Fx Any Looking for story driven roleplay

Sylvis Moonwreath

Once upon a midnight dreary...
Feb 12, 2020
Hey there! This thread is for all my random RP ideas.

***I feel bad for needing to say this. But please, if you are going to approach, have at least a general idea for what you want in mind. I'm willing to negotiate on specifics, but attempting to tease a storyline out of nothing is just going to frustrate me. Also, I don't require you to have perfect grammar, but being fluent in English would be very helpfull.***

Hi there, I've been role-playing for the last 8 or so years. I started out on Hexchat, in a PG server for about a year. Then Transitioned into an adult server, after about a year and a half there I went to Secondlife, and have been role-playing there up till about the start of February. Issue is I noticed that with graphics my writing has gotten sloppy, so I decided it was time to go back to pure text based and relearn old habits.

A little about my favorite styles of play. I love pretty much anything that isn't modern day role-play. So, Science fiction, Vampires, Fantasy, Magic? Bring it all on and I'll beg for more. Try to get me into a high school setting without any magic or other supernatural aspects and I'll probably last... an hour before I am bored and leave.

Oh! As for the roles I personally play. I've done the whole gambit, Male, Female, AI, Adult, Teen, and anything in between that range. Pretty much any Fantasy or Science Fiction role you can imagine that isn't world breaker level. My characters all have deep flaws within them meant to drive story-building forward. So I hope you don't mind if they aren't perfect.

Age Range: I am willing to play down to about 14 years of age for strictly non sexual RP, any ERP I prefer to be in the 21-26 age range. And I've never role-played as someone older then 35 or so. I'm willing to give it a shot if its desired however.

Take Sabrina's kink list with a grain of salt. It's a bit outdated. I'll update it soon.

Fanfiction - Harry Potter, Descendants, Twilight, Star Wars
Once, there was a girl. She was a shy little thing, with a continuous pallor of fear about her countenance. The herbalist’s daughter, the people of their small (and very superstitious) village held her mother, as well as Saren in no small amount of awe and fear. They lived in a small little cottage set back in the woods. When the peoples required healing or other services of her mother, the people scampered down the winding dirt pathway to their shabby little cottage, knock swiftly and conduct their business as quickly as possible before fleeing back to the village without delay. The children of the village where even worse, not only did their parents direct them to not play with the strange girl, but there was three of the other children who liked to torment her.

Saren looks up as the sound of heavy footfalls come towards her, only thirteen years in age, she was frail, thin and sickly looking, the poor scrap of a thing was well familiar with those footsteps...
Aria laughs joyfully as she listens to Timmy beg her for mercy. As easy pickings as he was, she still never tired of the way he trembled in fear before his rightful mistress. She was the daughter of Lord Torvald, following the examples of her parents, Aria was learning the skill of intimidation. Much fun as Timothy was however, the shrieking sound of her mother’s voice pulls her up short. Looking back over her shoulder in the direction the voice came from, she heaves a great sigh and turns back to Timmy, poking him harshly in the side with one slippered foot she states. “A reprieve for now it would appear. Pick up this mess and continue about your chores little Timmy.” So saying, she spun on one heel, the foreboding black and crimson gown swirling about her as she hurries from her rooms towards the great hall.

“Yes Mother?” Aria asks with false sweetness as she rounds the last corner and comes to a halt before her mother, the Lady Carissa. “Ah, good, there you are. I have someone you are to meet. They will see if you are of any use or not.” She waves a hand dismissively, and directs Aria’s attention to a cloaked and bent figure in the shadows.

Hmm, it’s not much to look at, she thought to herself. Stifling the urge to sigh she steps over towards the rather mysterious figure, presuming that this must be the first of the matchmaker’s her mother told her of. But no, she would soon discover that this person wasn’t anything so mundane.
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Glances upwards, smiling as she says cheerfully "Come one, come all. Don't worry, I don't bite!"
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