Fx Any Looking for some interested & interesting writing partners


Jun 14, 2014
Warning: This thread contains adult humor and a shit fucking ton of sarcasm. If you find anything offense and/or insulting please feel free to stuff it right up your ass. I have a black sense of humor and am way too sarcastic for my own good. This is all in good humor so if you are still butt hurt please consult your Doctor about getting a life. Onward!


Me when I finally find that perfect idea and someone else is using it.

Hidey ho there, good neighbor! Here's my relatively poor attempt to get my point across and explain what I like and am looking for. This will include lots of words, much rambling, some light tickling followed by dramatic music and probably snuggling and netflix. You've been warned.


Now that we got that important stuff out of the way. Let's do the whole 'More information about the writer' thing. Let's ride!

My natural inclination towards pairings leans heavily towards FxF. That isn't to say that I'm against MxF, I'm not misandrous! But in general men do little for me, especially big burly dudes with lots of body hair. Ew, yuck, no, ser please, gross. Androgynous and pretty boys though? Fucking delicious!

That said, your actual gender is irrelevant. I don't care if you are a woman, a man, a horse, or a broom. If you enjoy writing a particular gender and can actually write it without being some horrible caricature (looking at you futas!) then I want you on my team. Go Team Sidley, we got brownies.

As you may or may not have guessed, I'm a rather dominant personality. I'm a big too big for me britches sometimes. But I'm not some dominatrix looking to punish all you adorable subs, maybe just a light slap on the ass. I don't really go into the sub & dom shit, it's not my bag. So if you're into submissive chicks you've just wasted a lot of your time. Sorry.

I generally have the ability to communicate and post, at least here and Discord. I am of the quality over quantity persuasion, so I prefer taking my time with posts. I usually post several times a week or less. And never multiple times in one day. I'm a slow burner, if that's a turn off you know where the door is.

My schedules recently changed, which is now normal time in the Central time zone. So replies and such will change accordingly.

*New Note* I've gotten it a few times lately so I guess I should make a note. I write in threads only. I don't do PMs or DMs on Discord. I'll gladly talk in them anytime, but if you will only write in PM, I'm not the person for you!

Don't be scured to PM or message me on Discord. If I'm around I'll hit yah back. I don't bite all that hard. Usually. Maybe. Depends on the day and how hungry I am.


So that's a lot about me. But what about you? Has your desire to know more intensified yet? What can you offer? What are my expectations? You might have gotten a general idea but let's go into some more detail, shall we?
  • Detailed descriptions
  • Multiple paragraphs
  • Good grasp of dialogue
  • Interesting & quirky characters with flaws
  • Communication!
Before I even get an idea going I like to throw shit back and forth, chit-chat and feel each other out (not like that). If we don't get along how will the characters? Shit like that just rubs off and it shows. 3rd person is a must, I know some people do 1st person but I just can't get into it, so let's stick together. Be cool, have fun, be friendly and you'll get all that back. That's how I always work, you get what you give.


This one's pretty easy. I have 4 specific settings that give me giant imagination boners. They are, in no particular order, Urban Fantasy, Slice of Life (realistic & mundane), Sci-fi and Fantasy. I'll give consideration to most others besides Historical genres, unless it involves alternate history but even then it's iffy.


First of all, I am not a giant walking list of kinks. I don't have an F-list, if you start off by asking me what kinks I'm into I will lose any semblance of my inspiration boner and it'll fall apart from there. So if that's yer bag, don't bother. What I look for is passion, in writing and in the character. I want whoever I write to fucking want to rip your character's clothes off and just rock their world six ways from Sunday. I want the same from your characters. The spark has gotta be there, even if it's just deep physical attraction. That intensity leads into some rough play.

  • Dirty talk
  • Filthy language (spoken by the characters)
  • Light spanking
  • Hair pulling
  • Scratching
  • Even a little light choking.
S'all good. They aren't all needed in every scene of course.

