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Fool Rush In (Story & Baby)

Dec 24, 2019

Smithington Esquire Ranch

It was known around the state as one of the premier horse farms. The sort of place where champions were created, bred, and trained. It started out a hundred years ago, little more than one building and a dream by Earl Smithington himself. It was his dedication to that dream that saw that one building and small collection of horses into the powerhouse that it was now. The farm trained horses for all sorts of things, from rodeos to family horses to Derby winning champions. Its reputation as a family led business was helped by the three generations that worked on it.

Mama Smithington or Mama S as she preferred to be called was the matriarch. The perfect southern woman, she was known around the city of Lexington as cook, wife, and mother. She was a community leader but not one of those bitchy southern women as she liked to call it. She didn’t believe in that sort of thing and was known to be kind to all. She was complimented by her husband Pa Smithington or Pa as he liked to be known as. Pa was the head of household and it was his great great granddaddy who started the whole thing. Pa was a college graduate who had done a little under wear modeling in his college years. Matter of fact the picture of him in the locker room his head resting on his forehead and his back bowed slightly while the water poured down his body and soaked his briefs was still passed around girls locker rooms and what not.

They were the perfect parents, which meant their six sons had quite a legacy to live up to! Luckily Mama S had given birth to six of the finest men this side of the southern line. They were strapping men, built like their father with broad shoulders and a T shaped physique. The oldest was named Timothy, The second Anthony, the third Ezekiel, the fourth Marston, and the firth and six were twins named Bartholomew and Andrew respectively. Practically royalty of the area they were all raised right by their mama right.

Our tale follows the middle child Marston Smithington. Born right smack dab in the middle but no less loved by his parents. The thing about Marston was, that he was overwhelmed by all the large personalities in his life. Big brothers, little brothers, and his parents themselves. He was just as handsome as the other strapping men in the family. However, he was shy capable of ripping a log in half with his bare hands but totally clueless about such a thing. He turned to computers and finances learning the mental side of things and focusing less on the physical. His Pa saw the merits in that and put him to work on the books and clerical side of things. He took to it like a duck to water and after high school went to work full time on management while his brothers went off and had their adventures.

Summer: 2020

“Come on Marston!” Anthony shouted up the steps. “You’ve spent enough time primping in front of the mirror!”

Marston huffed rolling his shoulder as he looked at himself in the mirror. He ran a critical eye over his collared shirt, belt buckle, jeans, and boots. He looked like a proper cowboy… if not for the glasses perched on his nose. One might have thought he was comfortable in these sorts of clothing however the grimace on his face told an entirely different story.

“I said COME ON!” Anthony hollered banging on his door and causing Marston to jump a foot in the air.

“Just a minute!” Marston stuttered out with a glare. Nevertheless, he put some cologne on and moved to the door. Thank god his brother was gone when he opened the door! He really didn’t want a verbal tongue lashing from the man on his bachelor party eve or whatever it was they called it. Why HE had to go to this was beyond him though! It was a boys night but he’d never gone to this sort of tomfoolery before. He shook his head from side to side tutting as he went downstairs and joined the boys.

“There he is!” Tim said sighing in relief. They were all being fawned over by Mama S well fawned over and also firmly reminded not to act a fool. Seeing Marston come down his mama came over and showered him with kisses while the boys teased him. By the end of it all he was blushing furiously and was eternally grateful when their pa reminded them that the limo was waiting. They all clambered in, and before they were even out of the gates of the ranch Tim pulled out a bottle of their Fathers treasured Kentucky Bourbon.

“Anthony’s found himself a fine gal!” Tim said pouring them each a shot glass. “Tonight, we celebrate his last night as a free man! Now as mama said no tomfoolery here! We boys got a reputation in this town.”

