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Fx Female Mischi's Magical Mischief

Mischievous Mage

Call me Mischi
Feb 15, 2020
Hello, traveller, and welcome to my humble request thread! Please, have a seat and a drink! Would you like some Tea? Coffee, maybe? Or something else?

Or would you like to get straight on to business? If so, read below!

I play female characters, between 16 and 24-ish. I use either descriptions, drawings or anime-style images for my characters, and will not use images of real people for my characters. I prefer playing the younger/shorter character in an RP, but I don't mind playing the taller/older one from time to time.

My thread might be a bit bare atm, but I'll be adding stuff when I think of it!

- I RP in Third Person, but I'm open to giving First Person a try.
- I RP via PMs, but can do forum if you prefer. No discord!
- I prefer my characters to have breasts that are on the smaller size, but I have no preference when it comes to your character, as long as the breasts aren't huge.
- I'm fine wtih larger-than-normal genitals.

- Characters with Magic
- Consensual and Non-Con Sex
- Being tied or chained up, possibly even gagged or blindfolded
- Being made to wear a collar with either a chain or a bell
- Clothed Sex
- Being Hypnotized/Mind-controlled/Slowly Broken
- Wearing certain outfits (both before and during sex) such as One-piece swimsuit, maid uniforms, etc.

- Rimjobs & Anal Fingering (Anal Sex is fine)
- Gore, Mutilation, etc.
- Anything that belongs in the toilet

Left is me, Right is you.

Young Mage/Evil Overlord
Young Mage/Rich Woman
Princess/Evil Overlord
Familiar/Mage of Adventurer
Childhood Friend/Childhood Friend
Young Mage/Adventurer

This takes place in a world where magic exists but is very rare, and as a result mages are very valuable for all sorts of reasons. MC is capable of using magic, which makes her valuable. YC could be seeking to hire her, or abduct her. Their exact reasons for wanting her are up to you!

YC is a demon/demoness, evil overlord/lady, or something else, and has recently pillaged a village. There was, however, one survivor; MC. Instead of killing her, YC decides to 'keep' her, perhaps as a slave, or with the intent of turning them to their side. Up to you!

This is a rather simple setup, and takes place either in a long-distance luxury train, a ship, or just on the road in a fantasy setting. The specifics are open, but it involves YC and MC meeting eachother and getting in either a romantic or nonconsensual relationship.

This is another rather simple setup. YC either summons MC as their familiar, or turns them from a free being into their familiar. The rest of the RP we can decide on together~

YC is a Vampire, either a powerful, ruling vampire or one who lives reclusively in an ancient manor. I'd like them to be female, but I'd be okay with a male too. Either way, one day, MC arrives at their home. Perhaps they're an explorer hoping to either slay the vampire or confirm their existence, or a weary traveller unintentionally arriving at a Vampire's home/lair/castle. MC and YC meet, either under friendly circumstances or hostile circumstances, and it is decided one way or another that MC will stay to serve YC, either willingly or by force. MC might have magical powers that make them valuable to YC, and perhaps there'd be a reason for them not to immediately turn her into a Vampire too.

I'd quite like to play an RP in which you play a GM for me! If you want the opposite, check the next spoiler

MC is an adventurer in a dangerous world. The world is under threat from an evil entity that wishes to take over, and MC is one of a bunch of adventurers that each independently fight to stop them. YC, meanwhile, is not the evil entity, but a servant of theirs. A Succubus/Incubus or Demoness/Demon (I'd like this to be an FxF RP, but I might settle for FxM too), who has an eye on MC, though they either do not want to or cannot take them by force. Instead, they visit MC whenever she's alone, and act more like a friendly figure, talking to her to try and get her to be more comfortable around them, even though YC is technically one of MC's enemies. YC's plan is to ensure that, when MC is at her weakest - either from stress or injury - she'll willingly submit to YC and become her servant/slave/lover etc to escape the dangers of her life as an adventurer. From then on, the RP can either be MC falling further and further to the darker side, and have interactions with the beings who once were her enemies, or instead focus more on YC and MC's 'home life', and RP what life is like for the fallen adventurer who abandoned her people and the one who took advantage of her in her moment of weakness.

Here be pre-made characters you could choose for me to use in RPs!

I don't want to change much about these characters, though there are a few things I'm willing to change to get them to fit your preferences better. Age, Hairstyle, Hair Colour, Eye Colour and clothing.
Loreli, aged 16, due to turn 17 in two months, is an extremely talented mage. She comes from a long bloodline of mages, and is unnaturally skilled in magic.
Standing at 148cm tall, she's got brilliant golden eyes and flowing blue hair that she often wears in a braid, twintails, or just as a loose mess.
She's a carefree and curious girl, protective of her friends and quick to overestimate her skill - even though her magic is strong she's not unbeatable, especially if one prepares to beat her specifically. She's long dreamt of going on an adventure, and has left home not long ago to do so. She's still a virgin, inexperienced in love, and is bisexual.
Her clothes consist of a pale green dress with short sleeves that reaches down to her knees, black tights/pantyhose with matching panties and undershirt, and a fancy maroon-red hooded cloak made out of expensive material and enchanted with as many enchantments as Loreli could get away with.
Loreli's Cloak - This cloak was custom made for Loreli, and is decorated with constellations. It carries a few enchantments, ensuring it never dirties, can keep her warm even in winter, and can block attacks if she takes on a curled up position on the ground and covers herself with the cloak. Although this makes her highly resistant to any attack, it leaves her immobile, unable to attack, and easy to capture.
Staffspear - A weapon that is a mix of a staff and a short spear. Stabby bit on one end, magicky bit on the other. It's made of wood, with a steel spearhead on one end and a golden hook on the other. The staff makes it easier for her to cast magic.
Silencing Dagger - A dagger that mutes anyone cut for up to an hour, preventing them from casting magic or talking. Tucked away inside her cloak as she fears it being stolen and used against her.

Ice Magic - Loreli's strongest field of magic, she is capable of forming barriers and shapes, firing projectiles, freezing liquids and cooling entities.
Magic Affinity - Loreli has a very strong affinity to magic. She is easy to detect using magic, is quick to learn new types of magic if given proper training, and is drawn towards magic items.
Frail - Loreli is strong in magic but weak physically. She won't last long in a melee battle, and a good bit can knock her out. She counts on her nimbleness and agility to protect her, but when cornered or ambushed she's in a lot of trouble.
Anti-Magic - Antimagic Spells, cuffs, collars and other methods of blocking off her spellcasting will leave LorelI practically defenceless.
Good Food - Loreli is not one to say no to a good cooked meal, meaning one could easily skip something into her meal or drink.

High Value - Many... Dubious persons would pay a pretty high sum to any slaver that could sell them Loreli. After all, she's powerful and of a powerful bloodline, owning her would give her owner a lot of political power, and perhaps the opportunity to use her for other purposes...
Opportunity for Evil - Loreli is still young and easy to influence. Any dark lord that could get her to be their subordinate or slave would find themselves with a pretty powerful weapon...
Romance - Loreli is single and inexperienced with love. Perhaps someone gets a crush on her and courts her?
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