Fx M or F The Nocturne Sun's Request Threat of Everything

The Nocturne Sun

Feb 9, 2020


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About Myself:

My name is Sun Ae and you can call me Sun or Sunny if you want, it's all the same to me. I have an off and on relationship with role-playing with about five years as a practitioner for the most part, and I'm currently seeking to end my break and to it back into something that I really adore with a passion. Writing has been particularly significant to me and my live as a whole. I found that being able to hold a one on one conversation over writing is an important skill to have and as one that seek to improve herself, role-playing is a great way explore my more creative and erotic sides while refining my English Writing as it's my second language that I've picked up recently. It's hard to talk and write with people if you don't understand them, right? That's what I think so I'm here, as well as wanting to have fun with potential partners and to reconnoiter my own role-playing needs and desires.

Role-play Writing Style and Expectation of Partners:
All are preferred not mandatory (expect ages, they are mandatory)

  • Paragraph Length: Two plus paragraphs with a range of two to five paragraphs.​
  • Detail: Detailed paragraphs would be appreciated as I'm someone that particular about it.
  • Characters: Preferably one character per partner however I'm open to either partner playing one or more main characters. Side characters are another story altogether. Majority of my characters well be women who take up a "supportive" role in the role-play; A Queen to her King, A Mage to their Knight​
  • Ages: All my characters will be of the ages of 16 or high. My own personal age range is 18 to 26. I prefer taller partner character as size differences is something I'm heavily into. Half a foot to three feet would be a good range for height
  • Races: I'm open to play many different races for my characters. I have a preference for playing non - human character such as Elves, Oni, and Monster Girls but I'm not limited to them. I can play a human character quite comfortably. Interracial relationships, be them fantasy established like Orc x Elf or Dragon x Human, Modern established like Black x Asian, Caucasian x Asian, Latino x Black (you get the idea), and Sci- Fi established like Alien x Human, Android x Human.​
  • Body-types: For my characters: a petite, slender or tomboyish and other femininity body types. Not into playing Amazonian or have curvy girls. Cuddly round is okay, think Mei from Overwatch.
  • Partner's Characters: I'm interested in playing against male or female character, and I'm okay with non-binary too, and that are comfortable in the "main" role in the role-play; The King to his Queen. Strong willed, confident, cunning, lively, romantic are all traits I found personal attractive. The Cunning CEO or the Cold-hearted Prince are character's I love to read about. A character that's older, be it by one year or 30, would be amazing.
  • Frequency: During the weekdays, I'll be posting less than on the weekends. Multiple Posts a day to week.​
  • Story to Smut: Story over smut as I find pure smut to be so boring, having some alluring story to hold everything together and to set up interesting erotic scene is far more my style.
  • Dominant and Submissive Dynamic: First and foremost I am a submissive role-player, borderline switch, that actively take initiative. Waiting for something to happen is more boring then being the thing that happens. I'm all for playing the weak submissive girl against her strong, dominant and in-change character as long as I can do things.
  • Kinks and Limits: Check out my F-list for details.

A Cool Transitional Gif


Fantasy Role-plays:

The conquest of the northern kingdom of Dillenheim was over and itโ€™s lands were subjugated by the southerly Empire of Altensten in the 513th​ year of the Continental Calendar. It was a long and bloody war that lasted nearly two conflict filled decades. As a result, countless dead were on either side, and countless more were displaced and most will most likely die the harsh Dillenian climate in the wake in the Altenian victory. The transfer of power didnโ€™t come without trouble as loyalists and pretenders rose up to wage pointless wars of independent or greedy power plays. All sparks of rebellion were quickly and systematically snuffed out under the boot heels of the Grand Imperial Army of Altensten bead by the Fourth Prince of Altensten. The lands of Dillenheim and her people would know that they have been conquered by their betters and it was easier to kneel before the Empire of Altensten.

The late King of Dillenheim knew of the powers of the Empire of Altensten and tried desperately to postpone the conflict in a desperate effort to safe guard his people and their freedoms. He also wished to save his family from the horrors of being killed at the hands of Altenian soldiers or them being just prisoners of war at the mercy of the Altenian Royalty. In the year of 493, diplomacy talks broke down and war was upon them. The late King after 19 years of wanting peace would see his capital city sacked at the Empire of Altensten, countless priceless historical or cultural artifacts were stolen or destoryed, the treasury was looted and some living were carted back to Altenian lands as prisoners of war or simply slaves to serve as a grim reminder. The King was butchered by the Fourth Prince of Altensten in the Kingโ€™s own throne room along with most of the Royal Family. It would be another year before the last of the resistance and royalty were wiped out like diseased dogs. All but one died in the 20 years war between Dillenheim and Altensten with the youngest daughter of the Late King and his 3rd​ wife being the only survivor.