He passed out the shots and brought them up. “To a night like no other boys!” He said waiting for them to repeat it back. They all took the shot, even Marston though he made a face about it.
Life on the reservation was much different than what she has seen from life outside the lands. They were strict, especially with the women, and things were always traditional. Aylen didn’t understand it. Things had changed over the years, why couldn’t her people on the res learn to adapt a bit to the times? It was suffocating to be there. But, she had an escape. Some nights Aylen would sneak off the res into town. She just so happened to have snuck out in time to hear of a party going on. Of course, there was no way she could miss this.

The night had just begun, and it was already getting a bit crazy. Apparently, the party was being held for a man who was about to be married. There were beers, mixed drinks, and weed being passed around. Luckily enough she had bought a dress on her way here, so she didn’t look completely out of place.

The girl leaned her back against the bar as she watched from a distance as the girls giggled and gossiped as if still in high school while the boys flirted with outdated pickup lines. The music was blaring and people danced like fools on the dance floor. That, or sluts grinding on the other. Of course, Aylen blamed it on the alcohol. As far as she could tell, the majority of the people here were already wasted. She chuckled to herself at the sight of two people sucking faces.

Then, her eyes caught sight of a group of men laughing and seeming to have a great time. But, that wasn’t what caught her eye. There was someone in particular. One of the men just seemed out of place, as if he would’ve of rather been anywhere other than here. She laughed again as she watched the men try to get him out on the dance floor with them. However, he didn’t seem interested and so, they left to dance without him. Ah, hell. Why not. She thought to herself as she pushed herself off the bar and made her way to the handsome man.

“Not your kind of scene?” She questioned coming up beside him with a smile. “Mind if I sit with you?” She didn’t wait for him to answer, inside took a seat next to him. “So, which one is the lucky man?” She asked glancing at the men who had just left him, then back at him. “I heard there’s a bachelor in town.” She chuckled, biting her lip before continuing. “But I didn’t come here to talk about him, I’m more interested in you.” A smile crossed her lips. “I’m Aylen, what about you?”
The boys walked into the club like they were royalty… because they more or less WERE royalty in this town. There wasn’t a single person within fifty mile that didn’t know about the Smithington Boys. They represented the cream of the crop and ticket to the upper echelons of southern society. Bagging a Smithington Boy was like winning the lottery! Cinderella being married to the prince didn’t even have a better deal. Given that the “top secret” Bachelor Party plans were leaked (no doubt by Ezekiel). Every single lady within the city (and some who weren’t!) packed themselves into the club in hopes of catching their eyes.

They came in, swagger and power personified. Big belt bucks and bulge’s that could make the strictest Southern Belle fan herself. The Smithington Boys were the life of the party wherever they went and the atmosphere in the club dialed up to an eleven within a scant few seconds. Drinks started flowing, among other things!

“I’ll be the designated driver,” Marston said speaking up once more as he pushed his glasses up. “We REALLY shouldn’t take any of those substances! You make bad choice when you-“

“Shut up ma!” All of his brothers said at once. A few even flicked peanuts at him! Earning a scowl as he shook his head from side to side.

“Our mother is a good woman.” Marston retorted with a huff. He shook his head getting up and reaching to adjust his neck tie. Turning on heel he moved making his way to the bathroom and waving off their shouts to come dance with them. No doubt dancing would lead to them trying to hook him up! With a woman far more interested in them than him. He might have been a Smithington but when it came to game catches he was on the lower tier. By the time he came back they were all gone, off dancing with the various women who were vying for their attention. He watched the proceedings as a flash of movement caught the corner of his eyes. He turned his eyes landing on HER.

She was… without a doubt the most attractive woman he’d ever seen. Indian, with the dark smoky features that were showcased by the teal dress she wore. There wasn’t a single thing about her that didn’t draw the eye in. By the time she came up to him he was blushing like mad and pushing his glasses up even though they were practically flush with his face!

