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Distant Worlds


Dec 19, 2018
CHAPTER I: The Visitors

Desmond’s bed was uncommonly cold tonight, and terribly uncomfortable. The sheets chilled his bare arms. He groaned; hazy from his half-conscious state. Deep brown eyes fluttered open. A curtain of darkness hung over his room. His head was against the bed. He was lying on his left side, which strained his neck. With a sleepy motion, he rolled to his chest.

But something was wrong.

An unknown object was enclosed around his wrists. It was heavy like cinder block, and cold as a glacier. Confusion heightened his senses. His bare chest knew not the familiar embrace of his bed in his tiny home, but a cold and loveless metal floor moist from his sweat.

Eyes wide as saucers, Desmond’s wrists strained to break free from their confinement. He realized his entire hand, from the balls of his wrists, to the tips of his fingers, were completely enclosed in some type of restraint.

His breathing intensified. Frantic lungs gulped volumes of chilled, stale air. Rolling to his left side, Desmond was able to slide a leg beneath himself, then rocked his toned body onto his knees. He was still wearing the black track pants from his late night run and his lucky running shoes that got him through Small Town High’s annual 5K in one piece.

He faced a heavy metal wall before him. Looking to the left and the right, he realized he was enclosed in some type of cold room. The panic was setting in like a viper’s venom. He twisted his neck to look past his right shoulder.

His mouth fell ajar; his countenance stunned.

Trembling beams of white light spread from wall to wall like prison bars. His eyes stared unblinking as his mind attempted to fathom this enigma. There was a quiet hum in the air. It replaced the familiar sound of wind rushing through tree leaves, or tractors shifting down the dirt road. This silence was near absolute. His own heartbeat seemed louder that the numbing quiet.

The silence, however, was broken.

What sounded like bubbling swamp gas in an echo chamber could be heard from the hall just outside the glowing bars of light. The hall was nearly black aside from the light spilling out from his prison. The sounds, however, grew louder.

Click, clank. Click clank.

Metallic footsteps cut into his ears. His mind imagined two separate pairs. They increased in volume, followed by dimly lit ceiling panels flickering on. These panels produced a diseased glow similar to the hue of a dying firefly. As these poorly lit panels flickered to life, Desmond began to pray he stay locked away from whatever approached.

As the final light flickered above the hall, two horrors emerged from behind the wall. In the dingy light, the two forms appeared as shadows. They were tall; almost as tall as Desmond himself. Their bodies seemed average in height and weight.

These two must have been his captors!

Desmond’s fear quickly turned to anger. He clenched his teeth and went to shout at the figures, but before words escaped his lips, the echoic gurgle emitted from one of the shadowy beings froze his breath within his throat.

It was then that he noticed something else. The figure to the left was carrying a large pole in its right hand. Tracing the silhouette of the object, Desmond’s eyes found the top of this item was adorned with a pointed lightning shape, which resembled some type of ancient spear.

The unarmed figure held a mysterious card-shaped item to the glowing beams of light, and they instantaneously vanished.

With nothing standing between himself and the shadowy figures, fear smashed against the young man with hurricane force. In a panic, he pulled himself away with a jerk. The motion of throwing himself against the far wall triggered the ceiling panel within his cell.

This hazy swamp light brightened the once dark room. With his back pressed firmly against the wall, Desmond could feel the hairs at the nape of his neck standing on end as these shadowy creatures stepped away from the darkness.

Fragments of their bodies were covered in lightly fitted plates of metal. Desmond’s pounding heart pumped a deadly mixture of fear and adrenaline through his body as his eyes locked on to the dark creatures. His simple mind desperately tried to categorize these figures as human. They had bipedal legs, which supported a surprisingly feminine body. Two arms that hung by their sides, and heads.

What Desmond could not accept as human was their skin, which shared an unmistakable resemblance to the color of the blue coral, which fascinated him ever since his elementary school took his class on a trip to the local aquarium. Their flesh was like that of a baby toad’s skin. It appeared glassy in the way it refracted the sickly light in the room and was covered in tiny goosebumps all over.

