Fx Any Sub looking for a Dom/Alpha.~ [Added two plots, The one that Couldn't Get Away and Queens Never Die... 6-7-2020]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
Hello and welcome to my new thread. :"3 I'm back and seeking rps again, mostly looking for either something original or fandom, i.e. World of Warcraft related. o: Anyways, I don't see myself as a complete literate person but I do try my best! English is my preferred language after all, also to note I will rp over PMs (now that the pm system is nicer than the original one), Discord, or forums. I don't do e-mails however. My kinks are all on my f-list in my signature. However I will list some plots here soon. ^^ I don't normally do fandoms other than WoW ones normally, just throwing that out there. ^^;; I am 30 oh and if the title didn't give it away... I'm sub only and I'm looking for someone willing to dominate my characters. ^^ I prefer non-con over dub-con any day, the thought of my characters being raped and turned into the perfect sex slave is just amazing.~ I'd like to mention I am a HUGE werewolf fan. Like, to the extreme, like as in I listen to audio books about them, to reading them, to watching series like Teen Wolf. So if you wanna talk to me about one go for it! I actually have ranking systems for multiple characters if you wanna add them for more fun.~ I also prefer Doms or Alphas to take over my girls/Futas. I really crave a Alpha right now though, and to mention this now, not all alphas are male. Winks

Here's a list of character pairings I enjoy doing, Code: You/Me

Werewolf mistress x elf slave
Mad-scientist x elf/human
Demon x elf/human
Futa Sister/Twin x Sister [And these don't have to be borning humans, one could have been bitten by a werewolf, before turning her sister into one to dominate and turn into her breeding slut.]

Original Plots:

Queens never die... But they can be turned.~

Lilly, aka Liadrin Dawnsorrow is the current queen of the remaining Dream Elves, she has power, magic, and a sexy body! But with power and what she had comes envy from others... Her reign has been on rocky waves since her parents sudden deaths, little did she know that her becoming queen would open the portal for the beasts from the underworld...

The one that couldn't get away (A Werewolf rp)

It was mid-July and her eighteenth birthday was upon her, not knowing of her family's forbidden hidden, truth, her family were all werewolves, granted her mother wasn't born as one, her father had turned her so she'd be able to be with him. Her elder siblings were all born as weres, but yet no one told her till she started turning from the night's full moon, let alone that she would be forced to mate with not one, but four futa were sisters! The other packs were dying off due to the lack of offspring, but those who were female, or futa, was surviving, and in fact, their pacts were thriving so well that their numbers reached a entire kingdom's worth. The futa's parents were from a futa mother and a male father, only the males born from a futa mother survived, while all the women in the pack were futa. Sesshimara, was from the Romanian pack, a very small and dying off pack. Her siblings were all off married, as she thought, to others in different countries.... (This one I am asking for my rp partner to be able to play as the futa siblings who come to claim my character as their mate.)

Sister Dearest.~

Ever since they were born they were never allowed to see one another naked, Tatiana, Sesshimara's twin had walked into the locker room one day to find her twin getting undressed for a shower and couldn't help but watch as her sister slowly undress, revealing her naked form and her... Wait.... Was that a... Cock inbetween Tatiana's legs? She had never been allowed to watch her sister naked before since birth, and now she knew why.... But would Tatiana go after her for finding her dirty little secret and turn her into her bitch? Little did she know that her sister had been bitten by a werewolf a few years ago and with Sesshi being of the right age...

(I wanna see light to heavy BDSM as well as total mind fucks, want my girl turned into a breeding slut please.~)

The Pack Princess

She was born into a world full of war and violence. And she was now bound and was being brought forth towards her new pack, a pack full of males. Her and her sisters had all been brought, much to her demise and she was the only one who had been alpha of her previous pack, and that was due to all the males being killed and her being defeated, thus losing her powers as an alpha to the ones who brought them here. But to them, she was too much of a prize to have fully stripped her of her alpha status, her eyes still had the look of an alpha but was now much weaker, as if to still be powerful but weaker than the True Alphas.

