Fx Any The Land of Chicken Nuggets [UPDATED with new plots and NSFW GIFs!]

Trish the Nugg Queen

Mar 15, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Hi everyone, I'm Trish :3


I have a kink list now! tl;dr: I lean much more into sub, and I'm into a lot of different things, so as long as it's not scat, vomit, vore, gore, feet on/in me, or anything not allowed by the site, just ask and I'll probably say yes :3

You've probs read enough of these to know that I like replies longer than two sentences, I'd prefer if you told me if you're not feeling the RP any more or gonna be away for a while, don't write for my character, yada yada. Onto the good bits, the bits we all came here for 😁


"More wine, ma'am?"

Yo-jong placed her hand out flat over the rim of her glass. "No, that's enough for now. I need a clear head." She ignored his polite response, taking the last sip of deep red liquid.

Ever since the death of her brother, she'd been drinking more than usual. Much more. It was different now - she was used to being the silent workhorse, pulling the strings behind the scenes, the brains to Jong-un's brawn. The Goebbels to his Hitler. But now she'd found herself in the big chair, out on the world stage as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's first female Supreme Leader. She'd already denied interview requests from CNN, but they'd published a story on her anyway, proclaiming her ascension to be a 'progressive turning point for one of the most chauvinistic and male-dominated nations in the world'. She'd rolled her eyes when her intelligence officers had told her about that one.

She was, by necessity, tougher than Jong-un had ever been. Perhaps tougher even than their beloved father. Few in the Politburo respected her, only begrudgingly remaining loyal out of respect and reverence for the Kim dynasty. And then of course, there were the others in line for the metaphorical throne. Her uncle Pyong-il, even if he'd never been taken seriously as a political contender before, dearly wants the position and would command more respect from the Politburo simply by virtue of his penis. Or perhaps her snot-nosed preteen nephew (as much as she'd adored her brother, she never felt the same way about his children), who would hold a more traditional claim to succession as the son of the former leader, even if he'd need a regency in place until he came of age. Even her own father-in-law, though most were too wary about what effect installing someone from outside the Kim dynasty might have...

She was sick of all the cloak-and-dagger bullshit, all the looking over her shoulder. She had to be more ruthless than any of her family had before, if she was to hold onto power. And she had to hold onto power. She was the Supreme Leader now, virtually a living goddess to the people - to be deposed by any of the other contenders would bring all of the juche system into question, and destabilise the nation beyond repair.

"Ma'am?" came her aid's timid voice. "The American diplomat is here to speak with you."

Shit, she'd forgotten all about that... With everything going on since Jong-un's death, she hadn't even had time to think about foreign affairs. Naturally, internal stability and consolidating her personal powerbase had occupied her mind. What place would the United States, their age-old enemy, hold in her new regime? Would she build on her brother's early attempts at thawing relations, or would a more hardline approach be less controversial? Could they be a useful ally to her, or just another threat to her position? It could go either way, and these coming talks would surely define whatever was to come...

Main Kinks Involved: Dom/sub, cheating, creampies/pregnancy risk, possibly light raceplay/nationplay

So basically it's 2021/22ish, Kim Jong-un has died and his sister Kim Yo-jong has (precariously) taken his place. Trump has been re-elected and died of a stroke early in his term, leaving Mike Pence as president. Coronavirus cases have been slowly but steadily decreasing and the world is beginning to cautiously open up once more. Amidst these massive changes to the world leadership leaving the future uncertain, YC has arrived as a diplomat to the DPRK to discuss with Yo-jong how the two countries' relationship might look leading on from all this. He doesn't have to be American of course, he could be from elsewhere in the depraved capitalist west (United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Canada, etc.) or perhaps a closer neighbour (China, Japan, Vietnam, etc).

Either way, I'd foresee the diplomat having to stay longer than he'd expected (either by his own choice or for work reasons - North Korea doesn't hold people against their will, what are you talking about? 😇) and gradually developing a bizarre relationship with the first female dictator. She's supposed to be a strong and respectable leader, plus she's already married, but she just can't help submitting ;)


It's been three centuries since the fall of the Western Roman Empire, when the Germanic hordes overran the bloated imperium and hastened its inevitable collapse. All this time later, power in Europe is split mostly between two great empires.

Byzantium, the Eastern Roman Empire, has stood tall since the collapse. Though they too have been in slow decline, especially after the Islamic conquests of the 7th century, they remain mostly intact as a hub of trade, culture, and knowledge in the Balkans and Anatolia.

The Franks, ruled by Charles the Magnificent (or 'Charlemagne'), are the undisputed power bloc of the west. Stretching all the way from Aquitania to Germania Magna and into northern Italy, this vast kingdom of Christianised barbarians holds greater claim in the eyes of Pope Hadrianus to succession of the long-gone Roman Empire.

