Fx M or F Red Vixen's Story Based Banter and Role Plays

Salacious Red Vixen

Feb 17, 2020


I am Salacious Red Vixen, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Welcome to my Request Thread and I hope you like all of my role play ideas and pairings.

Role Play Concepts:

Fantasy Fiction

The Imperial Commonwealth of Dietenlug and the Kingdom of Freistatt are two medium sized nations on the continent of Auslune and have been in a bitter rivalry for two hundred years. They were both lords of minor standing that served under the old Empire of Oplionia that fell three a hundred and fifty years prior and were rivals back then. As they broke free from the weakening chains of the wounded Empire with the both of the stay out of the chaos, planning to monopolizes on the old Empire’s fall from grace and complete destruction at the hands of the pleasantry, minor lords and outside invaders. Both had their own dealings that safe-guarded their existence and future expansion options into the weaker neighbour lords and unclaimed lands. They grew and expanded, consolidating their lands, wealth and martial power as they wiped out or subjugated anyone that defiled their “Right to Rule” until the once minor lords stood among the powerhouses of the continent and in the ruined remains of the Old Empire. Eventually borders would clash and conquest of their new rival would be at the forefront of each nation Leader’s mind as they continued to amalgamate their dominance over the lands and their neighbours. Dieteniug and Freistatt had their fights but in the last decade, the battles had devolved into something akin to total war with the Knightly Order, Merchants and the nameless and faceless soldiers and pleasantry being effected in one way or another.

To the Kingdom of Freistatt, Lillian Croinet was born as the first daughter to King Norman Croinet and his first wife Queen Oriolt of Avissy. Lillian was tilted as the First Princess of Freistatt and a Lady of Avissy, her mother’s family’s holding in the lush and fertility southern lands of Freistatt. She was one of twelve children to be fathered by King Norman and one of five mothered by Oriolt. From her mother’s womb, she was the third child by the fourth in the order of birth. Her other half siblings were from her father’s late second wife and her third wife. As she was the first daughter, she has three older brothers, two from her mother and one from her stepmother, the late second wife, who died want she was fourteen.

Lady Lillian grew up with a distant father who was preoccupied with rebellious lords, the newly formed United Kingdom of Apelnep to the south, pirates to the eastern shore and the old rival of Dietenlug, especially with the war with them. And with a mother that was too over protective for her own good as Lilian was the only girl out of her true sibling with one half sister from either of her stepmothers. She was taught to be elegance and grace, how to speak and act in public and private, what to say or not to say to nobles, knights and peasants, how to play music, how to sing, to sew, to dance and flatter. She would be a prim and proper princess that was as feminine as she would be elegant and would have the best tutors that kingly money could buy. Yet is was her oldest brother that would see Lillian at her true and happiest self, studying in Library about “Male” topics like warfare and economics.

All of her practise and preparation would be put to the test on the eve of her 18th​ birthday when her father announced that an armistice was going to be signed between the Imperial Commonwealth of Dietenlug and the Kingdom of Freistatt, ending the rivalry and war in a contact of Blood. Lillian would be married off to the Crown Prince of Dietenlug and as a diplomatic hostage. There were protests from her mother other lords but Lillian, the First Princess of Freistatt, accepted her father’s order.

She would marry the Crown Prince and end the war for good.

Lady Lillian:

The Striassau continent is home to the human race and those of the beast race, human like humanoids with animal features. Over the course of many hundreds of years those two races have fought for superiority over one another to gain continental dominance, dividing into two Great Alliances known as the Fairelor Confederation under the control of the beast race to the east and the Richan Union under the control of the human race to the west. Both the Northern Nations in the continent's tundra region and the Southern Nations to the vast, mostly unexplored forest region stated their neutrality from Great Alliances. Many nations live under and support one or the other alliance with the divide being many down racial lines. Tension have been brewing for some time now as the last war was over thirty year ago. The inactivity, racial and political tensions were leading to the assassination of a Human Official in a neutral country at the hands of a member of the Beast Separation Movement. The call to arms was in the words of many around the continent but the Officials started talks about the assassination. The talks were hopeful with simply demands to sate the revengeful hunger in the hearts of the local human populous. As the talks continued throughout the next few weeks, both military sections of the Great Alliances mobilized to a state of preparedness. If the talks were to end in vain both sides wanted to be prepared for any conflict they could encounter. Talks carried on, as demands were changed by greedy politicians and once agreed upon solutions were threw out. Some of each side tried to maintain the weak order of the assembly that were in but it was in vain.