“Why certainly.” He stuttered out. She moved to sit and he swooped in grabbing the chair and pulling it out for her before sliding it back in. He then went around sitting opposite of her as was respectable. He heard her mentioned bachelor and blinked rapidly. “Pardon me?” He asked her generally looking confused. He knew the Rez a few miles away was pretty closed off but even they knew of his family…


“I’m Marston,” He extended out his hand for her to shake. “It’ a pleasure to meet you Alyen.” He flashed her a smile before dropping her hand. “This isn’t really my scene no.” He admitted shrugging his shoulders as he took a measured sip of his alcohol. “Moderation.” He clarified.

“You look born for the club scene though,” He told her quite honestly. “Your very pretty Alyen. So why would you want to spend your time talking to the bookish man in the club?”
He had actually gotten up from his seat and even pushed her seat in for her. The action gave her a bit of a pause followed by a smile. He was obviously more on the timid side than the other men. Then he introduced himself, holding his hand out to shake. A handshake? Really? She couldn’t help but laugh. He was way too cute, and honestly, his timid nature only interested her more. Her hand met with his, “The pleasures all mine, Marston.” She held his hand a bit longer than needed for a friendly greeting, running her thumb across his skin before finally releasing him.

Aylen laughed again when he admitted his dislike for parties. She leaned back in her chair before crossing her legs, smirking mischievously at his little comment about how she seemed to be born for this. His next comment caught her a bit off guard. Slowly, she leaned against the table, placing her elbows against the wood as she rested her chin atop her wrist. “I’m not interested in someone who could most likely not even count to twenty right now.” Another smile crossed her lips. “And I happened to notice a strikingly handsome man sitting alone that seemed sober enough to actually be able to hold a conversation. It intrigued me.”

Her smile lingered as she leaned back in her chair, placing her hands in her lap. “There’s nothing wrong with a smart man. I’d rather have one with brains than one who didn’t think at all.” She leaned her over the table once again. “Tell me, what’s a bookish man doing talking to a so-called club born woman? After all, it’s not your scene, right? So, why not just ignore me?”
He shivered by the brush of her thumb. Was it a brush though or a kiss? It felt like a kiss. Of course a kiss was a romantic way of saying a brush so did it really matter? His mind which very often went to weird places followed that line of thought for a few seconds as she kept speaking. He was still debating the basis of brush and kiss when he crossed her legs. That drew him out of his thoughts really fast as her tan legs drew his eye and made his tongue run over his bottom lip.

“Temptress,” Marston said tapping his glasses. “a woman who tempts someone to do something, typically a sexually attractive woman who sets out to allure or seduce someone.” He said it as she leaned in and placed her elbows on the table. That earned him a slight scowl.

“It’s impolite table manners to rest your elbows on the table,” Marston warned her. “Polite Table manners are your way of showing the-“ He paused realizing that he was doing IT again. Doing that thing that his brothers said would never get him laid. Each of his brother had different way of saying this particular IT the only one he felt had merit was snob.

“If your not interested in any of that then you’re a step above the other girls in the bar,” Marston told her waving his hand. “Every single one of them is here for one thing and one thing only to bag one of the Smithington boys. I’m just the less desired of the family.” He blinked when she mentioned him being handsome. He was but… that word was usually used for his brothers.

“And you’re quite a fetching young lady yourself,” He said knowing it sounded lame. “If you think I would have ignored you your wrong. It’s impolite for starters but most of all it would make my night terribly boring right?” He asked her.

“Did you come over here to be shot down?” He asked he curiously. “Or did you come over here because you wanted something else in the club that no one could give you? If it’s the former not the later then maybe lead with the handsome thing and not the why would you talk to me thing. Matter of fact I can count at least four reasons to talk to you.” He was curious to see if she would think it JUST physical.
Aylen noted the way his eyes lingered on her as his tongue licked over his lips. She liked the way he looked at her, the way he kept his gaze on only her, as if she was the only one in the room. It made her feel beautiful. The men on the rez never looked at her like this. It was nice to feel desired. His little comment of her being a temptress created a slight frown. Perhaps she was going overboard with her little fun. It wasn’t her intention to seduce him when she came over here to talk to him. Hell, honestly, she didn’t exactly know what her intentions were. Perhaps she understood his solitude of sitting alone at a party. She couldn’t deny he was very attractive. So, maybe part of her did want to seduce him a bit… Maybe part of her just wanted to corrupt that timid nature of his…

