Fx M or F Sudden long-term Vampire craving

  • Thread starter Deleted member 39631
  • Start date

Deleted member 39631

I have a sudden craving to play as or against a vampire-themed character, but first, I'm going to tell you what needs to be avoided so I don't waste your time and you don't waste mine.
  • pale and gaunt corpse-faced vampires less akin to powerful magic wielders and more like the blood-sucking Macaulay Caulkin
  • Edward Cullen's and Alistair's, so overdone, so treasonous toward the great authors of antiquated vampire novels
  • Dominant *players*, I'm fine with dominant characters (hell I prefer them), but if you start talking to *me* like I'm a subordinate, or you start to write in a way that tells me I'm a mental punching bag for you (I think this has happened to many of us), I will leave, that's that.
if you don't plan on meeting the above requisites, great! let's get down to it, here's what I bring to the table
  • I'm an experienced writer, and will avoid statements like "'hi' he said, 'who are you?' he said, he was tall, 'im tall' he said" I'll dash your brains against a wall if you dare to write this kind of 'sentence' if you could even call it that
  • I'm a sci-fi writer and can do high-quality worldbuilding with unique cultures, societies, and all manner of other social variables
  • I'm a pretty cool person (or at least I'd like to think I am)
now for the less biographical and the more contextual, starting with what I'm looking for
  • I typically won't write more than a paragraph per post, though I prefer less, any more and I find that movement becomes restrictive, and it's hard not to end scenes without the other's consent due to the longevity of the posts
  • I need somebody with a modicum of literacy and efficient communication
  • Be cool, be someone I can talk to and who has more depth than the everyday Chad Kroeger
Refining my point further, here are the specifics of my request
  • I want to either play as or against a vampire (not a campfire, as my autocorrect so aptly suggested) and that is a very specific thing. Vampires are an archetype of the undead and possess several unique abilities, detailed below
    • they possess a high degree of physical power
    • they can survive without food or water for extended periods and need only to feed on the blood of the living to survive
    • they favor the darkness, as the light is too powerful for them, but I'll be avoiding any 'burning', as I prefer to think it's more akin to an incredibly loud noise, dulling a vampire's senses and causing them great irritation and potentially pain.
  • I have an F-list, found in my signature below
  • I'm terribly approachable, and will never deny a conversation with someone
  • I prefer fantasy settings, starting in the equivalent of the era of Mediterranean antiquity and stretching until the beginning of the industrial revolution
  • I prefer to play female characters, but I can play anything depending on the kinks involved
  • I'm a switch for both genders, so I'm terribly adaptable\
  • I'm looking for a long-term roleplay with varying degrees fo worldbuilding and interaction
This is a fairly undeveloped idea, as it is more of an urge, so message me and I'll hash something out.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
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