It was the humans what would fire the first shot as an ambitious general that was too bored sitting around thought up a brilliant idea to surprise attack. The attack was launch, beast race defences were broken with a strong human foot hold in Confederation territory before anyone knew what was happening. In the chaos either side considered that war was a foot and battle happened all around the border lines before the two Great Alliances. Once either high command got wind of what was happening at the borders, it was too late to stop the onslaught. War had come to Striassau once again.

In a year the Richan Union took territory from the Fairelor Confederation but their surprise attack was worn out and new defensive battle lines were drawn. It was going to be a long and bloody war like the last ones.

Far from the battle lines rests a house in human territory of the nation of East Doran and in the house lives an Army Captain and his house guest.

Muse A: A member of the Beast Race, sub-race Feline, and a baron’s daughter, she lives in a house in human lands as the war continues with a human captain. She hides her feline features with the help of magic as if were was seen, she’d be seen as a spy. She’s calm and a sweetheart with a motherly personality but an animal in the sheet.
Muse B: The Human Captain that’s housing Muse A.

Muse A Appearance: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth

Modern Fiction and Science Fiction Stories

The Play– 20 Companion Doll is a creation of the infamous Aphrodisia Corporation, a company that specializes in adult entertainment products and films. It’s considered the best Doll on the market with it’s realistic portrayal of the human form, it’s commitment to having the largest customize options, the quality of the Doll and the company’s obligation to ensure a high standard of products and services. With a life like form with a high grade synthetic body, Doll’s perfectly mimic a human body with realistic skin, eyes, hair, nails among other important design options for a client's entertainment. The Doll’s silicon skin is warm to the touch because of an internal warming system for better ease of use. It also has an advanced audio system that listens and replies to it’s user from over four million words, sentences or sounds and has forty different language options for international clients. The Play – 20 is the highest selling Companion Doll in the world, breaking Aphrodisia Corporation previously own record when they sold the Play – 19, the Companion Doll’s prior model.
Play – 20 Companion Doll personalized model: Julia was develied to the housing unit of a single user that lived in a small one bedroom, one washroom with Kitchen, Living room and Dining room combination for a stuffy three room apartment. It was delivered by an unknown sender with instructions of how to maximize usage out the Doll as a Beta tester and that telling anyone about it, actions against the user would happen. The buyer had made very good use of the various important design options the Doll had over the course of a few weeks. Until something mysteriously and life changing happened.
It was a cold Tuesday evening and Julia awoke from her slumber, waking up in an all familiar bed of her lover that she hit it off with about two weeks ago. She was surprised that they invited for her to stay with them and Julia didn’t couldn’t say no after just one night together. It was that and they she didn’t want to go home if she was having a fun time here. After waking up Julia spent some time cleaning up the small but humble apartment and making it look nice and tidy for once her lover returned home, taking out the garbage and piling up the dishes. She took a nice long shower before dressing in some less then modest low neck tank top, underwear with a blue and white striped sweater. Tying an apron around her, she started to cook a stew on the apartment’s oven using leftover in the fridge. She stood there, in the kitchen humming to herself as she heard someone say something about the door being unlock. Julia was familiar with this voice, it was the voice of her lover and she turned smiled. The door opened and she came face to face with a surprise individual shocked to see a half dressed wife in their kitchen.... cooking stew.

Muse A: First, Second, Third, Fourth

The Couple Practical has always been an institution and a time-honored tradition since the establishment of the modern school curriculum about two hundred years ago. At one time it was thought too scandalous by the students that had to partake in it and by the students’ parents. In more recent times and after ten generations of students that participated in the practical, it has been seen as a valuable foot-hold in a student’s education. Many that have studied the effects of this part of education, and those that gone through it, have anonymous agreed that the practical is a strong promoter of interpersonal, social, and relational skills for the student population that takes part. It has been also been proven that it help create functioning adults that had an increased positive mental and emotional outlook on life as well as healthy developments towards the creation and maintaining of stable romantic relationships. With the advancements of time, social norms, technology and individual behaviors, the Couple Practical has seen many edits, review boards, re-writes and re-drafts. The recent version utilizes a standardized point per certain act grade system, a rank based performance index founded on the points, and surveillance technology such as microphones and cameras in designated “public” areas in the couple’s assigned apartment. In the “private” areas such as the bathroom and bedrooms, surveillance of the students is strictly forbidden as it would be classified as invasion of privacy.
The Couple Practical is a program in which two are randomly picked students from the local school’s student list and are made to live together for the 12th and final year of their schooling. It is a mandatory part of a student’s education and is needed before becoming members of the workforce, a students in secondary education, or before one can take advantage of of Government Service like Healthcare. Not passing the Practical part of the curriculum has serious future complications for the individual that didn’t pass. For those that pass it, there are no complications once out of school. If a couple ranks first in the school’s leader-board by the half, 6 month, mark that couple can pick to swap partners of another couple if that group consents to the swap. This also happens at the end of the second half of the school year, the 12 month mark.
It’s the month of September, the first month of the final year, and the day in which the couples will be picked and apartments assigned.