The Wolf-Skin walker

It was a lonely night for Sesshimara while her twin brother/sister, is in need of a loyal wolf pet. They decide that she, being the younger twin must take this form for them, so they hire a shaman to turn her into a wolf for the time. Sesshi, not wanting it, is then forced into the wolf pelt, hand to paw and feet to paws, stitch by stitch the animal pelt is sewn to the skin, causing sever pain. The shaman sews the wolf pelt on her hands, feet, back, thighs, the whole works. Saving the head piece for last. As he sews the dead animal to her body she can feel herself becoming more canine like, but one that could breed with a human! After all but the full head piece is on, her twin/s smirks and tells her she's been a good wolf and then tells the shaman to finish the transformation. The shaman then throws in his added bonus, udders so that the pups would be able to have enough milk and so would her twin/s. The perfect breeding tool. Once the shaman places the headpiece on her, he then looks to her twin and asks if they are really sure they wanted to finish it, that it was irreversable and she would be stuck as a wolf with udders. The twin/s says to get it over with and then the shaman nods, saying sorry to Sesshi before placing the wolf head over her own head. Finishing the ritual and then leaving the two/three to their own devices...

[This one will involve the ENTIRE transformation, like full details from the shaving to everything being forced on MC. I've been craving this one badly!!!! Also, feel free to go wild with this! Except for the nos that still apply in my F-List that can be found in my signature. :"3 Also, this can be done with one sibling or both! Also, if a sister is picked she does kinda have to be futa in order for the breeding to take place.~ But both is better! Two bottom holes, two cocks, what is better than that??? xD]

Mad Scientist x Elf #1

An elven warrior is sent to kill the mad scientist who betrayed the king's orders and is sent on what seems to be a wild goose chase to her. From what she was told, the woman defied the king and continued her research against his will and now she must stop the mad woman. However, lost in a forest that has been warped and mutated, she ends up finding a strange lake that calls to her and in many ways, seduces her. After bathing she falls unconscious. She had been watched the entire time and once unconscious she is then taken away and placed in a cage hidden deep in a lab. Unknowing of her own fate she wakes up and finds herself in a dimly lit room and is chained up inside of a cage with no armor on or anything to protect herself with. Who knows of what fate lies for her now. Only the one who kidnapped her does...

Slave Trader/Mistress [either works for this.] x Elven Slave

A once renowned elven princess is caught and captured from her gardens just outside her castle. Knocked out, bound and gagged she is dragged away to the slave house where others of her kind are being held and sold to the highest bidder. Not just elves are there, but other creatures too. However, rare as elves are, just about anyone with the right coin could buy one, but they weren't cheap. Specially for one of pure royal blood. She wakes up to hearing a woman's voice yelling out "SOLD!" several times when someone is sold. Her turn was coming up, she could just feel it and it scared her. She is unable to escape, despite the fact that she still tries to escape but finding it impossible to do so. Now it is her turn for she was called out and they explained her to the buyers. Now who she'd be sold off to, only the one who buys her will be the winner in this bidding battle over her royal body.

Wolf/fox/big cat (your choice) x Foxwolf

It was morning when Susumi woke up. Stretching out and yawning loudly, she looked outside to see it was sunny out but the air felt damp. Sighing she thought to herself 'damnit why'd it have to choose today to be a bad day? I need more food before the storm settles in...' So shaking herself awake more she went outside into the chilly morning. Sniffing the air she could smell that the storm was still quiet a ways off so she had time to hunt for her meal and possibly being back some back up water. Unaware of the gleaming eyes that was watching her intently, she went ahead and left her home in search for food...

Mad Scientist x Elf #2

Her head was throbbing and her arms stung. She was slowly waking up when she realized she was tied up. "What the hell?!" Her eyes were wide awake at this point now and she was furious. She could see a woman in the back just smiling at her. She glared in a defiant way and began to try to escape from her bindings. "Now now dear. It is useless to try to escape now. You're my new little experiment now, and trust me, we're going to have so much fun with your little body..." [I'm REALLY craving this one!]

Mistress x Pet

Bought from the black market she was being carried by many people since her cage was very heavy. She was a rare high elven princess and she had been stuck in this cage for over a week. Over a weeks worth of people bidding on her... A woman had finally won the bid and she was to be taken home to her now. She growled and hissed as the covers around her cage kept her sealed off from anyone being able to look inside. Her long ears had piercings on them, tiny little hoops at their tips. She had long black hair and glowing blue eyes, her eyes is what gave her away as being a high elf and what made these insane people capture her. With her being a princess she was also defiant to anyone that wasn't on her side. She wouldn't submit to just anyone, let alone the one who bought her... [REALLY craving this one right now as well. Would love to do this one! Hope someone can be dom enough to wanna break my character in fully. ;"3]

Mad Scientist x Elf #3

Himeko had been sitting inside her home when she realized she needed to get dinner to tonight. She got herself dressed and headed out to the market, she lived close by so she didn't have far to walk. She walked past a dark ally where someone had jumped out from behind her and covered her mouth with a cloth, causing her to pass out...

