Fx Female A New Girl Arrives

Angel Fire

Romance Freak, Cuddly Kitten
Oct 15, 2009
SF Bay Area
Hiyas everyone! Yes, it has been a while since I have graced this thread but I hope that the wait will be worth it!

I do have a lot of scenarios in my mind that can be played out but they can be too numerous to actually describe. What I will do is give a basic premise and some eras in which they can be played.

For Modern era RP's, I am a new girl that just moved into a college, school or a new job of some sort. As MC moves in, she is trying to find her way in, she has someone that has been in the area or job for a long time to help teach her the ropes so to speak.

If it is a Sci-Fi RP, MC is a new cadet or officer that is just starting her first assignment and could meet a mentor that helps her though things to start off.

I am really craving a Superhero RP where we play girls with opposite types of powers (Think Fire and Ice which is my all time favorite) where my rookie Superhero is taken in by a mentor to teach her control over her powers. This may start off as a comedy as mistakes happen with MC but eventually, it could lead to a more romantic setting.

I look forward to hearing from all of you. Please PM me if anything piques your interest. *Smiles*
It has been a LONG while but I am back with a new idea. All of my older ideas are still open but I have an Idea that I have been totally craving for.

Somehow, my girl has been given a sexual curse. How it happens, we can totally discuss it but what happens to my girl is that ... once every 12-18 hours, my girl needs to have sexual release. Whomever placed this curse on my girl seemed to be very specific as the only way that my girl can get her release is with another woman. I am imagining my girl being totally straight but eventually, she finds a caring (or brutal) woman that can grant her the release that she needs before she starts humping everything in her sight (literally).

Would anyone wish to play the caring woman who could help my girl to try to rid herself of this curse? Or would you like to play the brutal woman who just wants to use my girl as her slave or toy... but realizes that when the time comes, my girl needs release and needs it right then and there?

I am open to either direction and I will be willing to discuss how the curse happens

Hope this can provide some inspiration for all of you sweet lovelys out there!
I have enough requests for the sexual curse plot so that is closed for now. All of my other plots in my first post are still open, especially the Superhero Fire and Ice one.

I have some ideas of my own for the Fire and Ice Plot... but If you have an idea of your own and y'all are interested in it, I will SOO love you! *Hugs in hope*
A sweet bump to all of you. *Group Hug*

The curse plot is still closed... but everything else is still open.... Even your own ideas *Winks*
Another bump to all of the lovelies out there!

A new girl in a new world or city is what I am craving now.

If you have your own original ideas, please send them my way! I am willing to listen to them all!
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