His sudden outburst about her impolite table manners caused her to stare at him with a bit of surprise before pulling herself off the table with her hands up, laughing. “My apologies, sir. I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted a better look at you.” She laughed again as he spoke of how she was better than the other girls here and how they were only here to pick up one of the Smithington boys. Slowly she nodded her head with an awkward laugh. “Ahhh, yeah. The Smithington’s. I admit I don’t know too much about them, but I’ve heard about them. Considering where I come from, they…” she turned glanced at him, studying him for a moment as if trying to choose her words carefully. “Aren’t all that.”

I’m just the less desired of the family.

“Ah, so you’re one of the famous Smithington boys? I suppose I should be jumping with joy that I get to talk to you then?” She arched her brow, her voice a bit sarcastic. She laughed again before shaking her head. “I came here for the party and a good time. Nothing more than that."

Did you come over here to be shot down… Or did you come over here because you wanted something else in the club that no one could give you… Matter of fact I can count at least four reasons to talk to you…

She arched her brow again, a little smirk crossing her lips. He had a bit of spunk in him after all. A soft chuckle passed through her lips. “Four reasons, aye? So, it’s not just my witty charm?” She laughed, biting her lip. “It would be no fun if you shot me down. After all,” she gestured around the room, “I might as well go home since my eyes are drawn to you.”
Marston blinked as she claimed she “wanted a better look at him”. Why? Did he have something on his face? He was tempted to go and look but stopped himself. It was impolite to walk away from a lady and he wouldn’t get up until she indicated she wanted to leave OR they left together. Wait… was he actually thinking about leaving with her?! That alone made him bite back a laugh. Not because the idea of going home with her was humorous based on her looks but more so because it would be so entirely unlike him.

“I’ll only ask for one thing,” He said to her speaking up. “Honesty. It’s what I strive for and you don’t seem the gold-digging type like the other girls here.” He jerked his thumb at the girls on the dance floor fawning over his breaths before continuing.

“Seems like you might be the only honest girl here is all I mean,” He said shrugging. “You came here for a party and a good time and I came here simply because my brothers made me. Which makes us Quite a pair I suppose.” He remarked ass he brought his beer up and took a sip. He did drink but would keep it at one for the night. He loathed the idea of being in a state he couldn’t think for himself in.

“You charm, your honesty, your smarts, and your daringness to be something else in a sea of southern white girls who are trying to attract white men,” Again he was brutally honest. “I’d prefer you not go home just yet… though my brothers will very quickly abscond this table once more and I’d prefer not to share you. How about a dance? Before we leave this place.” He didn’t say WHERE they were going, he just mentioned leaving.
Honesty. It’s what I strive for and you don’t seem the gold-digging type like the other girls here.

Her eyes followed his hands as he gestured around the room, remaining silent as he continued on about how she seemed to be the only honest one here and that she came for the party and he came because of his brothers, making them a bit similar. Aylen chuckled a bit, leaning back in her chair, sending him a slight nod. “Well, I can honestly say I didn’t approach you for your money. Your looks? Maybe I’m not so innocent there. But, you don’t have to worry so much about me trying to cling to you. Tonight will probably be the last time you see me. I don’t get to come to this part of town very often.” She admitted.

You charm, your honesty, your smarts, and your daringness to be something else in a sea of southern white girls who are trying to attract white men…

She smiled, showing signs of straight, white teeth as she averted her eyes, showing the first sign of her being coy. Her hand reached up and tucked a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear and out of her face. “I suppose those are good reasons.” Her voice was soft. Only when he began to speak again did her eyes meet his again. Another smile crossing her full lips as he admitted he didn’t want her to go home yet and how he’d rather not share before asking for a dance before they left.