The gurgling noise was emitted from the figure on the left as it approached. When directly underneath the light, Desmond could see the grungy metal that encased the creature’s head. He stared in breathless horror. His mind felt as if it were going to implode on itself.

The second creature sounded, and the first looked back at its spear-wielding companion, then returned its attention onto Desmond. It raised its right hand to the portion of its helmet that covered the creature’s jaw line. There was an electronic churning sound, like a desktop computer had been thrown into a lake.

Quickly, the sound came to a stop. “I said on your feet.” The demanding voice was undeniably feminine. Desmond’s breathless fear twisted into a baffled shock.

“Maybe their language isn’t programmed into the translator.” Spoke the being that carried the spear.

“Useless garbage…” The first sounded annoyed. With another press of the rusted helmet, the front visor was absorbed into the cap. What was uncovered could only be described as a female’s face.

Normal Human eyes, however, were only half the size of this creature’s, and far less round. It facial profile was also slightly elongated, yet still maintained humanoid proportions. What really caught the young prisoner’s attention were the being’s plump and tightly puckered lips.

“Are humans safe to touch?” The first guard questioned as its deep black eyes scanned the young man’s trembling body.

Desmond was equally curious about the mysterious creatures that stood before him. Their bodies seemed to resemble humans in every way, except, the portions of their female anatomy seemed twice as pronounced.

The dingy light armor, in an almost counter-productive way, barely covered their voluptuous bodies. Fragments of the skin tight body armor covered the shoulders of the two figures, but the rest of the armor tucks away behind their backs, and then reaches around to cup beneath their embellished busts.

There is a break in the armor, which leaves their incredibly slender waist exposed. Resting just beneath the muscle line of their lower abdominal, the armor continues as a multi-sectional plate armor, which covers both the front and rear, as well as the creature’s shapely hips. The plated armor is light, and does not leave much to the imagination. Stopping mid-thigh, the creature’s salacious legs are exposed before armored boots cap off at the knees, encasing their shins and feet.

Desmond’s gaze could not pick which seductive part to gaze at, but his eyes quickly snapped up towards the being that approached him. As she knelt down, the compact chest armor could barely restrain the shockwave of motion that rippled across her breasts. His eyes couldn’t help but stare; wondering exactly how human they both looked and felt.

Roughly, she took him by the neck. He gasped as he was forced to stand with his back against the wall and his wrists cuffed behind him. The creature’s plumb colored lips parted as she spoke a chilling warning. “Don’t do anything stupid…” Her eyes locked onto his in an intense stare that sent a chill down the young boy’s spine. Up close, he could see a celestial ring of gray in the creature’s eyes that surrounded what he assumed were her pupils.

Violently, her companion shouted, “Myrta, a Weapon!” and took hold of her spear like a mythical amazon.

The moment the word brushed against her pointed ears, she pushed away from the young man and regrouped beside her ally.

Fearing for his life, Desmond’s words finally found the wind they needed to escape his lips. “W-wait! I don’t have any weapons!”

“So he can understand us.” Heatedly, the armed guard aimed her weapon at the young man’s waist. “What are you concealing beneath your garment?”

The dark-skinned boy’s eyes enlarged, and as he looked down, he was betrayed by the bulge protruding from his track pants. In a panicked squirm, he attempted to absorb his erection. “I-I swear, it’s not what you think!” With his back against the cold wall, there was little option for escape.

As fluid as a serpent, the two beings were on top of him. The one called Myrta wrapped a single hand around the young man’s neck and pinned him against the wall. Barely able to breathe, only a shallow gasp escaped as he felt the bladed tip of the spear graze his left thigh.

His lacerated pants shifted lower along his muscular hips, but the women were far from done with him. “Let’s see what you’re hiding.” With one hand against the boy’s neck, the creature used her free hand to yank down his clothing.

