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Fx Male A Wonderland waiting to be amused


Jan 30, 2014
Behind you
Salutations! As the title states, I am on the prowl for some amusement. I have three partners at the moment, but there is more of me to go around and they are not the selfish sort. I had four partners, but some poor choices on their part opened the window and hopefully that is where one of you lovelies comes in! ;) Below you will find my rules, which I shall keep short and to the point, along with a sample of my writing and topics I enjoy.

-Literate-Advanced! This means at least two paragraphs. I typically post three paragraphs and up, but it depends on what I am given.
-Grammar and Spelling! Now, I know we all make mistakes, but we all have at least the basics from going to school.
-Please, please be active! I know we all have lives, but at least let me know and don't just ghost me.
-I can RP through PMs or in the forums, though I do prefer PM.
-Please, please be willing to work with me on ideas! There is nothing more annoying to me than being the only one putting forth an effort to come up with ideas.
-All of my characters are 18+ and if there is a character I use that is younger it will never be in a sexual light.
-I DO NOT do female x female pairings! I apologize if you have hopes of getting that with me, but I was convinced to try it once (I do try almost anything at least once) and it was not for me.

Writing Sample:
*Note: that these are all responses to ongoing roleplays, I just enjoyed them enough to use them.
One step forward...

She resigned herself to being alone, a familiar feeling even though by all outward appearances it appeared as though she had never been alone, but appearance were nothing if not deceiving. As her hand, the warmth from the brief touch they shared fading away like a dream, lowered to her side the mage pondered about where she would go from here. There were so few safe places to be had for a mage, fewer still when it was discovered that she was of elven blood. Even though half of her was human that would not be what others saw when they discovered the other secrets she held, they would only see another of the sharp eared villains sent to destroy them. Even her fellow mages would not welcome her back, even the kindest among them assuming that her elven blood would be all the protection she would need. Elves were supposed to be the most talented with magic after all, right?

Arrogant bastards...

And so it was that the half-breed, who truly belonged nowhere, resigned herself to being truly alone for the first time in a century. The realization had no right to bother her as much as it did, the weight of it hitting her stomach like a rock that caused a wave of nausea to rise up. What had heavenly being had she wronged to deserve this fate? It was a question she had asked herself on more than one occasion late at night as she sat within her chambers with various books of spells spread out on the floor beside her, but it was only now, as what remained of the prince's caravan smoldered around her, that it truly seemed to unsettle her.

Another step...

"So you'll be going that way then?" The thief's voice hit her ears, reminding her that at least for a moment still there was someone with whom to share company. Their time was a fleeting thing she knew and yet as he continued to speak, causing her pointed ears to twitch slightly as though they were trying to ensure they did not miss a single syllable, she found herself hesitant to bring their moment to an end just yet. And doing so seemed to be in her advantage as he listed off the many reasons why going in her current direction might not be the best choice. Barely hiding the wince that passed through her lithe frame she moved just so, trying to show him that she was not truly choosing to head West. She had a sinking feeling that he, a man who was skilled at noticing things that many would miss, would not be so easily fooled. Simple though he might seem, she knew that was just a mask.

Appearances were quite deceiving after all...

Giving a small sigh as he continued to speak, causing her to wonder for a moment how someone who could talk so much could ever make a successful thief. Perhaps annoying people was how he robbed them? The thought of a nobleman chucking a pouch of gold at the man's face just to get him to go away had laughter bubbling in the back of her throat, though she did her best to hold it off as she turned to face him. Though there was no hiding the smile that tugged at the corner of her full, pale pink lips, nor the way her violet eyes seemed to sparkle with mirth. If he was put off by the idea of her laughing at his expense he did not show it, a smile curling upon his own lips that was befitting for one of his profession.

"Or I could follow you." She repeated his offer, one eyebrow arching upward as she tipped her head to one side. A hum played across her lips as the smile on them shifted to a small grin that gave her a look that was pure mischief. Slowly she stepped forward, studying him carefully as he spun her an offer that was worth more, at least to her, than the heavy satchel of gold she had placed into his hands just moments before. 'I'll see you there alive.' Briefly her eyes widened, amusement gone from her features, and for a moment she stared at him in pure shock, but just as quickly it was gone and hidden carefully behind a mask of amusement.

"Yes," There came another hum as she came closer still, gaze locked onto his blue one. Had she ever seen eyes quite so blue before? A faint flush of color spread across her pale cheeks as she kicked the thought aside as quickly as it came. Now was not the time! "Despite the threat of endless talking," She tried her best to sound annoyed, but the small bout of laughter the she offered to him revealed the truth as she tried her best to not fall victim to the very charming smile he flashed at her. "It does sound like a good arrangement."