As for specific situations I love causal sex and group scenes. Of course not all characters will be into that kind stuff, but in general it's probably something that can happen. That's not to say I'm into cheating scenes, again, depends on the character. All in all I'm pretty vanilla in my tastes. But...

*pulls out her soap box and stands on it*

I don't think you need a giant list of freaky shit to get off. An intense scene of passionate love making (or hate fucking) can be just as mindblowing. The devil is in the details. Be descriptive, be fucking passionate, want it and own it.

*steps off the soap box and kicks it aside* Anyway...

How about some non-sexy likes? This'll be fun. In case you hadn't noticed I really like humor. I love the funny, in writing and in real life. People are imperfect and often times dumb as shit. Funny things happen, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Dark humor is very much appreciated. And not taking yourself too seriously. Seems like a contradiction with that passion thing but I don't really think so. Just enjoy yourself and smile. I love character flaws, maybe a bit too much. I absolutely love broken and fucked up people. Not emos but people with real problems that don't always see the good in life and don't always end up with a happy ending. I'm of the George RR Martin take on characters. I love them, I breath life into and I also maim, dismember and destroy them just as gleefully. Creativity is a must, along with a decent grasp of grammar. Sexual metaphors and figures of speech are yummy. Inside jokes, nerdy pop culture references, I tend to throw those in everything I write. I'm a nerd, it tends to bleed out into my writing.

Dislikes - Will induce bouts of uncontrollable rage

I have some pretty big No-No's as mentioned before. Check out the list of the crap I find majorly offensive and will not under any means write about or even talk about.

Here's the list:
  • Scat
  • vore
  • gore
  • snuff
  • Humiliation
  • Water Sports
  • BDSM
  • Minors
  • Dom/Sub stuff
  • Impregnation
  • Inflating
  • Transformation
  • Lactation
  • Feet Stuff

This isn't a exclusive list, there might be more but in general this shit above is...can you guess it? A No-No.

Do not, under any circumstances, try to guilt or bully me. If I want to write, I will write with you, I reserve the right to call shit off if I'm not feeling it or end up not liking it. If I do, I will tell you so. I will not leave you hanging, intentionally - I tend to forget about PMs sometimes on sites (which is why I stated Discord and such above).

Anyway, any attempt at guilt tripping or general bullying will be met with excessive and catty force. I react very...very...very badly to it. Fair warning there.

So onto more dislikes. These aren't No-Nos but stuff I generally frown upon and fine either distracting, annoying or a turn off. It includes:
  • bad grammar
  • Poorly constructed sentences
  • One-liners
  • First person writing
  • Lack of passion

Were none of us perfect, I make mistakes all the time, so I'm not expecting perfection. Just an attempt that you actually give a shit. I can tell, you can tell, everyone can tell.

One major dislike I have and is a complete deal breaker is when people write how my character reacts. Just don't do it. You play your characters, I play mine, that's the point of it. Don't assume unless we previously discussed something like moving the scene ahead or whatever. Communication. Communication is key.

I also have a weird dislike of vulgar language. At least when it is used to describe a sex scene. It fits in dialogue, people say shit all the time, but not when yer describing the good stuff. Examples are words like cock, cunt, twat, tits, slang like that. It all depends on the mood too, there's certainly no call for it if things are of a more romantic take. This is a kinda weird dislike I know and I'm usually willing to look past it or work with people if you work with me too. Again, that effort thing.


If you are interested hit me up with a PM.


Some random character ideas and stuff.

Name: Sidney Aurora Gunn. Goes by Sid and to a lesser extent Rory. Or just Gunn.

Age: 24

Height: 5'7”

Hair: Jet Black – Typically dyes I teal, blue, purple, green or any combination thereof

Eyes: Olive Green

Physical Description: Sid had a stunning little figure. From her straight and proud shoulders, to her ample yet modest bosom, down to her taut and toned inner core and shapely hips, Sid turned heads when she entered a room. One of her more stunning features was that pert little derriere. It was so tight and toned that you could bounce a quarter off those cheeks! Her skin was a stark alabaster, as if it had never seen the light of day. But Sid was more than just killer body; she had a face to match. It was a ravishing, angular visage with just a hint of angelic beauty coupled with a sinner’s smile. Her lips were full and plush, always wearing some kind of smirk, as if she knew something that no one else did. Her eyes had that sleepy quality to them and were a vivid olive green that radiated a mischievous inner light.