Aylen laughed, wrinkling her nose a bit. “I’m not really into that whole sharing gig. Besides, your brothers? Well, honestly, they aren’t really someone I would go for. And how can I say no to a dance when this whole time that’s what I’ve been after?” She smirked as she stood, hooking his shirt with her finger, dragging him to the dance floor. She pulled her body close, lips almost touching, “You mentioned we when you said leaving.” Slowly, she rolled her body against him, grinding her hips against his. Giggling, she pulled away from him, grabbing his hand before twirling back into his arms until her back was against him. She pressed her bottom plush against his groin and began to sway her hips to the music before glancing over her shoulder to look at him. “Are you planning to leave the party with me around your arm, Marston?”
Marston couldn’t quite say what got into him. He could certainly say that he’d neve done anything like this before. He could count on one hand (with fingers to spare) the times he got involved with a girl. He wasn’t a virgin or anything like that! No his brother made sure that he lost his V Card asap. He’d only had one serious girlfriend though in his life and absolutely ZERO random hook ups or dances in the club. There was just something about her, a opposites attract kind of feeling inside of him. She was everything he wasn’t which made the fact that she was so interested in him damn right odd.

It also made her even MORE attractive.

“The man asks the lady for the dance,” Marston remarked nevertheless letting her pull him off to the dance floor. “Most women wouldn’t have let me get there on my own time.” He remarked as the beat in the club picked up. He might not have looked like a man who knew how to dance but his ma had taught him well. All the boys knew how to dance, having had lessons from her once a week for as long as they could walk. Of course this was less ball room or square dancing and more bump and grind but a beat was a beat. Instead of finding a novice she found a maestro as he ran his hands up and down her sides and then grabbed her hips. He did however angle his hips back slightly so she couldn’t get a full accounting of the monster in his pants.

“I did indeed,” Marston said leaning in so his lips were on her ear. The beat in the club was electric and animalistic! Pulling at both of them and pulling them up. “I’d prefer not to share you. While a man never presumes to take a woman home I was thinking that I might take you out for coffee.” He then twirled her spinning her around the stage before dipping her. Their noses touching their lips almost together when he brought her up swung her and transitioned smoothly into grinding against her with their hips touching.
Aylen was never one to shy away from a dance. She really enjoyed music and dancing was just a way of expressing that enjoyment. Admittedly the girl was quite good, easily able to dance circles around probably have the people in this club. However, she had learned everything she knew over the years by just listening to music and moving, not by any lessons of any kind. And within moments of reaching the dance floor, she soon realized Marston may not be as closed off as she had presumed him to be. He quickly began giving her a run for her money, taking control of her movements, sliding his hands over the curves of her body, it all surprised her, and quite frankly, sparked a fire within her.

I did indeed…

His lips brushed against her ear, his breath tickling her senses. A soft sigh escaped through parted lips as she reached up to run her fingers through his hair, turning her head to look at him, their faces so close, his lips just begging her to kiss him. It would be so easy. However, the sound of his voice distracted her from her lustful desires.

I’d prefer not to share you… While a man never presumes to take a woman home, I was thinking that I might take you out for coffee…

She opened her mouth to speak, however, before she had a chance too, he had her twirling, spinning, and dipping before lifting her back upright. Her wide-eyes stared back into his eyes, once again their faces so close to each other. Then, as smooth as butter, he guided her against him, grinding his hips against her.