Muse A: (Main Character) A popular and flirtatious girl who is surprisingly good at cleaning and housework, with a heart of gold. She doesn’t like the person she is partnered up with, but doesn’t hate them. Talks the big talk and walks the big walks yet has been single for her whole life. Can play a shy, nerdy girl or a personality opposite to Muse B. My character. Character: Elizabeth Juenemann, age 17 or 18.
Muse B: (Main Character) An unpopular and nerdy person that’s partnered up with Muse A, a girl that they don’t get a long with or even hates for some reason or another. Open to different Personalities for Muse B. They are the partner’s character.
Muse C: (Played Side Character) A popular guy that Muse A really likes and wanted to be with but is with Muse B instead.
Muse D: (Played Side Character) A Bookish person that has been Muse B’s long time crush and childhood friend for ten years.

Elizabeth Juenemann Appearances: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth

Similar to Couple Practical but is fundamentally different in regards to the setting.

The SAN Program or the State Assigned Newlyweds Program as been a staple in their society since it’s introduction fifty years ago by the Ministry of Health in order to curl anti-social or dangerous behaviors and the image of the “Best Individual.” This concept was coined by Professor Roman Istomin of the Board of Psychology at the dawn of the State Assigned Newlyweds Program establishment. The idea behind the Best Individual image is that the “Perfect Couple will produce Prefect Children” and is the guiding principle of the Program, even going as far as making it the Program’s motto. A “Prefect Couple” is calibrated by a machine that works off a far long and complicated series of ever updating and optimized codes and formulas. Named the SAN Code for short, it takes into account each Newlywed’s mental, emotional and physical data as well as school grades, hobbies, food and drink preferences among a vast array of other data points. The Code has a 90% efficiency rate and is very popular among government officials as a way to combat unwanted behaviours and to produce healthy and functioning children. The people picked for this Program are the students in their 12th to 13th year of high-school, the one year that a person and their partner can get to know one another before entering the State Workforce or Secondary Education. The students are picked from the local population and tends to work of that data however to get a high efficiency, students from different schools have been picked to partake in the Assigned Newlyweds Program. Some cases had the Students live towards for the maximization closeness where other cases had no such thing. The SAN Program wants a good outcome as it’s up to the Newlyweds to act properly towards one another without guidance from outside the couple.

Muse A: The school’s Wild Child, openly flirts with different, dresses to the extreme of the dress code, skips classes, and is loud, annoying and seen not in a favorable light by many students and staff. Is a girl with her own family trouble and it lashing out. Kind hearted, bubbly and cuddly, loves to cook homemade meals with a desire to learn how to bake.
Muse A Alternative: A girl from another school from Muse B, a more upper class all girls private school, as she is awkward around men and more so ones her age. Shy and bookish but she a desire to be a good partner in the Program and is will to step outside her boundaries to see her friends and partner happy.
Muse B: Muse A’s partner in crime for the State Assigned Newlyweds Program. Unlike Couple Practical, I don’t have a set personality I’d like to see.

Muse A: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth

Kinks and Limits:

Romantic Sex with a hint of Rough Sex, Oral, Vaginal, Anal, Non-penetrative Sex like thigh jobs, and Handjobs, Deepthroat, Cervix and Throat Penetration, Loads of Ejaculate, Teasing, Flirting, Lots of Cuddling, Kissing, Hugging, Relaxing, Older Guys and Gals, Taller Guys and Gals, Muscular Guys, Voluptuous Gals, Sex Toys, Risk of or Actually Pregnancy, Flexibility, Cum Shoots, Large Cocks, Flirty Fun.

Gore, Vore, Scat, Most Watersports, Extreme Violence, Non-con

Thank you for reading this. I'll be updating it soon
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