Personality: Sid is at the very core a chaotic person. She wore her emotions on her sleeve and changed her shirt regularly. She could be jovial and playful one day and dark and depressing the next. It was hard to pin down just what caused such rapid mood swings, maybe the weather, a chemical imbalance, or black government vans shooting mind controlling rays, it was anyone's guess (Sid usually went for the rays – pew pew).

Despite her general mood, if Sid had any constants it was her uncontrollable sarcastic wit. She was a glass half empty kind of girl, but at least she could find some dark humor in it. Sid rarely kept her feelings to herself, for good or bad, though it could easily be a cover for more serious feelings. She especially liked to give those she liked a hard time, though she never bothered to tell anyone this. She reacted with a cool indifference or searing hate to those she detested.

Sid detested silence. She would fill the void with humming or singing at the least, music, or with general small talk, which meant for her bitching about how shitty people could be. It was a pastime of hers to people watch as well, she enjoyed nothing more than a good guffaw at people and their 'fashion' or general appearance. She had a morbid sense of humor and a odd outlook on life. Sid would easily say outlandish things with nothing to back up her claims and usually not mean a word of it. Then again she might be completely honest, it was hard to tell. She liked nothing better than a good smoke, a raunchy joke, and a good game to pass the time.

Background: Sid grew up in what she liked to call the barren wastelands, what other people usually called New Mexico. She had always had a mouth on her, her Mother always liked to remind her that she came out kicking and screaming and hasn't stopped since. She had always been a bright girl, quick to pick up a book and read it twice from cover to back. Her talents had always been artistically inclined, ranging from writing to drawing and painting. She was raised in a middle class environment, her parents tried their best but were more eager to preach and lecture than actually teach. It didn't take Sid long to grow to resent it all and what gifts she had floundered and withered on the vine. It was around her early teens she found “The Devil incarnate,'' as her Father and Mother like to put it. Most people just referred to it as tabletop gaming, starting out with Dungeons and Dragons and moving out from there into the general sub-culture of 'Gaming'. It only served to further put a strain between her and her parents.

Despite it all she kept her grades decent and when it came time to graduate she had the opportunity to expand her horizons with an out of state college. Her parents had managed to scrape together enough to set her up for a year, after that Sid was on her own. Life was going on a set of tracks, that's how it was supposed to be wasn't it? Go to college, get a degree, get a job, make some money, find a man, squeeze out some babies and live happily ever after behind a row of white picket fences. Yeah, that didn’t turn out so well. Sid found she would rather play ping pong and take a hit from a bong then study philosophy and mathematics. It wasn’t that she was a dullard, her mind was quite sharp and astute. The flaw Sid had developed was the ability to absorb information she found ‘boring’. The thinking of people that lived several thousand years ago held not particular interest, nor did complex mathematical quotations, chemical compounds, and many, many more things. What Sid did find interesting was just as subjective as her dislikes. One day it could be one thing she had passionately stated she loathed and the next something else entirely. It didn’t take long for Sid to drop out, in fact, she claimed she should have gotten an award for the swiftness of it all! While it was all well a good to not fancy the academic lifestyle, high ideals only got one so far in life. At the end of the day it didn’t put food in your stomach or a roof over your head.