Almost too good...

"Though I fail to see how you benefit from it." The suspicion was back with a vengeance, her eyes narrowing just slightly even though the signs of her amusement remained. Even though she had doubts that his intentions were pure she did not show signs that she would turn away his offer, even going as far as to pluck his daggers from the ground and place them back into his hands as a show of trust. As her fingers brushed against his own once more she was full on blushing as he joked of calling her a beautiful stranger. Even if it was not something he meant, for no one was fool enough to find one such as herself anything less than unsettling, the words still had a pleasing effect on her. Which was partly why it was so easy for her to offer up her name.

"Isadora." It was a whisper as she moved back just so, body dipping into a small curtsey. "My name is Isadora."
Anna was not quite sure herself if the way she was acting was exactly brave or completely foolish. To the group of his eager minions that were watching them with all the patience of a starving dog waiting for their master to prepare their meal they would argue that she was quite the fool. The way she came charging into their den with little thought or care for her own wellbeing, even going as far as to attack one of their own, was not the mark of one who was brave. And she could feel them laughing at her as they studied her, pinpointing spots on her body that would be the prime location to feast from. She could practically hear them wondering if she would scream and plead for her life as her sister had, the thought causing her hands to ball into tight fists at her side. But she tried not pay them any mind as her violet eyes, sparkling in the rage that danced within their depths like a fire, remained fixed ahead and locked tightly on the icy gaze of their host.

She was prepared for anything he might throw at her, body tensing in preparation for a strike of his hand, but it never came. What came instead rattled her in such a way that for just a single moment she forgot all about the bittersweet cocktail of rage and grief that had been threatening to consume her. Like a teacher correcting a student that had misspoken he corrected her statement about her sister, referring to the corpse that was still sprawled out on the couch a few feet away from them as nothing more than a hallow shell of flesh. Her sister was gone he informed her on a tone so flat that her jaw went slack from the pure shock of it, hanging open in a way that might have been comical if their situation had been different.

How...How dare he!

Like a flash the rage came rushing back and her jaw clamped shut with an audible snap as Anna glared daggers at him, lips parting to sling a colorful string of words at him that would make his head spin. But he was one step ahead of her, as he always would she would find out much later. The sound of her name dancing across his tongue, as though it was a fine wine and he was taking his time to savor it, gave her pause. Gone was the mocking tone and in its wake she would swear there was the barest hint of affection, as though she had just shared the most precious of secrets with him. If not for the wickedness dancing within his icy depths, making them sparkle in the dim lighting of the mansion, she might have allowed herself to believe that it was real, that actually felt something for her other than mockery, but as with all of their interaction it was just another lie, another joke to which she did not know the punch line.

“Ass.” The word slipped out barely above a whisper, nothing more than mere a breath across her lips as he showered her in praise. With a smile that some might have found charming he cooed about how brave she was to share her name with him, as though she was a toddler that had just taken its first step. Mocking her, always mocking her. Her lips curled at the edges into a sneer, ready to wipe that smug look right off his handsome face, when he moved. There came a slight tingle of fear racing down her spine as he stepped forward and she wondered if this would be when he would strike. Had he finally had enough of their dance? And why, she wondered as she watched him move, did the thought of that cause a sense of dread to rush over her? Without Sophia she had nothing to live for, right?


Swallowing past the lump that had formed in the back of her throat, Anna tried to focus only on her rage, clinging to it desperately like a lifeline, as he closed the distance between them. She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he intimidated her. Though instead of lashing out he circled her, eyes moving across her body and taking in every detail. Dimly she was surprised to find herself wondering, through the heady cloud of rage that fogged her mind, if he liked what he saw. Did he find the freckles that gave a bit of color to her otherwise pale skin appealing? Did he think that there was too much fat on her stomach as the dance instructor from her college, who had circled her in the same way, had? Were her breasts, that were pushed up and out in a silent plea for attention thanks to the tight, black dress she wore, pleasing to him? More than that, why did she give a single fuck what he thought of her? He was a murderer, a monster! Whether he found her attractive should not even be a thought that crossed her mind and yet, she had been unable to stop herself. And she hated herself for it.