A breathless laugh left her lips as she turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she pressed her body against his. Aylen dipped her head to the curve of his neck, allowing her lips to brush against his skin. Slowly, she trailed her lips up until they reached his ear, caressing his flesh the entire time. “I don’t think that’ll happen.” Finally, she pulled back a bit so she could look in his eyes. “Tonight might be the last time we see each other, Marston. My family…” She averted her eyes as she searched for the right things to say. “Let’s just say if they knew I was even here, they would flip.” A smile crossed her, a soft gentle smile. “But, I want to spend the time I have of the night with you, if you’ll have me of course.”
This was a once in a life time thing for Marston, pretty much akin to a bolt of lightning hitting the same tree twice. Marston could count on one hand the number of times he’d been this attracted to a member of the opposite sex. His brothers joked he was gay sometimes for not showing more of an interest but they didn’t understand. Omen who were WORTH his time were so damn rare! So much so that he considered her rarer than rare. A true flower in a sea of weeds. They were dancing so close and he hardly noticed most of the other on the dance floor stopped long ago to watch them.

“If all we have is tonight we should make the most of it,” He told her still shivering from her scent and her lips on his ears. “If we only have one moment we should stretch it out to eternity.”

He took a step back and offered out his hand to her. “Run with me,” He told her his eyes locking with her. “Run out of this club with me and let’s not stop running until the morning. Wherever you want to go I’ll go, whatever you want to do I’ll do, and in the morning when we part ways I’ll have fallen in love with the ghost of you that lingered in my mind and the sheets.”
If all we have is tonight, we should make the most of it…

A frown formed on her face as her eyes scanned him curiously when he pulled away from her and stepped out of her reach, holding his hand out to her.

Run with me… Run out of this club with me and let’s not stop running until morning… Whatever you want to do, I’ll do and in the morning when we part ways, I’ll have fallen in love with the ghost of you that lingered in my mind and the sheets…

The smile returned as she closed the distance between them, ignoring his outstretched hand. She pressed her body against his, inching her face close to his as she spoke, her lips brushing against his. “Be careful what you ask for, Marston. I’ll make sure tonight will be so great you will never be able to forget me.” Her teeth caught his bottom lip and lightly tugged as she pulled away. Chuckling, she grabbed his hand and without another word, turned quickly heading out the doors and out of the club.

Laughing, she dragged him along as fast as her heels would allow her too. Finally, after walking a few blocks away from the club, she pushed him against the brick of a building, suddenly pressing her lips against his. She moaned against his lips as she pressed her body against his, pinning him in place. However, it didn’t last long. Soon, she pulled away from the kiss, breathless as she locked eyes with his. “Whatever I want right?” She asked, biting her lip. “I want to be alone with you. I want to kiss you, touch you…” Her lips moved to his ear. “Please you.” Her teeth nibbled on his lobe. “I told you, after tonight, you’ll never be able to forget me.”
The whole crowd was BUZZING with this reveal. After all this was unheard of! Marston Smithington leaving with a girl?! He usually scowled in the back corner of the club until they finally left! He was the one Smithington that no one could ever get! Not that many of the women were trying mind you! The fact that it was with a girl from the REZ of all things only made the whole thing even MORE shocking. It quite simply never happened! Not until now. Even the men in the club, as manly as they were couldn’t help but gossip about this stunning term of events.

Not that Marston gave a damn about any of that. Stepping out into the cool night air with her was the most freeing act of rebellion he’d done in a long time. His lip was still throbbing from her act of bitting and tugging on it. The aggression of it and the animal instinct it brought to bear on his mind made his cock ache in his designer jeans. There was a smell in the air, the smell of a storm. He saw the purplish lightning streak across the clouds as she led him down to an alley.

He groaned in pleasure as the bricks thudded into his back. Said back arched, hips pushing up as his eyes darkened until they were pitted with lust. She was on him in a second, pinning him in such a way that made their bodies rub together deliciously. His hands moved to her hips grabbing them grinding their pelvises together as he tried to get more… but like a whisper in the wind she was gone dancing out of his reach as she left him with swollen kissed lips. Lip that still tingled from the knowledge of her.

