Fx Any Looking for CYOAs

Feb 9, 2020
Greetings there, new individual to this website, looking for people who are willing to play the role of ‘Dungeon Master’ for a CYOA where I play a female non-human character!

What is a CYOA you ask? It stands for Choose Your Own Adventure! And I do not mean in the Book Way, where at the end of each page, you have your choices limited to a few options to what you can do forwards. No, a Choose Your Own Adventure is mainly a form of character creation. Take the Battlemage CYOA for example. Here, I pick my character’s ‘Mark’ (Which can be considered to be a class). The weapons and armour they will use, and the magical abilities they have (drawn from the list below).

It is popular for CYOA’s to provide a list of companions for people to have alongside their characters. With some NSFW CYOAs - such as TroyX’s Golgori Transformation CYOA (Or any of his Transformation CYOAs to be honest) - basically being a glorified ‘Choose Your Own Haerm’, rather than an actual Adventure. However, I won’t force anyone who is willing to play a CYOA with me to play as the Companions if they don’t feel comfortable doing so. Though it would make some CYOA’s harder to Roleplay than most.

Most CYOA’s also have a story and setting behind them, with various different quests for a character to do once they have been created. Battlemage CYOA actually has one of the more well-developed quest systems, as they have different levels, and a strong progression system tied into it. Most other CYOA’s simply have an overarching goal such as ‘Defeat the Evil Guy’ or ‘Rescue the Princess’. Or just a hint of one, like the Golgori Transformation CYOA, hints at bringing together Trinity and Poly - A.K.A God and the Devil - after their aeons old falling out. This means you shouldn’t be stressed to think up a story or theme of the adventure, if your a little inexperienced as a ‘Dungeon Master’, the CYOA will have your back!

So, if any of this sounds interesting to you, then I hope to hear back from you soon! I am willing to play in DMs, or over Discord, if that is your preference! For kinks, here is my most detailed F-List. Note that while said F-List is female, I am not limited to playing her, or the others I have F-Lists for, I have many more characters I wish to play as and explore!

Oh, and one more thing. I stressed I would be playing a non-human character, but I want to go further than that: I don’t want to play with humans at all. I am 100% a furry, so I would want all other characters to be furry, scaley, or feathery!
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