Perhaps she hadn’t thought it out entirely, it wasn’t as if she had come from royalty or anything. Thus, Sid was simply put, royally screwed. She had no money and no place to go. Going back home was not an option, she couldn’t bear to live under that roof again, coupled with the shame and lectures she would get from her parents, well, to plainly put as Sid would, “Fuck that shit.” Thus Sid migrated off campus and through what could only be described as sitcom worthy escapades, found herself in Seattle. She managed to find a few odd jobs here and there, working at cafes or bars, but nothing ever panned out in the long run till she happened upon Quinn's (a local restaurant) one night. Why they hired her, even Sid wasn't sure. Sid started out as a dishwasher, tried her hand and Hostessing and being a waitress, failing miserably at both, and finally found her niche as a cook. While she has no grand delusions of her culinary skill, she is good with a knife and a pan, can follow directions well, and can cook up some truly good food. The position works well for the boisterous woman, she'd rather sweat over a hot stove and bitch about the other cooks and staff than anything else. She found herself somewhere she can go 'zen' as she likes to call it and focus on getting the food out on time the first time. With her time in the city Sid has made a few connections in the seedier side of the world. Sid also found a place to feed her gaming addiction, both on and off the table. She is a ruthless player in all fields she partakes in, from miniature wargames, collectible card games, online gaming, and tabletop roleplaying games.

More than a few people have made the mistake of calling her a 'gamer girl' though, something that sends her into a frothing rage every time she hears it. She still nursed her fledgling talents of drawing and writing from time to time, though it was more of a passing hobby. Still, she had some decent raw potential. Relationships really weren't her thing. Even when she found herself in one she was rarely that committed. It had nothing to do with getting off on cheating, but that libido of hers just wouldn't quit.

Likes: Smoking (weed & cigarettes), Pizza, energy drinks, Tabletop RPGs, video games (favorite genre is MMORPGS, FPS, Action, and RPG, or anything with a PVP focus, anything but Sports), pretty people (regardless of gender), alcohol (dark beer or whiskey), sleeping, binge watching TV and movies, occasionally reading, friends with benefits, loud music (anything but country and most rap), sleeping.

Dislikes: Authority figures, mundane tasks (which involves any kind of adulting), overly masculine 'alpha' males, women who get by on their looks alone, justifying herself, relationships, being serious, anything political or religious, homophones and bigots, Larpers, healing or tanking in MMOs, waking up (anytime), vegans, abuse against women.

Favorite food: Deep dish pepperoni and mushroom pizza

Hobbies: Gaming (tabletop or video), sleeping, watching TV & movies

Occupation: Will work any mundane job, has done anything from coffee barista, line cook, sous chef, retail, and most recently working at a headshop.

Relationship Status: Complicated but not really

Sid has picked up some skills along the way, namely in the culinary pursuits. She is loath to display them though since most people would associate it with women and cooking and she'd rather not have to punch a bitch in the throat over it. She also has a natural talent for painting and drawing, though she rarely does such and has mostly squandered the gift. She's also ridiculously good at most PVP-based games, from MMOs to FPS, she has quick reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination. At least for video games, she's usually a klutz otherwise. She also started training to fight, mostly to tone her body but she has picked up some useful skills from a former lover and Krav Maga trainer. Encyclopedic knowledge of the 80's and 90's pop culture, and fellatio.

Specific ideas are a work in progress.

Pics & Body references





Body Reference





Appearance: See gallery for more.
Full Name: Ryan Fiona de Grey
Nicknames: Grey, Fi
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Svelte
Hair: Dark brown, kept short and typically undercut. She dyes it often, changing the color depending on her current mood.
Eyes: Blue
Piercings, Tattoo's, etc: Has numerous piercings in both ears, from the cartilage to earlobe. Tattoo left wrist and forearm.

Job / Occupation: Wedding/Portrait Photographer
Sexuality/Alignment: Pansexual. Is interested in anyone with a pretty face. Believes in free love with no hangups.


Personality Goods:
Open Minded

Personality Bads:


Never making something of herself.
Confined spaces
Fish (so creepy)
Losing her friends

Constantly fidgets when her hands are idle. Twisting rings on her finger, tugging necklaces, tapping pens, picking at her cuticles, etc.
Chews her bottom lip when thinking.
Tends to stare at people when not actively engaged in a conversation.
Frowns a lot.
Sighs dramatically when annoyed.
Due to her stupidly high metabolism she eats like a trucker with a hollow leg.
Will often start quoting Carl Sagan when she gets really baked.