Through all her inner turmoil Anna missed most of what he said, only regaining focus as he stopped behind her. As his hands, as cold as the ice that gave pigment to the eyes that had all but drank her in, settled on her shoulders and she made to flinch away from the touch something pressed against her mind. In a warm wave, as gentle and firm as the hands on her shoulders, it washed over her and with a faint gasp she found that she could no longer move. Haven’t you realized what we are? He asked as the heavy feeling moved down like an anchor to settle firmly at her bare feet, keeping her rooted in spot even as her brain was all but screaming for her to run. In that moment all the pieces of the puzzle, all the clues that she had either been ignoring or missed entirely, came snapping together and the realization slammed into her like a punch to the gut.

“Vampire...” The word was louder than the last one she had uttered as her tongue, the only extremity she found that she could still move, peaked out to dampen lips that suddenly felt far too dry as his lips brushed oh so gently against her ear in a way that would have made her shiver if she had the ability to do so. The area was something of a weak spot for her and even though she was furious with him, longing for the chance to claw and tear out his eyes, Anna could not stop the way her breath hitched as those lips brushed and fluttered over her skin with every syllable. His voice, laced with an accent she could not quite place her finger on, sounded so much more powerful and dangerous this close as he asked if she longed for death’s sweet embrace. Though there was a hint, small though it was, of what one might call affection as he offered to her a promise of giving her the freedom from the cold, unforgiving chains of life.

Wasn’t that what she wanted?

Honestly, she was not so sure, but it was not an offer she was given long to consider as his hands, which had moved down her body so slowly that she had missed their journey entirely, settled around her waist. So gently did he hold her, as though she was both the most precious and fragile thing he had ever touched. If it weren’t for his true nature, a monster hiding behind the mask of a man, the hold might have brought some sort of comfort to Anna. Hell, if their entire meeting had happened under different circumstances, she might have even found some pleasure in it. As it was it only served to make her aware, painfully so, that she was going to die. That realization, more so than the mental hold he placed upon her, kept Anna frozen completely in place as his lips continued their travel to press just beneath her jaw. She could feel him take in a deep breath, filling his system with her scent, and she could imagine his eyes fluttering close as he paused for a moment to hold her. As they stood there, him holding her as though he treasured her, it felt as though he was taking time to savor the moment. And that might have brought her some semblance of comfort were it not for one hard fact that hung between them...

I am going to die...

The hard fact echoed through Anna’s mind as a gasp, which sounded so much more like a whimper, spilled into the air around them as the lips brushing against the skin of her throat in a ghost of a kiss tipped upwards into a smile that she could almost picture looking as affectionate as it did wicked. There’s just one last thing I need to know, He all but purred the words against her skin and she fought off the urge to shudder that raced through her, The taste of you.

As soon as the words left his lips, accompanied with a kiss to her smooth skin that made her heart flutter, her eyes that she had not realized had closed snapped open wide. He gave her only a moment to process the statement, just enough that it had only barely been received by her brain, before his fangs pierced her flesh. The first bead of her blood rushed forward onto his waiting tongue when she felt whatever hold he had placed upon her lift, allowing her the freedom to move. But where could she truly go? Despite knowing it was a wasted effort, for she was not quite as foolish as he thought, Anna’s hands came up to his, clawing and tugging at the icy appendages. If the attempt at freedom bothered him at all he did not show it, hands only moving to snake around her waist and pull her more securely back against him in a hold that still might be considered loving. She remained undeterred in her attempt at freedom though, legs lifting back to kick him as her hands continued their efforts to get him to release her.

Through her struggles she could make out the sound of hisses from his companions who were both shocked and confused by their master’s choice, but louder than that was his moan that she could
feel rumbling against her skin as he fed. At least one of them was enjoying themselves, she thought bitterly as the edge of her vision began to cloud and the ability to fight against him was lost to her. With each greedy pull from her vein Anna grew weaker and weaker until she slumped back against him, losing the ability to hold herself up on her legs. In fact, she could not even feel her legs any longer, a realization that brought tears to her eyes as her vision spun.

I am going to die...

No, I am dying.

Barely able to do anything beyond giving the faintest of whimpers as he moved them down to the ground, holding her so very lovingly she actually thought for a moment that he did treasure her, Anna could only stare up at him as he pulled back. In the last moments of her life she could only just make out what he was saying and with the last of her strength before he dove back in to finish his dark task, she uttered the last words of her mortal life, “W-Wedding...? Wh-….Who?”

It was a question she would not get an answer to until much, much later. For now, there was only a darkness that came up and wrapped around her, pulling her down into an embrace that bordered on being as loving and gentle as his. Held tight within its depths Anna would miss the sweetness that dripped onto her tongue and down her throat, starting the process of her change into a new life. She would miss the sound of a hairpin snapping in a tight grip and the snarl that followed before someone was storming away in a rage that bordered on her own when she had entered the mansion. She would miss how she was carried so gently, like the bride she had no idea she was, from the foyer and into the depths of the mansion.

