Fx Male Where have all the good Doms gone?


Fallen From Grace
Feb 18, 2020
Kicked out of Eden
So here we go, Starting from the drawing board. Why? Because I feel like I keep hitting brick wall after brick wall. So let me get down to it then, yeah?

First let me add some definitions to clear up any misconceptions...

All definitions are taken from UrbanDictionary.com
Within the BDSM world the Dominant sets behaviors, customs and rituals involving the submission of one person to another in an erotic episode or lifestyle. Physical contact is not necessary and instruction can be carried out via telephone, emails etc. However, it can be an intensely physical relationship crossing into sadomasochism. Both parties take pleasure or erotic enjoyment from dominating or being Dominated. The superior position is called Dominant while those who take the subordinate position are called submissive.
A submissive may say. "I trust my Dominant as I know ultimately their decision is the best thing for me."
by BeachChat January 09, 2019

one who enjoys and participates regularly in "kinky" sexual activities.
Jane loves to get tie up her men and spank them, what a kinkster
by snack goddess December 15, 2003

brat tamer
Within the BDSM culture, a brat tamer is a dominant who disciplines a naughty or disobedient submissive partner (also called a brat). This is a way for the dominant to regain power over the submissive if the submissive is not participating accordingly.
"My girlfriend was acting like a brat, so I had to act like a brat tamer and punish her."
by ff345 June 06, 2016

slave girl
A slave girl is a girl who craves to be owned and to belong to a Man worthy of her submission, obedience and love. She is the bottom to her Master's Top and will do anything and be anything he wants her to be.
She knelt at the feet of her Master , head slighty bowed. Her head leaned gently against his knee as she wrapped her arm around his leg. He made her feel safe because she was his slave girl.
by Girl with no name March 13, 2017

A type of bdsm label, in which a sub (in most cases) enjoys misbehaving to the (dom,caregiver, ect.) for attention and punishments.
Hi i'm Lunar and my bdsm pronouns are sub/brat/kitten. :3
by lunarkitty March 07, 2017

I am seeking DOMINANT males. Not just kinksters! I am a BRAT not a SLAVE and this is reflected in my girls whom I write. I am incapable of being a slave in any shape or form. Sure I got the loyalty and desire to be owned by someone but I can not morph into what ever someone wants me to be. I will not play as an empty headed bimbo sort either. PLEASE KEEP MOVING IF YOU ARE SEEKING A MINDLESS SEX DOLL!

Still here? Well Thank you, now we can get into what I would like to write with someone who may be just like you!

Plots and pairings:

In the worlds I play exist a night club called "The Switch" a place where all sorts of BDSM people frequent. This place will likely be referenced in a story we write or possibly part of the setting.

Cop plots-
1. She was not wanted in any of the foster care homes where she ended up for the 16 years she was in the system. She was two when her parents were killed and now she was being thrown into another unexpected situation, she was coming into a trust she had no idea she was entitled to. Her sudden rags to riches made her a target for the person who had killed her family. They had been looking for her for years until they found her at last through the media explosion of the pauper to princess media rage. Now to protect her after she was attacked, she is placed with another person who seemed not to want her.

He is a former military turned officer. He likes his single life on his family's farm with his main purpose being to protect people. Love is not something he has time for and his family has nothing to do with him since his father died and left him everything. Suspended for unnecessary force he is allowed back on the job with one condition, this girl has to stay in his home for safe keeping. This puts a kink in his lifestyle as a dominant and the girls he goes for are not too happy about it and neither is he.

The goal here is that he gets sick of her attitude or she stumbles across information or things which tell her what he is. At first she tells him he is evil of a freak but when he shows her his world she learns she wants this and he ends up in love with her.