Werewolf x Elven Futa

Misato was outside her home tending to her garden, she was a elf of pure beauty and loved living by herself. She noticed she needed more water and grabbed her buckets before heading out to the river that was nearby. She didn't notice she was being followed as she made it to the river. She got her buckets filled and felt a little sleepy, so she laid down for a bit and fell asleep, unaware that the sun was going down...

Mistress x Slave

It was dark and there were loud voices to be heard as she heard people shouting out numbers. She still didn't know where she was or let alone remembered how she got there, just she was there now. Himeko slowly opened her eyes and tried to get up, but couldn't due to the chains around her nude body. "Nnn... Where am I? And where the hell is my cloths?! Why in the fuck am I chained?!" Started she felt the cage she was in move as the cover was removed, exposing her. Her tail wrapped around her porcelain skin as her ears twitched. She wasn't a normal girl which was probably why they took her, whoever they were. She was half elf and half wolf, she didn't have any fur except for her tail that was now, but her long pointy ears gave away the elven in her. "Do I hear three thousand? Four thousand? Five?" The man with a mask was yelling out numbers as people were placing their bids on her. She was scared and couldn't do anything, let alone cover herself except for her lower region with her tail...

Werewolf x Elf or human futa [Yes I want there to be rape and lots of naughty stuff done to my character.~]

It was late and the almost full moon was high up and the air was cold. It was the middle of winter and Iris was cold, freezing but she knew she had to go hunting for food. She ends up leaving her warm home to find herself hunting more than what she had bargained for...

Werewolf x Half Human and Half Phoenix [The half human part can easily be turned into half wolf later once bitten]

Pant Pant
, she ran, jumping over logs and fallen tree branches as the howling neared her. She was the last half phoenix alive and the races had been raging an underground war with who'd get to claim her and make her human half subcome to their side by a bite. The Dragons of the West wanted her for the riches she held, while the Wolves of the North wanted her for breeding due to their race nearing extinction, the Bears to the East wanted her for her longevity, and last was the lions to the south, they wanted her dead for they saw her as an abomination to the world. The Wolves had gotten the upper hand and with a Phoenix to breed with... Their race would be reborn anew and not even the greedy Dragons or the Mighty Bears, let alone the Cunning Lions of Death, would stop them....

World of Warcraft Plots:
The Nightborne Slave

It was a normal hunting night for Himeko, she had her trusty wolves with her and all was going well. The twins, Dameon and Haji howled loudly at the moon, 'Silly canines' she thought as she re-stringed her bow to make sure the string wouldn't snap on her. After her bow was fixed up she hushed her wolves and stealthed into the trees to hide herself from the beast she was hunting. Little did she know the cat she was hunting was a Druid. Just then the cat prowled past the tree she was in, 'At last you show up!' She thought as she went to get her traps ready the beast looked up into the tree she was in and... Smirked? She didn't know if she was seeing things or not but the beast knew what she had in store for the huntress...

Night Elf or Draenei [your choice of class on either one you chose] or Succubus x Blood Elf huntress [This is a mistress/pet type rp by the way.]

It had been a long day, too long. Himeko yawned and stretched out as she looked over to her cat Tosho and smiled. "Come here boy, we'll be finding a place to stay soon enough." She said softly to her pet as she reached her hand out to pet Tosho. As she petted Tosho she heard movement in the bushes, not really paying attention to it. Yawning she got up and headed towards the river that was nearby and began removing her cloths as she got into the water. But someone or something was watching her, waiting to make their move... [REALLY craving this one! o:]

The Blood Elf slave

Himeko had be drug from her home in Silvermoon City by demons of Lord Illidan. She had been blindfolded and gagged so she couldn't scream to wake anyone up. It was hours before she was brought into Outlands and into Illidan's kingdom. There his whores who served him loyally where waiting for her as their queen had been the one who had ordered for her capture. "Lord Illidan said I could take a pet in for myself or one of my children. My daughter told me she wanted you. A former 'slave' to one of your Warlock friends." She said as she undid the blindfold...

Pictures that need plots but these are NSFW... Just as a heads up...

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Just added new pics that need plots, also added some new plots that I've been kinda craving. Also also, I have added more to my F-List in my signature if you're down to check that out. ^^;;
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