There was so much that Anna would miss as she changed, but not all of it was spent in complete darkness. After what seemed like hours, she found the darkness that gripped her mind fell away and the space around her turned and twisted, shadows falling away as she found herself sitting on the floor of a room. She was aware enough to know that she was not actually awake and that nothing in the room in which she found herself, warm and welcoming though it was, was real.

“I’m dead...” She murmured out loud, assuming that no one would be around to hear her admission. Oh, how wrong she was.

A laugh, gentle and soothing, danced through the air and it was then that she become aware that someone was behind her. Jumping from the shock of the discovery, Anna tried to turn around to see who was with her, but found herself unable to do so as hands came down and firmly, but gently, kept her facing forward. “Yes,” There was a bit of teasing in the answer her companion, a woman from the sound of it, provided, “But also, no.”

Blinking in utter confusion Anna tried once more to face her companion, but the woman gave only a click of her tongue as her fingers gave her cheeks a gentle pinch until she was facing forward once more. Huffing in what could best be described as childish annoyance, violet eyes glared ahead of her at an ornate door, captivated by the intricate designs carved in the wood. Was that Egyptian? For a moment she forgot about everything else as her eyes studied the patterns, trying to make sense of what they were, when there came a gentle tug to her hair.

“Do not worry about that, hamal,” The woman behind her cooed as her fingers worked through the long strands of Anna’s hair, twisting and weaving the copper locks into a braid that would have taken her breath away if she had been able to see it. As the mystery woman worked, every so often she would weave in moon lilies, the richly colored flowers complementing the copper of Anna’s hair beautifully. “That is something you will understand later.”

“What do you mean? I am dead, aren’t I?” The answering laugh, like the one a mother would give when her child said something completely ridiculous, made Anna roll her eyes and she wanted to argue, but the woman was shushing her. Just like a mother.

“Do not fret so, my sweet hamal,” Her voice was so soothing that Anna found that any frustration she felt could not last. “All your questions will be answered soon enough by my beloved son, though I imagine you will be quite cross with him once you wake.”

Why would she be upset? In the moment she could not quite recall and though she wanted to ask, the woman did not give her the chance as she continued. “As is your right, his actions were not becoming of his age.” The sigh that emitted from her lips was every bit the one Anna had heard her own mother give on a few occasions, a mix of disappointment and exasperation, and she had to fight back the urge to laugh. “Though I suppose loneliness can do that to someone who has been around as long as he has..”

She sounded so sad then that Anna wanted nothing more than to wrap her in her arms and tell her that it would be okay. As if sensing her thought the woman chuckled and stroked her fingers along her cheek in a gentle caress, having completed the work on her hair, “But you, my hamal, will be good for him, though I am afraid it will not be easy for you to see it.”

The lament was given on a soft hum and before Anna could say anything, for there was so very much she wished to say, she found herself fading. The darkness reaching out to claim her once more and for a moment she struggled against it, but the woman quieted her, hands rubbing gently across her shoulders as she placed a kiss against the top of her head as she whispered, “It is time for you to wake, hamal, do not fight it.”

With those soft words Anna let the darkness claim her once more, leaving the mysterious woman and the strange door behind as she fell. The interaction was one that she would not be able to recall, though the proof of it was there as her eyes fluttered open. Her long hair had been twisted into the same braid the woman twisted it into and the moon lilies were still weaved within the locks. None of this would she notice for some time as she stirred back into the waking world, back into life. The first thing that struck her was not the mystery of the bed on which she found herself, nor was it the mystery of how she had got there. No, the first thing she noticed as she woke was the feeling of pure and utter affection, laced with the faintest bit of lust, that came washing over her like a blanket.

Later she would find that these were not her own feelings, but in that moment she could only give a low, rumbling sound that was akin to a purr as she tried to push herself up with limbs that still felt weak and heavy. “Where,” Her voice sounded so strange to her ears, huskier and smoother, than she remembered. “Where am I?”


Original Ideas:

-Mage x Demon
-Greek Mythology
-Norse Mythology
-Werewolf x Werewolf
-Vampire x Werewolf
-Vampire x Vampire
-Witch x Witch Hunter
-Anything paranormal/supernatural related
-Any other suggestions you might have! I would also be willing to do a combination of any of the ideas above.

Fandom Topics:
-Harry Potter(again, no characters from the books)
-Any suggestions you might have.

If there are any takers feel free to drop me a PM or post here and hopefully something can be worked out. =D
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