Fx Male Pairings and Long Term Plot Cravings! (Taboo/Fantasy/Etc.) (New Plots!)


Trapped in the Void of Lost Time
Feb 20, 2020
Hi there! This is my first thread looking for potential partners! I saw we were only allowed a certain number of threads per request forum so this is the second thread of two that I'm making for general cravings and interests, this one being one for random pairings and plots I had in mind! Before I get too far into it, I want to give some info on myself to see if I'd be an ideal partner for you!

What to Expect from Me

  • I love story driven RPs, my ratios for smut/story is usually around the 40/60 mark.​
  • I also like to write from 1-3 paragraphs, sometimes more depending on my partner!​
    • Madison Adams sighed softly, letting her face rest against her hand with her elbow on the table. She watched as everyone around her had a good time with friends and their dates, but she...was alone. He should be here by now, yet there was no sign of her date in sight. Part of her knew it was too good to be true. When their captain of the football team and their star player himself came up to her and asked her to prom, she almost didn't think he was serious. Madison was a pretty girl who wasn't struggling since her parents were both pretty successful business owners, but when the star player himself came up to her and asked her to prom, she didn't believe he was serious until he asked her what time he should pick her up. When he texted her that he was gonna be late and should head to the prom herself and he'd see her there she was willing to move pass that, but that was an hour ago and there was still no sign of him. Normally, she would drive herself here, but her mom offered to take her instead, both of them expecting to see her date when they got there. Her mom wanted to see who she was going to be spending most of her night with, but neither of them were that lucky. She even went through a lot to get her hands on her dress and to make herself look nice, but it started to look like he wasn't going to come and part of her felt stupid for thinking he would in the first place.

      [*]A voice caught her attention in the middle of her thoughts and smiled a little when she saw who it was. Seeing Jason now was really what she needed to try to cheer herself up after feeling like she might have been stood up. They've been together for as long as she could remember mostly thanks to their moms being good friends since college. She couldn't remember a day where Jason wasn't apart of her life. If it wasn't their moms who brought them together, than they somehow found a way to. They didn't live far from each other, so if neither of their parents could get them to each other's houses, it wasn't a problem to walk there and once they started being able to drive on their own, it got even easier. They basically spent every morning and afternoon together, driving each other to and from school. After school was the most time they spent together, spending time either helping each other with school work or just chilling together. Their parents even trusted them enough to the point that they could spend the night together in the same room with the door closed. Hell, they were even caught sleeping in the same bed and neither of their parents had a problem with it, knowing that nothing was going on. Madison saw Jason more as a brother, but she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed that some people thought they were together just from all the time they spent together. It wasn't like she didn't find him attractive, but the fact they just always been this way made her nervous to want to break that. If they ever became more than friends, she'd just be more scared to fuck things up. Jason was the one person she couldn't lose.

      "Nope, it's all your's." She half smiled before her smile completely vanished when Jason mentioned her missing date. She sighed and replied, "No idea honestly. I'm starting to think I've been stood up." Her eyes went to admire Jason. He looked really nice tonight. This was probably the most well dressed she's seen him and he didn't even have a date tonight...somehow. Madison didn't expect him to even come since he didn't have a date, but probably came just because she was going to be there. She didn't expect him to not have a date though. He was attractive and sweet. How the hell did he not have girls begging him to ask them out? The girls in their school obviously didn't have any taste, but then again it didn't seem like she did either given the guy she wanted to come with hasn't even showed up yet.

  • I rarely say no to anything, but if you want a deep look at my kinks/interests you can check out my F-List!

Note: This list will update with more as more pairings and plots come to mind and I'll update which ones I'm craving when more space for RPs opens up! Any roles are interchangeable if there isn't a clear dominate role. I will always prefer sub, so for roles like Slave x Master, I will automatically be the slave, but for roles like Human x Vampire, either role is open for grabs depending on which you would like to play more. Also these plots are very adjustable! If you're interested in a certain idea, but want to brainstorm other ideas related to it, I'm more than happy to see what we can come up with!

  • Slave x Master
  • Pet x Master
  • Faun x Human/Monster
  • Selkie x Human/Monster
  • Furry x Furry
  • Furry x Human
  • Mythical God x Mythical Goddess
  • Mythical God/Goddess x Human
  • Mythical God/Goddess x Monster
  • Human/Hunter x Monster
  • Human/Hunter x Vampire
  • Human/Hunter x Werewolf
  • Vampire x Vampire
  • Vampire x Werewolf
  • Werewolf x Werewolf
  • Father x Daughter
  • Brother x Sister
  • Twins
  • Step Brother x Step Sister
  • Warrior x Thief
  • Succubus/Incubus x Prince/Princess
  • Dragon x Dragon
  • Dragon x Human
  • Dragon x Monster
  • Teacher x Student
  • Childhood Friends
  • Best Friends
  • Bully x Victim
  • Pirate x Pirate
  • Pirate x Royal
Fantasy/Supernatural Plots

1.) For the Sake of our People
Pairing: Vampire x Werewolf
In the midst of war between vampires and werewolves, a new contender has joined the war: Humans. With new advanced technology and knowledge, humans have become a bigger threat than ever driving both vampires and werewolves to the edge of extinction. It was decided by the Vampire Council and the Werewolf Pack Leaders that for the sake of their people, they must join together through a union of a The Grand Vampire Councilor's child and the Pack Leader's child. With blood that raged war against each other since the beginning of time, the two must marry in order to bring their people together to rise up against the Humans and perhaps create a new race that could seal them as the apex predators once again, but will love bloom between the two or will blood be shed from decades of bad blood?​
2.) The Alliance
Pairing: Dragon x Dragon