Like a spring, his erect penis rebounded from the motion.

The prison’s air was chilling against his caramel muscle. Eyes clenched tight, he prayed to whatever God that cared he would not lose an appendage tonight.

There was a surprising silence as the young man trembled. The creatures made no hostile sounds. No weapons threatened his flesh. Even the grip that held his neck was beginning to loosen. One curious eye found the courage to survey the scene. It opened slowly, then stared in a quiet horror as it viewed the blue-skinned abductors.

They were just staring. Quietly analyzing his softening member. “What is it…?” Muttered the one wielding the spear.

“I… don’t know…” Her companion then whipped her ferocious attention on to Desmond, and the young man’s heart froze. “Do not move an inch!” She demanded.

She stood directly in front of him with her right hand around his neck. Her free left hovered over his flaccid member before taking hold of it. Desmond’s entire body stiffened from the sensation and the creature gasped in response.

Her eyes fell onto the warm muscle she’d trapped between her fingers.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s… hot.” Feeling her hostility leaving, Desmond’s body responded to the touch of a warm hand. He trembled, and his member pulsed in the being’s hand. She was startled from the action, but held on.

She started pumping.

It was almost like a reflex, the way she stroked against his stiffening rod. Desmond’s body spasmed once again from the shocked sensation. The creature’s lips curled into a smirk “Perhaps that is the human’s weakness. Keep going, Myrta.” From the tone of her voice, Desmond assumed she was enjoying this show.

“I don’t know, Xezzi.” The other being spoke. “It is becoming larger…” As her tight fingers pumped, her grip was tested when Desmond’s enlarged muscle pulsed once again. The alien seemed to be entranced by the appendage the way she gazed at it.

Desmond’s mind was reeling in pleasure, fear, and utter confusion. His breathing struggled to find consistency, but with the adrenaline rushing through his heart and the shockwaves rippling across his nerves, just managing to not scream out required an enormous effort.

But suddenly, he found a break.

The mysterious being paused her stroking motion, which allowed Desmond to finally catch his breath. The cool breeze from the chamber caused his skin to tremble, mixing in with the chills of pleasure.

Xezzi noticed her partner’s hesitation. “What’s wrong?”

Myrta stared down at the Human’s warm muscle. She noticed a faint glisten at the head. Inspecting it, her grip loosened and her hand cautiously rode the human’s length till just beneath the tip. With a slender index finger, she gently pressed against where Desmond’s warm ooze rested.

The sudden feeling caused another gasping spasm and his body to stiffen. Both his captors were startled by the sudden outburst, but as the Human made no attempts to resist, so too did they relax. Looking back down, the creature realized the viscous goo was attached to the tip of her finger. A trail connected it to the source and the nearly transparent stream arched from the pull of gravity.

“What is it…?” Xezzi questioned as she stared.

Her partner rubbed the opaque substance between her thumb and index finger as she raised it to her eyes. It was a gooey consistency, but as she coated the tips of her fingers with it, they became shielded from the prison cell’s chill.

More mysterious than the heating property contained by this substance was the smell it produced. As her fingers neared her face, she caught whiff of a pungent scent that invaded her nostrils and slithered to her brain. The moment the smell infiltrated her senses, the creature felt her body completely relax.

Reacting to this chemical change, she pulled herself away from the substance. Her widening eyes looked toward the human helplessly pinned against the wall, and then back towards the slick coating against her fingers.

“Myrta…?” The second creature watched her companion analyze their game. She grew uncomfortable in the silence, but continued to watch her partner’s process.

Desmond felt the grip against his neck loosening and he could finally retrieve full breaths of oxygen. Still, he dared not move in resistance. The strength of these beings was like nothing he’d ever experienced, and the spear resting against the wall just beside him was more than a little unsettling.

