Do you like: Deep and passionate stories, toe curling smut, and humor? Then continue on!
Thanks for reading! Here’s your reward:
- This profile is focused on playing DILFs, older hot men (35-50).
- A competent writing partner, that averages multi-para posts, always reciprocating post-length
- Timely responses, with detail and intrigue, that progress the story with each post.
- Lewd Gifs, I just love them.
Nothing! I consider myself a very easy partner with no expectations.
I’ve been reading everyones threads, and realize everyone just posts pairings, so I’ll just post my kinks, which hint at pairings!
- Age Difference
- Similar Age
- Adultery
- Photographing / Videotaping
- Risk of being caught
- Incest (Parental)
- Incest (Siblings)
- Teacher
- Student
- Musk
- Sweat
- Thigh-high Socks
- Location (Gym)
- Location (Park)
- Location (Alleyway)
- Location (Church)
- Location (School)
- Setting (Medieval-Fantasy)
- Setting (Modern-Fantasy)
- Setting (Fantasy)
- Setting (Post-Apocalyptic)
As my prefix says, all genders are accepted, but I do have a hierarchy!
- Female
- Shemale/HermaphroditFuta
- Femboy
- Male
Thanks for reading! Here’s your reward: