Human to Animal (Fox) Transformation and Romance


Feb 8, 2020
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the site but I have 12+ Years of Role-Playing Experience. I write detailed six to nine paragraph posts on average, more as inspired. I write lots of detail (and fluff) to paint the picture of the events into the mind of myself and the readers and I love to explore the inner workings of my characters' mind as well as their backstory. This in fact has brought me to this site in search of a more specific craving as of late which is the darker "transformation" genre whereby my character is transformed from one form into another and has to learn to adapt (or resist) the societal pressures and otherwise that will be all around her new stature.

I am wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a storyline around this character idea: A human male is transformed (against will) into a female fox. It could happen in wilderness, or laboratory, or an ancient temple due to some curse. In either case the result would be the same she would be transformed into a beautiful vixen and soon thereafter attract the attention of a male fox of her kind. It could even be another human (male or female) who is transformed alongside of herself. In either case the advances could be perceived as unwelcome but she is also dependant on the attractive stranger for protection and help in survival.

I am open to the reason of transformation as well as other elements of the storyline. This is a photograph I found that kind of inspired the storyline:

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