“You keep talking about a night I’ll never forget,” Marston remarked his voice husky with need. “You keep making promises but then dancing away. If you want to put your money where your mouth is let’s go get a place.” He remarked nodding his head. “I would have you come back to mine but… well mine is the sort of family place you’d run from.” He remarked with a snort. He reached out grabbing her and pulling her in once more and the last part was whispered in his ear as she nibbled on his ear lobe.

“Please me?” He asked his left hand going into her hair and getting tangled up in the soft silk locks. “Your pretty damn pleasing already but if you really want to burn the memory of each other into our souls then let’s go to the motel. I can get us a room and we could spend this eternal together can’t we?”

His hand snaked down grabbing her ass and giving it a firm little squeeze before he moved back. He tucked his hand into his pocket almost casually as he started walking towarrds the entrance to the alleyway. "You coming?" He asked her stopping at the mouth of it. "We're burning moon light I suppose." he said tipping his head back and breathing in the smell of the storm.
You keep talking about a night I’ll never forget… You keep making promises but then dancing away If you want to put your money where your mouth is let’s go get a place…

A little mischievous smile crept across Aylen’s face. That’s exactly what she wanted to hear. There was something about Marston that made her crave him. He was a man who was thought to be untouchable, disinterested in any woman or sexual temptation. And yet, he was interested in her, even though he knew this wouldn’t last more than tonight, he was allowing his temptations to guide him into her arms tonight.

If you really want to burn the memory of each other into our souls, then let’s go to the motel…

Finally, she pulled away from him, taking him by the hand, pulling him off the wall. “Shall we then?” She linked arms with him and began walking down the pavement towards the motel that was a few blocks down and across the street. Once they were inside the motel, they got a room. Smiling, Aylen gripped his hand pulling him along. “Let’s not waste any more time.”

The moment he unlocked the door and opened it, she was on him, pushing him through the door and shoving it closed with her foot as she pressed her lips into his, pushing him against the wall once again, her hands running down his chest to unbutton his shirt. Moaning into the kiss, she smiled as she pulled away, licking playfully at his mouth once his shirt was completely undone and began to slip it off him. For a brief moment, she allowed her eyes to admire his naked chest. Then replaced her lips against his, trailing them down to nip as his neck as she pulled him off the wall and guided him to the bed, shoving him backwards to fall upon it. With a sly smile, her hands reached behind her, unzipping her dress. “I have to make this a night you will never forget, right?” Slowly, she allowed her dress to fall down her curves, hitting the ground, leaving her only in her thong, her full breasts exposed to him. “Then be prepared. I won’t hold back.”
Things progressed quickly after that, in no time at all Marston was paying for a hotel ignoring the curious look given to him by the motel owner. He didn’t have any desire to be talked out of it and if the man had (he was a friend of his brothers) he would have cut him out. Thankfully during the whole act of paying for the room the man seemed to come to the mental agreement that Marston was a grown ass man who could do what he wanted. Something that Marston would have reminded him of himself if it came down to it.

Thankfully it did not, and they went up the stairs and to their room without any fuss. No sooner was the door open then she was pushing him through and kissing him furiously. He kissed her back tongue moving against hers as the firm THUD of his back hitting the wall caused one of the pictures to shake. His hands ran down her sides before finding her ass and grabbing a hold of her plump ass as he messaged. His shirt came off like silk on water and he groaned as her eyes ranked possessively up and down his body.

The problem was… He could do without the manhandling. No sooner was he pushed onto the bed then he was back up. By the time she got that dress down he was on her hands on her breasts as he pushed her against the wall this time. His mouth went down to her neck, nipping the pulse point as he drew her nipples out and then tugged them down to tease. “I don’t know why your trying to sprint through this,” He told her with a growl. “However that’s not how I do things.” He said as one of his hands ran down her flat stomach and dipped his hand inside of her thong to cup her sweet moist pussy. He ran his fingers up her lips caressing them as he continued to play with her right breast. His head moved down to her neck biting her collarbone gently.
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