Skilled photographer. Prefers digital photography.
Talented artist, primarily painting, drawing, and sculpture.
Excellent photoshop skills. Her memes are pretty dank too.
Keen spatial awareness and perception
An encyclopedic knowledge of every edition of D&D (except 4th cuz it sucks)
Exceptional hand eye coordination, pretty good at twin-stick shooters and bullet hell shoot 'em ups.
Can be very quiet, sneaks up on people pretty easily.
Can keep one position for prolonged periods of time.

Table-top games
Video games
Cheesy B movies
People watching
The 5 stages of decomposition
Parasitic insects (morbidly fascinated by parasitoid wasps in general)
Recreational drug use (edibles and smoking primarily)
Loves Bowie and Prince
The beach
Mexican food
Taking random pictures of people. Not quite voyeurism but pretty close
Being under the stars on a clear, quiet night
Off-color and morbid humor
Energy drinks & cigarettes
Sitting around and pondering
Try hards
Excessive shows of masculinity/femininity
People who don't listen
People who take themselves too seriously
Closed minded people
Rules & traditions
Most mundane topics and small talk - weather, what someone did on the weekend, etc.

Kinks: Causal sex, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling, choking, deep connections, romance, oral (receiving and giving), threesomes or more.
Turn Off's: Scat, humiliation, water sports, bdsm, anal, greedy lovers, body hair.


Bio: Grey was the unintended result of free love. Both her parents were free thinkers, exceptional artists in their own right; neither had ever considered having a child. Needless to say her upbringing was interesting to say the least. Her parents never married and had no intentions of ever doing so, she lived primarily with her mother in Long Beach and occasionally spent time with her father in Seattle. Neither parent really wanted the responsibility of a child and treated Grey more like a friend than offspring. (They made Ned Flanders parents look strict). Sure, it sounded pretty awesome but the lack of discipline and structure in her formative years severely handicapped her transition from child to adult. She lacked the ability to cope with setbacks and not getting her way, she was just a tiny bit spoiled.

Art was in her blood, she displayed great potential even before she could properly hold a brush. Her mother had always encouraged her artistic side, giving the girl the freedom to do as she pleased with little or no consequence. Her father wasn’t any better, though he at least gave her a hint of structure while teaching her the basics of photography. Her true calling was behind the camera lens and became her primary focus, with painting and other art mediums becoming more of a hobby. She was a skilled amateur photographer by the time she began to attend high school. And while she excelled in anything artistic she had little interest in anything academic. While intelligent she lacked the ability to focus on anything that she deemed boring or mundane, which was pretty much every class. If it hadn’t been for her friends, the ones that accepted the weird little girl into their fold, she would have no doubt flunked out or just dropped out entirely. Yet with their help she managed to make it through her senior year and obtain her diploma, but just by the skin of her teeth.

Higher learning certainly wasn’t in the cards, though she could have easily gone for some kind of artistic scholarship Grey was done with school and never looked back. She had grand aspirations to open up her own studio though hasn’t taken any steps to do so since finishing high school. Instead she peddles her skill in photography as a wedding and portrait photographer, something she has made a name for herself with despite her general lack of ambition.

Grey could sometimes be difficult to get along with. To those she doesn’t know she can be scathingly sarcastic and extremely defensive. To the select few that really know her (primarily the rest of the butterflies) she can be cheerful and outgoing. Her smile is pretty amazing too but its a rare sight.

Doesn't like to celebrate birthdays or any kind of holiday
Her dog got run over when she was 8 and the event sparked a curiosity in how things decomposed and decayed. Has a little obsession with watching and taking pictures of decomposing things (not just dead things but structures and even plants).
Always keeps an emergency doobie in a mint tin on her person at all times.
Seems to be the only one that can only speak one language. Or does pig Latin count?
Drives a green 1973 Ford Ranger. Manual, a real clunker.
Likes to do stupid and crazy bets with her friends. $5 bucks to snort a line of chunky salsa. Any takers?


Work in progress. More to come.
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