Both Byzantium and Francia are ruled by powerful, ambitious monarchs. Charlemagne is the Father of Europe, a King Arthur figure to modern France and Germany, and one of the most skilled statesmen and warlords of medieval Europe. Constantinople, on the other hand, is governed by Irene of Athens, the scion of the powerful Greek patrician family Sarantapechos, and the former consort of Leo IV. Though technically serving as regent to her young son, Irene is ruthlessly ambitious and is the true power of the throne. While historians tend to look unfavourably on female monarchs of the past, fabricating all sorts of awful rumours about them, the rumours of Irene's cold, calculating brutality are entirely truthful.

In real life, Irene suggested a possible marriage between herself and Charlemagne, which never came to fruition. If it had, they would have ruled over roughly two thirds of former Roman territory - essentially, the Imperium Romanum would have been reborn, with two of the most powerful and influential early medieval monarchs ruling it side by side.


In the distant lands of Caeth, amidst the steamy jungles and bone-dry deserts of the Lemurian continent, the Tainocavari (dinosaur riders) rule. Though wiped out everywhere else on Earth, the people of Caeth have been able to protect and breed countless generations of dinosaurs over many millennia. The bond between a Tainocavar and their dinosaur is stronger than between any other two animals, the two working as one on the field of battle. Though the empire of Kumari Kandam is far larger and more advanced, with a professional standing army and powerful trade economy, the Tainocavari have been instrumental in maintaining the Caeth tribes' independence.

You've recently arrived in Lemuria with an exploration party, to scout out the vast undiscovered stretches and see whether the lands are viable for colonisation. Caught in the jungles, the rest of your party has died one by one, at the hand of everything from natural predators to venomous plants to mosquitos with hyper-malaria to simple starvation. A scouting patrol of Tainocavari took pity on you, taking you into their tribe and nursing you back to full strength. Their language is strange and difficult to understand, but one thing is made very clear to you: Never go to the cave to the west, for there reigns Periya Iti, the Great Thunderer, an enormous untameable beast that slaughters everything it sees.

Main Kinks Involved: Reverse bestiality (male human x female animal), size difference, small dom/large sub, affectionate sex, unusual romance

So this one is maybe a little weird, but I really like the idea of it! It's pulling in all sorts of inspiration, such as Conan the Barbarian, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series, Lawrence of Arabia, How to Train Your Dragon, pulp adventure, etc. Basically it's the 19th century, and your exploration party is scouting out an enormous landmass between Madagascar, India, and Australia known as Lemuria. You get taken in by the Caeth tribespeople who tame and ride dinosaurs, and once you're back to full health, you of course go searching for Periya Iti, which turns out to be a massive, angry female Tyrannosaurus. You manage to tame it, becoming a Tainocavar yourself with the biggest and strongest dinosaur around. And of course, the Tainocavari have a very close bond with their dinosaurs, and though rare, interspecies 'communion' is hardly unheard of for the people of Caeth, if both rider and dinosaur want it...


It was Laura's first day at her new job, and she was honestly more terrified than excited. She walked through the office, a little unsteady in her heels, giving a pleasant little smile to anyone who looked over at her, but to her relief most were too busy focusing on their work to pay much attention to the new girl. She really didn't want any attention on her; Even though she'd gotten up particularly early for her beauty regimen, making sure everything from her hair to her (light) makeup to her clothes to her nail polish were perfect, but she still didn't feel right. Her enormous shoulders stuck out in her blouse, and every mirror she looked in reminded her that she was just a man in drag. Mirrors were the bane of her existence, truly. But if she could see all of this, surely everyone else could too, right?

See, Laura had a bit of a secret: Her birth certificate said 'Laurence', and locked away in her panties was a slight bulge. She'd taken this job to fund further treatment, counselling, and eventually surgery, but the stress of going out in a blouse, ass-hugging skirt, and heels, was enough to make her regret her decision. No one at the office knew her secret, and she hoped none of them ever would, but how long could she stay hidden away in the closet? How long would it be until one of her colleagues figured out what went unnoticed beneath the skirt?

Main Kinks Involved: MxTF, orientation play, cute romance, drama

So, in this one I'm looking to play a trans woman, pre-op (i.e. still has a penis) and deeply closeted, hoping that no one will notice she's not cisgender. Ideally your character would be a guy who's always been very, very hetero - not transphobic, but never really thought he'd find a trans girl attractive or want to be with one, but he takes a liking to Laura without realising her secret. How far do they get before she lets him in on it? Just while flirting in the office? After one or two dates? Or does she stay firmly closeted until he takes her home for some 'coffee'? 🙈

Either way, I'd like your character to be supportive, affectionate, and sweet after he finds out. It'll be a shock of course, and take some adjusting and soul-searching on his part, but ultimately he finds that he likes her regardless of her biological sex 😊


Pairings (no preference for which I play)
Student x Teacher (a bit of a cliche porn plot, but a classic all the same!)
Vampire x Human
Werewolf x Human
Demon x Human
Alien x Human
Rival politicians


Incest 😛


(Don't normally play canon characters, but I could be convinced otherwise)
Warhammer 40,000
Elder Scrolls
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Harry Potter

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