Fx Female Kitten in need of a home

Kotomi Aurora

Apr 4, 2015
The lonesome kitten stretched her arms and legs out as she shuffled out of her cardboard box in the alley. Rubbing at her light aqua blue eyes she squinted as the bright sun blinded her a bit. Dirt marks evident on her pale face as she looks around to see if she was alone. Her paws padded onto the hard concrete beneath her as she made her way out into all the hustle and bustle of those city sidewalks. Pushing herself up to stand on her two feet she took one step out before being bumped to the floor by a tall man rushing to get to work. With a heavy thud she wiped some tears from her eyes before picking herself back up to her feet. Her small black dress tattered and ripped in areas, long sleeves that went up to her upper arm and long leggings up to her thighs were no better as well. Wandering the streets she went out to search for some food, heading to her dumpster diving spots to see if she could scrounge anything up.

Just a little teaser and start of a plot that can pretty much go anywhere you would like it to. I'm willing to play my character in a variety of scenes here ranging from romance all the way to being owned. With that my wide array of kinks varies quite a bit depending on what the pairing will be. Just feel free to ask or you can see my Flist here to get a better idea. Just a give some examples of how this little teaser could go:
  • Mistress/Slave
  • Mistress/Pet
  • Falling in love, romance
  • Falling in love, domination/Stockholm syndrome
  • Turning into mother/daughter or sisters through adoption
  • Becoming close friends/roommates
  • And more...
As for how I roleplay I can do both 3rd and 1st person, whichever you prefer. Now don't judge this little teaser as my post limit as I can post from 2-4 paragraphs here. Can also post in PM and threads so no problem there.

If you have any pairings in mind yourself I'd certainly love to hear them. Don't let a poor little kitten be out all on her own now :cry:
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