Dragons been at war with each other for years over territory and political discourse, but with their numbers dropping rapidly thanks to both dragons and humans hunting their kind down, alliances are forced to be made. Fire dragons are forced to join with their long time rivals, the Water dragons. With a representative of the Fire dragons coming to lay aid to the Water dragons, a unlikely bond is born between a wise and strategic water dragon and a powerful and strong fire dragon that could end their natural feud for good.​
3.) The Sliver Dragon
Pairing: Dragon x Human/Dragon/Monster
With dragons on the verge of extinction, they had to adapt in the most unexpected way: by disguising themselves as human. Rarest of all the dragons is the mythical sliver dragon, the very last of their kind and the most powerful and wisest of all. This basic idea is very flexible and can be done a number of ways. Either the sliver dragon can encounter a human that will either aid or enslave her or maybe even find another dragon that could save their species, even if that dragon happens to be their natural enemy. A lot can be done with this plot and it's one of the most flexible on this list.​
4.) The Corruption of the Kingdom
Pairing: Succubus/Incubus x Prince/Princess
When news of a powerful kingdom's prince/princess is finally of age to marry, a devilish Succubus/Incubus sees a opportunity of a life time. They plan on seducing the prince/princess with their charms, otherworldly forces, and sexual corruption, turning a beloved and innocent young royal into a corrupted future ruler that would do anything for their demonic lover, even murder their parents for their disapproval and to gain the crown that much faster, but the demon might have to fight to keep what they've claimed as their own. I have a preference for playing the royal here against a incubus, but if you would prefer the other way around, I'd be willing to do so.​
5.) A Race for the Throne
Pairing: Incubus x Human
In this plot, you'd have to be okay with playing two characters since this plot revolves around a brother rivalry being one of the focus points. You can take dominance over one to be the main focus, but a second brother is involved as well. This could even be a group effort if you and another are interested in a group RP. If that's okay with you feel free to read on!​
The King of Hell is having a predicament. He has two very capable sons that are more than good enough to take the throne after he steps down, but he comes up with a plan. He hand picked a human girl that would be a challenge to seduce. If they can seduce her without using any magic against her and make her agree to be their Queen of Hell, than that son may take his place as the new King of Hell when he steps down. While they may not be able to use magic against her...there isn't a rule against using magic against each other...​
6.) The Ransom
Pairing: Pirate x Prince/Princess
A kingdom's beloved price/princess is making a sea voyage to another kingdom as they are arranged to be wed to the new allied kingdom's prince/princess, but their peaceful journey is brought to an end when a pirate ship, captained by one of the most notorious pirates intercepts them to kidnap the prince/princess for a ransom that could set them and their crew up for life with not one, but two kingdoms willing to pay for their safe return. However, as the two spend time with one another, despite how rough the pirate life is, the prince/princess finds themselves falling in love with the lifestyle and the captain themselves...​
Note: This one can be non-con at first, but would eventually turn into con. Pirates loved their...non-con, but in the end, I do want something more romantic by the end.​
7.) My Animal Bride
Pairing: Slekie (Slave) x Human/Monster (Master)

After seeking a bride to call his own, but without much luck, a human/monster decides to seek to see if the legend of Selkies, beautiful creatures that are animal until they shed their skin and reveal a more human form, are true. According to the legend, if one were to steal a Selkie's animal skin, that Selkie is trapped in their human form until their skin is returned to them, forcing her to become his bride in hopes of one day getting her skin back, but unexpectedly falls for the husband who forced her to be with him.

This is a very Master/Slave type of thing and it's a very flexible plot that we can basically do anything with! Selkie's aren't talked about enough, so it's always a blast to play a creature that's a bit out of the box.

Taboo/Dark Plots
1.) You're Mine Now
Pairing: Teacher x Student
A teacher gains a sudden obsession with his favorite, most successful student, admiring her and fantasizing about her from a distance, but quickly grows a need to have her for himself. With no going back, he takes it into his own hands to kidnap his beloved student to force her to be his perfect bride, even if she's reluctant to be that for him at first, she'll learn to love him soon enough with enough love...and punishment.​
2.) Insurance Policy
Pairing: Hit man/Debt Collector x Pet/Slave
A local bigwig gets himself deep in debt with the wrong people, forcing a "insurance officer" to come pay him a visit to rough him up a bit and get the message across that people want their money back. When it's discovered that this man owns a very valuable slave/pet, the officer decides to take this asset from her owner only to discover that she was a victim of her owner's stress and frustration, abusing her without mercy. The two quickly bond, finding it difficult to return her back to her rightful owner when he rather take her for himself.​
3.) My Beloved Pet
Pairing: Slave/Pet x Master
A local wealthy influencer is gifted a special gift by a friend, a brand new pet/slave for him to enjoy however he pleased. She could either be the most well trained or obedient of pets/slaves or she is still a wild woman who hasn't been tamed quite yet, fighting him tooth and claw to keep him away from her, forcing him to punish and reward her to train her himself.​
There's another version of this plot where a woman is caught stealing from this influencer and instead of turning her into the police, he offers her to become his pet instead, promising her a happy life if she obeys him. However, the humiliation of him wanting her to be his obedient pet makes it a challenging task where he trains her to behave how he wants or using blackmail to threaten her with ruining her life to force her to stay with him and continue her training to become the perfect pet.​
4.) The Tables have Turned
Pairing: Bully x Victim
After going through hell in high school, a new college student finds out that he is attending the same college of the one person who made his life so miserable in school: his bully. However, the tables turn when this bully either needs his help or is blackmailed into doing anything he wants, forcing her to do whatever he wants in order to keep his aid or to keep her reputation clean.​
This is merely a couple of the plots I have brewing for now. I will update with more in due time! If any of these catch your interests or there's a pairing you want to try out, please let me know and let's see what we can come up with!​
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