Only to the most inner of the Fourth Prince knows that sheโ€™s alive and well with the secret of her presence being masked by a fake name, Ophelia Da Ville, the only daughter of an Dillenheim Count, Walliam Da Ville. Like her old life, her old name was burnt and forgotten with the news of her death.

Other Face References for Ophelia are listed here: Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4, Number 5, Number 6

Lady Isemeine Helyssent was always told that the Orcs from the Northern Wastelands were nothing by barbaric, aggressive, war-hungry primitives โ€“ like most other orcs in the world but Northern Wasteland Orc are, because of the lands they call home, the most barbaric โ€“ that should be exterminated at all cost if they ventured too close to her familyโ€™s lands that was the first line of defence for the lush Kingdom of Aarsen. Her Father, the Duke of Frigarten, commanded the largest non- national army in the Kingdom which patrolled and guarded the Northern Routes with the help of the Nationโ€™s Standing Army. Supporting Duke and National forces were the Rangers of the Nelin Forest, Mages from the Wizardโ€™s College and hundred of mercenaries. It was the army that protected the Kingdom and had for close to three hundred years. Some said is was the strongest force in the world and it was unbeatable by those savages.

In the 167th​ year of the Holy Calendar, the surprisingly organized Wasteland Orcs under a mysterious new war leader clashed with the Aarsen forces, lead by her Father, at the Northern Routes, Clashes turned to skirmishes that turned to battle which turned into a Green Tide โ€“ An Orcish or Goblin invasion lead by a powerful war leader โ€“ and war had started in the Spring Time. Over the months, the nation army was being pushed back and losing ground fast. This Green Tide was not what they were familiar with and they couldnโ€™t fight a properly organized Orc Army they didnโ€™t run away once they started to lose the fight. Orcs were 3 times stronger compared their human counterparts but they had, historically, low morale. They were fighting differently, as previously they attacked in grand battle lines and ground up against the enemy until one
side broke, with tactics, strategies and ambushes.

In the Month of June, the month of Lady Isemeine 18th​ birthday and the month that her Father was captured, the Green Tide had laid siege on her Familyโ€™s Castle and quickly occupied it as their headquarters. Surprisingly the Orcs didnโ€™t loot and sack the Castle or itโ€™s surrounding city, โ€œpeacefullyโ€ taking it over with very little bloodshed. The Dukeโ€™s family were prisoners of war and were treated like honored quests in their own home. A few days later, Lady Isemeine was summoned her fatherโ€™s old bedchambers that were being occupied by the War Leader himself.

Other Face References for Isemeine are listed here: Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4, Number 5, Number 6, Number 7

Science - Fiction Role-play

The year is 2061 and universal holographic technology can be found in pretty much all personal used forms of technology such as phones and personal computers. UHT - universal holographic technology - projects a humanoid or animal like form that can be customized to the Operatorโ€™s own personal wants and can be customized at any time. From phones based projections, an image of the hologram from the shoulderโ€™s up can be seen and from personal computers, the whole body can be seen. That look like humans and animals but the Artificial Intelligence behind the hologram is lacking because of the UNโ€™s 2045 Treaty of Artificial Intelligence Usages and Limitations, which limited the Self Learning abilities of A.I and itโ€™s use in military, security and police fields. That didnโ€™t stop people from trying to undermine or find loopholes in the Treaty. One such people was an Artificial Intelligence specialist and a robotics Major, Gunther Schwertner, who created an A.I with Limited Self โ€“ Learning abilities, that couldnโ€™t be used in warfare at dictated by itโ€™s own code and followed not only Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics but Schwerinerโ€™s Three Laws of A.I. Law One: The A.I must help itโ€™s Operator maintain happiness and should prevent a loss of happiness. Law Two: The A.I is subject to the laws of itโ€™s Operatorโ€™s Country of Current Residence. Law Three: The A.I must do what the Operator says as long as itโ€™s justifiable in the Court of Law.

Between 2047 and 2061 Gunther Schwertner worked on his magus opus, the first true A.I hologram, nicknamed Harmony in a show to promote stability. On the cool summerโ€™s night, Harmony was stolen from Gunther Schwertner but ended up in good hands.

The start is 6 months after Harmony ended up in good hands and a good working relationship has been born with Harmony helping her new Operator can their workplace and at home but little did any one know that Harmony wasnโ€™t to be holographic for long.