2. A one night stand was just what he needed, that is until he discovers she is someone of high regard in the community. Now he keeps running into her but she has no idea who he is and in their day to day lives it turns out she knew him already and he had not made the best impression. She can not stop thinking of the man from the night club, his hands and the way he made her feel. She keeps going back to find him but never seems to. He realized the only way to get her to notice him again in to put on the mask and find her in the club. Can he win her over in his real life? How will he tell her who he really is?

3. Three months pregnant and still months from graduation, she turned 18 in August and was entering her Senior year of high school when she was seduced by her teacher. Now she is forced to put an ad on the dark web for someone to pretend to be the father so that her parents will not make her put it up for adoption. She is offering a good amount of money to whomever takes the offer and the timeline is simple, she pays half upfront and then the other half when she graduates and the baby is born. Someone responds with an offer to meet at a local coffee shop and offers her his number. She agrees and goes, finding a table but when a cop sits down across from her she nearly faints.

He is in charge of monitoring the dark web for human trafficking and something hits his radar. Eighteen year old pregnant girl who needs a pretend baby daddy until she graduates school. This had trouble written all over it. Worse yet? She was offering money, this girl was in over her head. He planned to tell her that when he offered her to meet and she agreed, but when he sat down at the table his mouth had it's own mind, "I will pretend to be the father on two conditions, one is that you take down that ad. Two is that you never tell anyone otherwise. You were already eighteen when you got pregnant, while frowned upon it can't get either of us in trouble."

His secret lifestyle is one which he things will prevent him from being a father, but when she finds out he is a dominant, will she run or become his?

4. A call comes in, a neighbor saw a girl get hit repeatedly from her kitchen window. The girl just so happens to be the backyard neighbor of the cop who is called to the sight. Feeling little self worth she keeps taking him back but when the cop sees it happen from his back yard he decides enough is enough. He waits for the other man to leave for work and knocks on her door. When she answers he finds that she has fresh injuries and he offers her a card, a night club. She does her research and finds that it is a BDSM club. Why would he give her this?! She avoids him and refuses to go until one night she comes home to find another girl in her bed. Heart broken she goes to the club and finds him there, "Why did you ask me to come here?".....

Vampire/ Demon/ Earth bound Angel x Human- He has wandered the earth for years and settled finally as the silent eternal owner of a night club meant for creatures of the night. At some point it started to draw in BDSM and he let it happen. On the night of new submissive entry he sees a girl clearly out of her element. Her friend pulled her in and she has caught the attention of all the things that pillage such girls. Normally aloof and distant from the action, the owner intervenes when the girl is asked to sing by her friend. The sound stirs something in him he thought dead and he decides she will be his.

Earth Bound Angel- So long as one just man still lives on the earth it will not be destroyed. The Father sent his most severe angel to judge the earth. To follow the humans below to see if they were even worth saving. He found so many on drugs, homeless with no one helping, and seeking fortune. There in his tower where he was made a CEO to watch from above, he looked down his nose at his Father's favorite creation.

She was a model, one who was used in BDSM art, bound, gagged, and posed with men of all types. It was a chance meeting when she was posing in a rented office that he found her on his desk. He was disgusted by her choices and had decided that they were not worth saving. He went the next day to the church to pray for his father to bring him home when he found her, a Sunday school teacher of all things! Embarrassment and dislike of him played across her face and he cornered her, "You dare come into a place of God?!"

Her eyes narrow and she squares her shoulders, "And unto her husband she shall submit. God made me naked not clothed, it was the sin of man that made it shameful. Judge yourself as you sit in that office raking in money and for what?!" From that moment on the Angel was obsessed with the girl and learning more about her world.

I am open to other plots with similar themes and while incest is a no for me I would do step siblings. I love men in uniform! Any questions, please ask. I prefer to write as plus sized women but I can do other things if needed. I will NOT allow you to tell me what she is to look like though. I pick my girl and you pick your guy!
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Back like a bad habit! I do apologize if we were writing and things went left, I went through some pretty rough things over the last couple of months but I am here now and looking for that sweet release of creativity I come here for.
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