one x one & multi-character plots
• I am into both smut & story-based roleplays
• I enjoy any and all genres
• I like it nice, I like it rough, I like it dark, I like it insane
• I like consensual & non-consensual & in-between
• I like to make cameos in other people's roleplays
• I have no sexual roleplaying limits, and obey BM's rules


« What I am Moody For »

▌► Abduction
A brother and sister are abducted by aliens and experimented with.
They are kept in observatory rooms (like a zoo exhibit). They are forced
to bond mentally with an individual alien who torments them and commands
them to be sexual with one another. Before anyone jumps, I want to
keep this as natural as possible. I am not interested in growing breasts or
macro/micro body-change experimentations. I am attracted to the mental
anguish and development with the captive siblings as they cope with what is
happening. I am highly open to what role I will play in this plot. I can play the
aliens and you can play the siblings, or even flip that around to where you
play the aliens and I play the siblings. Or, even yet, we can split it up and we
each play a sibling while we share the aliens. We can discuss this plot further.

▌► Born into Sin
I would like to play a woman (or girl) in about the 12th century who admits
herself into a Sisterhood Covenant in order to become a Nun for God. Upon
entering into the strict lifestyle and regime of the sisters, she makes a few
mistakes and the Priest punishes her. But one day she is caught masturbating
in her room, and the Priest drags her down to the lower basement of the church
to cleanse her of her sin. But he twists things around, and makes it so that she
only falls deeper and deeper into her sexual sins. He makes it her fault when
he cums in her mouth and fucks her. He forces orgasms from her and tells her
that God cannot cleanse her of sin if she keeps on taking pleasure in it. He
also severely punishes her by spanking and whipping and keeps her shackled
naked in a cell... .stuff like that.

Old Stuff - No Longer Interested In.
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