Other Example Appearances for Harmony: Brunette, Raven Haired, Red Haired, Native American, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, African, Latin, Dirty - Blonde

Gaia hurried along the beautifully designed hallways of her Creatorโ€™s workplace who lead her by the wrist, other creators running the other way. They ran down a long flight of stairs, her Creator swiping his Access Card on a door frame at the bottom of the staircase. The door opened wide with a buzz before they continued onward down more stair cases, travelling deeper. They were alone now, as they entered the most secured area of her Creatorโ€™s workplace, laboratory and home. With a turn to the right at the bottom of the stairs they entered another hallway that opened into a small room, her Creatorโ€™s personal area. As they entered, her Creator stopped and coughed up blood, the crimson liquid splatting on the cold white tile under foot. She asked her Creator if they needed help but was quickly silenced. They moved to the far end of the room and she looked at her Capsule, her docking station for recharging and repair. Her Creator opened the Capsule hatch and shoved her in, closing and locking the hatch. โ€œGaia,โ€ her Creator spoke through the mic they grabbed from their desk, โ€œThe end has come, the Calamity is upon us. We were too late to stop it.โ€ The room shock from an explosion and her Creator collapsed to the floor, coughing up more blood at their knees. โ€œSurvive and continue your missions.โ€ her Creator ordered her and new missions were added to her list as the Capsule hooked itself to Gaia through many ports on her spine. Her Creator fell to the ground as Gaia fell into her deepest slumber.

She awake and her internal Calendar read it was close to four hundred years into the future as the hatch of her Capsule opened. Their were voices, foreign, none from the 200 dialect is was fluent in but their were some words she thought she knew. Her eyes opened up to the light of torches, armed men stood there looting her Creatorโ€™s office, some looking at her. They were looters but they looked like were looking for something. They talked and argued about something, one of the men aiming a gun at her called out and all came to look at her.

The Capsule hooked her with a hiss of old steam and she stepped from her docking Station, collapsing on the ground before the feet of the looters and all turned to black.

Her internal clock counted the minutes between her collapsing and her waking up for the second time. It was four days and she awoke on a bed looking thing, chained to it like a prisoner with men, woman and child looking at her through the window. An older man shooed them away as Gaia looked around.
She would awake to the world post-calamity with her missions to do.

Other Examples for Gaia: Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4, Number 5

One Image, One Role-play
  1. Share House: Two roommates find another person to share their two bedroom house with. It's been six weeks and things are getting hot.​
  2. Come to Watch?: A shy and nerdy cam girl finds herself a new roommate to share her apartment and expenses with while hoping her Source of Income doesn't get discovered.​
  3. New Message: They've been dating for a few months now and she wants to step up her relationship with her childhood friend and fellow Freshman.​
  4. Twin Princesses: They have been exiled from their homeland after a blood coup killed their family. After being saved from Bandits by an unknown Hero, they devoted themselves to support their dream for a better world.​
  5. Heretical Wants: A Pure Maiden from the Order of Seven finds herself in the Adventuring Party of the Nation's Hero, the one to kill the Demon King, and that the hero wants more then healing from her.​
  6. Demands of Elven Royalty: The Elf Princess finds herself engaged to a human Prince that she knows nothing about.​
  7. Extra Credit: A Struggling Students finds herself begging for a good mark from her teacher, but their plan isn't something she wants:​
  8. Step Sister's Romance: A young (16 years old) Step Sister loves her older brother so much, she wants something more from him.​
  9. The Pleasure of A Lady: They just met but made love, now that can't get out of each other's mind or pants.​
  10. A Nerdy Love: A nerdy girl finds herself in the gaze of the school's most popular student who's determined to make her their's​
  11. She was a Boy: After eating some magic mushrooms, he found himself turned into a very busty girl and that his roommate was looking at him with different, more wanting, looks​
  12. Daughter's Breeding: With their mother gone, two sisters find themselves at the mercy of their loving yet demanding step father.​
  13. Commander's Order: She was bred for war, stronger, faster, smarter but bound her her commander's will, she's a killing machine. Until the war ends and she finds herself as her commander Fiance.​
  14. Adventures of Human Anatomy: A young elf researcher is researching Human Anatomy for her paper so she enlists some help from a human that much bigger than her.​
  15. The Guide: An Elf is in need of money so she guides people through the dangerous Elemard Forest, her home, but ends up more than just guiding for one individual​
  16. Indebted Service: A young girl is indebted to her owner, the person that saved her life, and serves their as a maid, housekeeper, slave and sex toy.​
  17. Even she needs Love: She a housekeeper, a cook, a maid, a bodyguard, a gardener, and an android and even she needs some professional loving from her Master.​
  18. The Hit List: A professional and highly skilled assassin finds herself in bed with her target and ends up dating them.​
  19. The Mercy of the Druid: Some Knights entered her sacred grove and she fights them back, losing in the end. She finds herself at the mercy of their Captain but that night they are at her sexual mercy.​

Random Pics

Let's start with this and see how it goes.
I have some other roleplays I'll be adding in do time.

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