Callie's Incessant Horse Jokes


Mind Control Hoe
Feb 25, 2020
On another site, I kinda have a reputation for posting really bad variations on the "horse walks into a bar" joke when I'm bored. So, voila, here's a thread just for my comedic equestrian stylings.
I'll start with one that celebrates the six-season life of the greatest animate show ever to grace Netflix:
A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "Why the long face?"
The horse responds, "Well, I'm relapsing again after almost drowning myself the last time I drank, everyone I care about left me because of my own shitty behavior, I can't get work in any movies after getting my as handed to me in an interview, and my deeply ingrained self loathing has never gone away no matter how far down I sink, so you know . . ."
One of the patrons of the bar looks up from their drink and says "Hey, aren't you the horse from Horsin' Around?"
A pony walks into a bar and whispers, "hey."
The bartender says "Why didn't you shout like the last guy?"
The pony responds "'Cause I'm a little hoarse."
Schrodinger's horse simultaneously walks into a bar and exits a bar at the same time.
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