Fx Male Coming Home (Taboo | Incest | Harem)


Feb 11, 2020
Hey, thanks for stopping by. This is a little harem style, incest heavy, rp idea that I've been juggling. I'm looking for a partner willing to play a male character. I prefer to roleplay in the third person, past tense, and would like if you could try and do the same. My roleplaying is typically of the mid-high casual level, but I place no restrictions on my partner's level as long as you avoid sentence posts. This rp will be taking place through PMs only, with OOC and IC split into their own separate threads. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, feel free to reach out and we can have some fun. I'll leave a blank character sheet at the bottom of this RT for you to fill out for your character.

Coming Home
Until recently you’ve lived in a different part of the country with your father. Your parents divorced when you were very little and the family was ripped apart after a fierce custody battle. Your mother took her three daughters home, while your father moved away with you. You haven’t seen your family since and any attempts at communication were very much discouraged by your father. For years it's just been you, your wealthy father, and a constant stream of his young girlfriends, living together in big, cold apartment.

But now, everything has changed after your father's sudden death. During his funeral you were approached by a woman you instantly recognised as your mother. She asked if you would be willing to go home with her, reconnect with your sisters and be a family again.

You hesitantly said yes…


Age: 41
Relationship Status: Divorced
Occupation: Businesswoman

Your mother, Linda and your father went through a messy divorce when you were very young. Despite wanting to take you with her she was forced to leave you in the custody of your father. She still hoped to remain a part of your life, but due to your father's influence she was unable to maintain any real connection. Now she has the chance to repair the gulf between her and her son, and she isn't going to waste it.

Age: 23
Relationship Status: Engaged
Occupation: High School Teacher

Your eldest sister, Hannah was always the mature one, a figure of solidarity during the uncertain times of the divorce proceedings. Despite her maturity, in relationship matters Hannah is woefully inexperienced and even a bit naive on occasion. She ended up getting engaged to her college sweetheart, an engagement that not everyone in the family is happy about.

Age: 20
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Waitress

The middle child, Rebecca was always your father's favourite. As a result she took the divorce particularly hard, not to mention the fact that she and her father ended up being separated. In the years since Rebecca has matured into a hard young woman with a bit of a temper. Which has hampered her ability to form meaningful relationships.

Age: 18
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Student

Your fraternal twin sister. Having shared a womb you and she were inseparable and young children. Being separated from her beloved brother left Sarah almost completely inconsolable, but due to her young age she was able to adapt and recover reasonably well, growing into a friendly, well adjusted young woman.


Age: 18
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