Fx Any Hypnosis and Monsters and Clones (Oh My!)


Mind Control Hoe
Feb 25, 2020
Hi! As you can probably guess by the username, I'm Callie. I would consider myself an intermediate roleplayer, maybe slightly advance just because I wrote a bunch of fanfiction when I was fourteen.
Aaaaanyway, thanks for checking out my request thread! Before I start listing the scenarios I really crave, here's some housekeeping stuff:
  • I prefer to play in PMs and it's highly unlikely I'll go elsewhere. Sorry in advance!
  • I can write really long responses in an rp, but typically I'm more of a medium message gal. I will always try to advance the plot in some way and really don't like it when my partner pressures me to write longer messages.
  • Plot is great! Smut is great too! I like both, so I don't really have a preference for the ratio.
  • As the prefix says, I'll rp with any and all genders! Just don't be an ass or a creep.
  • My limits are non negotiable and include toilet play, underage characters, non-hypnotic non-con, gore, vore, death, pain, ropes, and overt creepiness (again, with the exception of mind control)
  • My schedule is a bit sporadic and I tend to disappear a lot. Sorry in advance! If I don't want to rp anymore, I'll tell you, so don't worry if I go silent. It just means life decided to smack me upside the head for no reason.
  • I like playing as multiple characters. They can be side characters, but I usually wind up being more than one person.
Now, with that out of the way, here are the roleplay ideas I want to run with:

Hypnosis Conquest
This one's the queen of all my roleplays. I love it the most, in other words. The setting can vary a lot and so can the characters/relationships involved. This rp features a single dom with mind control powers taking over the minds of multiple subs. However, the dom doesn't have full control over the effects their powers have on others, and as the rp goes on, the subs' personalities begin to react by changing chaotically with very little direction. This one's almost always sexual (what can I say? I'm a slut) and can include any number of other kinks or even elements from other rps in this request thread!

Sentient Flower
I can already feel you judging me . . . Anyway, this rp can be either sci-fi or fantasy and can include either a human-plant hybrid creature, or just a flower that has some humanoid intellect. Yes, I'm into phytophilia, especially when vines are involved, but This rp doesn't have to be sexual. We can just be a plant monster and a human (or just two plant monsters) going on adventures together! We could also totally have fun with aphrodisiacal pollen in this kind of rp.
Also, just a side note, whenever anything even vaguely non-human is involved in more sexual rps, they need the ability to clearly communicate with humans and understand consent.

Monsters in General
Usually I want them to be humanoid, but I'll be ok as long as the two criteria in the previous rp suggestion are met. I'm weirdly fond of monster girls, but, as with humans, I'm down to rp with monsters of all genders. And, of course, eroticism isn't required.

Ever want to fight an evil doppleganger? Or how about teaming up with a clone of yourself and fighting the forces of villainy throughout the land? Hell, a clone-themed rp could just be a bunch of shitty puns about how you're beside yourself with excitement. You could also take the insult "Go fuck yourself" as a suggestion, but that's neither here nor there. This rp would usually be sci-fi, but any explanation for how the cloning works is more than ok. It is kind of a turn-on for me, but it's overall just a concept that I think is really fascinating. It's really fun to see how a character reacts when they're forced to spend time with themself.

That's most of the recurring things I like in rps, but honestly if it doesn't violate my limits, I'd probably be down to try it at least once. I also have some other kinks that I don't have any particular rps structured around, I just like them. They are:
  • Public sex​
  • Multiple partners​
  • Light play (anything to do with colored lights or just good lighting-- weird, I know)
  • Cold play (as in snow and stuff, not the band)
  • Incest​
Anyway, thanks again for reading! PM me if you want to start an rp!
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