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Fx Male Greedy... Need an Rp With More Story... And Cookies.


I'm Cookie Monster. Chocolate chips please....
Aug 13, 2014
Hello. Just wondering around after being absent for some time. I've posted my old thread a few times and plan on keeping it. I just figured it might be good to start up another. If you're curious about my other thread, it's easy. Type my name in search.

So why am I here? Look at the title. I need an in depth world builder to construct a long term story together.

That's it. Pretty simple. No flares or glittery pages to click on or blinding walls of text to explain in what, I can do in a few short sentences.

I'm easy going. You don't have to be on all day, every day, for weeks on end. I can work around any schedule, so no pressure. My posts are multi para unless the situation calls for it. A conversation between the two is bout the only reason I can think of at the moment.

I like description and I really try hard to return what I get but will warn you, if I put in four or five paragraphs and I get a one or two liner back, I can tell immediately you're not interested so I'm not going to be a good partner in that regard. I also write only in third person. I don't like reading first person responses. I'm not going to beat around that bush. It puts me off. You might be the greatest first person writer in the world. Its just not a style compatible with me personally. I'm sorry.

Another thing I'm going to touch on. I don't do discord, skype, or anything else. This site has moderators and is well organized. If something should go south, a simple ignore button works and if things ever got out of hand, a moderator is there for support. Please don't ask me to leave to go to somewhere else. I'm not going to entertain that. I hate to admit it but I don't do open forum roleplays either. People complain about organization but you can create and save whole files in your pm box. Don't give me that excuse. 😏

With all that out of the way, what can you expect of me?
Regular updates and post responses.
Being up front whether or not I'm into the rp or not.
Smart remarks and sass
Oh, how about a friendly daily hello? Those are pretty nice when you have a crappy day and don't want to rp.

I did do an f-list. If you don't read it and ask me something silly, I will point this link as a reference. I won't be rude and ignore you completely but if you manage to do it again. I might send my army of typo demons your way. Just saying... 😎

Thanks! I hope everyone has a great day. :)
I nnnnnnneeeeeeddddddd.....

A good story... help me out pwwwweeeezzzzeeeee. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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