My applicant
Full Name: Melissa Suzuki
Nicknames: Missy
Age: 19
Grade: Freshman
Clique: Party-girl/Popular girls
Birthday: 09/28/99
Sexuality: Lesbian (Closeted)
Major: Marketing
Personality Description: Missy is loud, outgoing, exuberant, but not the best student. Missy craves attention, even if she doesn’t get it from the healthiest places. She does her best to play herself off as a happy-go-lucky party girl, though deep down, her attraction to other girls is being painfully repressed. Despite her very surface nature, one on one Missy can be very empathetic and an excellent shoulder on which to cry. She also has a minor addiction to gossip.
Likes: Makeup, TikTok, pop music, dancing, fashion, and GIRLS
Dislikes: The phrase ‘Suzuki? Like the Motorcycle?’, feeling alone,
Flaws: Missy is extroverted, and craves attention from girls, even if it’s negative. She will sometimes drink too much so that other girls will care for her, even if it’s bad for her reputation. She also is spoiled, spends WAY too much of her parent’s money
Secrets: She’s SUPER gay

, also her boobs are fake
Relationship History: She had two boyfriends in high school, but things never progressed beyond some heavy petting. The summer before college started, Missy broke things off with her last boyfriend, citing the ‘long-distance’ as her reasoning.
Family Details: Missy is an only child, raised by loving but traditional parents who wanted their daughter to feel American, letting her drink, party, and dress provocatively in high school because it was ‘what the other kids were doing.’
History: [4-5 Paragraphs]
Born and raised in Seattle by two Japanese parents, Missy is a first-generation American. From the start, Missy’s parents wanted her to feel like she belonged, and did their best to raise their daughter in a way in which she wouldn’t feel like she was different from the other girls. Missy learned from an early age that if there was something that she wanted, all that was needed was to utter the phrase, ‘but the other girls,’ and it would be hers. She always had the coolest clothes, the newest phone, the most expensive makeup, and a new car. Part of her felt wrong about manipulating her parents for material things, but she knew her dad made more than enough money to buy them, and that they did help her fit in among the popular girls.
During her senior year of high school, Missy spent more time partying than worrying about class, and her grades suffered, but a healthy donation from her parents ensured she still got into college. She’d be reluctant to admit it, even to herself, but the real reason for her partying was she liked to dance with the other girls, and alcohol and partying seemed like the easiest way to do that.
Missy felt terrible, knowing that her stumbling into the house at two in the morning drunk disappointed her parents, even if they wouldn’t say so, but it was easier than admitting that she’d known she was gay since she was twelve. Her family had only ever wanted for her to be a normal girl that fit in, and admitting she liked girls felt like she would be doing the opposite of that.
Throughout high school, Missy had promised herself that she would just wait until college to come out. It would be a fresh start and that once she felt more comfortable, she would tell her parents. Now that Missy is at college, it has been easier to fall back on her old habits of partying and hanging out with the cool kids than admit to people that she’s different.
Appearance: [1-3 paragraphs or picture.]
Missy has always been short and skinny, standing 5’2” and weighing 110-115lbs. She has been getting her hair dyed blonde professionally for the last four years, and is hardly ever seen without her hair and makeup fully done. The summer college, and after begging her parents, Missy got her breasts augmented, something that gives her some confidence but does embarrass her slightly. She works out 3-4 times a week, mostly working on her butt, because ‘Thicc is in.’
Face Claim: