Just a few ideas


Queen of Everything
Mar 2, 2020
Outer Space, to find another race
Hey all, First time posting one of these so bear with me. I am fairly new to the site but I have been RPing for a while, looking for players who are good at details but not overly fixated on them to where you cant suspend disbelief. I am on GMT, but my schedule often aligns better with EST. Willing to play with people on Discord too, just message me if you want to play that way to let me know and with your ID and I will add you there, so without further ado, here some some ideas of things I am into, they are no means set in stone, I am willing to talk and figure out details with anyone. I'm generally into longer term RP's but up for quick scenes with people too if they are open about it and the idea works.

Your Trans Girlfriend

you're tired of the endless one night stands, but you don't know how to meet people these days without tinder. It can be hard looking for love when everyone is looking for sex, you've had so many dates with people who just view you as an extension of your genitals and you are about to pack it in when you come across my profile. Brandi, 34, Female, 0.9 miles away from you. You cant help but to read on, maybe you flick to other profiles but you eventually keep coming back to mine, it says right there in the first line that I am a transwoman, that I have a dick, but that I'm looking for someone who can see past that and wants to date me for me. Maybe you see that I've swiped right on you? Maybe you just take a chance? or maybe you've dated someone like me before? But however it happens, you decide to take me on a date and see where it goes. I'm also willing to play this one out as a Futa instead of a Transwoman, in that scenario I would have both a cock and a pussy. Looking for Romance and slice of life here.

Home Sweet Home

We used to be best friends, but you haven't seen me since you graduated from college, and it was only sparingly before that. We hung out all the time when we were kids, but life got in the way. Now you are back in the small town we grew up in, a town that I never left, and when you run into me you don't even recognize the woman I've become. Where I used to be kind of chubby and a tomboy I'm now fit and definitely feminine. I just grew out of it, or at least on the outside, but I still have all those same interests as you, I still remember you, and I had such a crush back then. Maybe its just seeing me like this for the first time, maybe its something more, but you cant help but think that a beautiful woman who likes all the things you like and knows you like no other might make the perfect girlfriend.. Looking for Romance and Slice of life stuff

The Machine

This one is Transformation based, looking for Mutual TF's and would be starting Male before TFing to female.

how it gets into our hands can be figured out later, maybe we're the scientists that invent it, maybe we break into somewhere and stumble on it, maybe we buy it at a junk sale, but the point is we come across a machine that lets you change anything about someone, but once changed you can never go back. I want to get wild and wonderful with this one, monster girls, anthros, all sorts of kinks, willing to talk about specific preferences in DM. We can play short term with a few TF's to get to something and then fool around, or long term and never stop transforming..

The life of an It girl

You've seen me in the magazines, on Instagram, maybe I'm a model, or a singer, or maybe I'm just from a rich family and have no problem making my presence felt. I'm always with a different guy, my name is always connected to someone as their new flame, but relationships don't last. The public just think I'm unlucky in love, but the truth is that those people don't have what I crave. A great, big, cock! I don't care where it comes from, but its the only thing that can satisfy my urges. Maybe you're an exceptionally hung guy, maybe you're a futa with curves as impressive as your member, maybe you're a woman with a horsecock strap on, I'm even open to monsters. This one is more suited to a short term RP but maybe we could do longer term with an OC celebrity romance too.

Your Prompt Here

Got an idea but nobody to play with? I'm listening. Just DM me your pitch and we'll talk..
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