Still, the silence in the room was nerve-wracking. Cautiously, he allowed a single eye to creep open. Coming into view, he saw the one who held him against the wall staring at the precum lacing her fingers. He only had a moment to wonder what she was doing until both he and the one called Xezzi gasped in surprise when the creature inserted her wet fingers into her mouth.

The very second the human’s slime touched her tongue it was completely overwhelmed by the taste. Myrta’s large eyes widened to almost twice their size and her entire body breathed in as if trying to absorb the zest. Her entire tongue, from tip to base, was assaulted by a sweet tang the likes of which she’d never experienced.

Watching this provocative display, Desmond felt an aroused sensation course through him. His exposed member twitched, attracting the creature’s hungry gaze.

In one swift action, the alien dropped her hips down low.


Balancing on the balls of her feet, the alien was now crouched down with her face directly before the hardening rod. She had released the human’s neck from her grip and slid her hand down his bare chest; barely exerting enough force to keep him pinned against the wall. Her left hand ensnared the mysterious rod once again.

Desmond’s eyes followed the creature down, the soft touch of her hand tickling his muscular chest, and his breath froze within his lungs. Looking down he could see the top of the alien’s helmet, as well as the rest of the armor that clung to its curvaceous body. His eyes couldn’t decide whether to focus on the creature’s heaving breasts, or its perfectly rounded ass. What he wished he prepared for, however, was the quaking wave of nerves that jolted from the tip of his membrane to his throat, causing a sharp yelp to escape his voice.

The alien woman flicked her moist tongue against the head of Desmond’s rod, and a pleasured hum vibrated through her.

“What are you-”

“It’s sap!” The female announced to her companion. “I have never tasted anything quite like this before!” As if completely forgetting this foreign part was attached to her captive, the alien woman flicked her tongue against it once more.

Desmond’s stiff limb twitched and pulsed every time the female’s tongue made contact with it. He felt her moist saliva coating his head while the chill from the room mixed with this warmth and confused his sense of temperature.

His body trembled from the sensual assault. As his muscles strained, the shackles around his wrist became increasingly uncomfortable.

As the alien woman licked, she began to taste less and less of this mysterious substance. Finally, she paused and stared deeply at her challenge. Remembering how she first discovered the human’s hidden treat, her grip around his hardened length tightened and she continued to stroke him. It was then that an idea presented itself in her mind. Parting her soft lips wide, she engulfed the head of the Human’s cock.

All attempts to silence himself gave way at that very moment. Desmond’s dam of self-restrain crumbled, and he breathed a loud moan while his hips forced himself deeper into the creature’s mouth.

The female let out an unintimidating squeak as she felt the full width of the Human stretch her mouth. It sat atop her hungry tongue as she stroked. She tightened her lips around his erection in an attempt to suck the sap directly from the source while her hand held on to the throbbing limb. The hand that once pinned the human to the wall had completely fallen from the man’s chest down to his hips.

“Myrta!” The female’s companion shouted as she shoved one hand against the human to keep him secured against the wall. “What are you doing?!”

There was a sharp pop as the alien woman pulled her lips from the human’s rod to speak. “I want more.” She said with a flustered determination. “Help me pump!”

Desmond’s eyes were as wide as the creatures’. The shock of this experience was overwhelming. Reality quaked around him. Things like this were utterly impossible. Even worse, as he noticed the other being motion, it seemed she too was now interested in him.

Xezzi’s long arm reached down and her fingers interlaced with her partner’s around the human’s rod and as they stroked, she could feel the man’s warmth absorbing into her skin. She stared down at her partner. The two of them were pumping together. Their grip was strong against the Human’s body part. Pleasure overruled the pain, however.

It was then that Desmond felt another strong throb pass through him and a warm liquid exited his muscle. Glistening on the head was yet another serving of precum. The stroking paused, and the two looked at one-another. “You must try it, Xezzi.”

There was a moment of silent hesitation as the alien creature looked between her companion and the oozing sap spilling out from the human. Cautiously, and with a strong hand still pressed against Desmond’s chest, the creature lowered herself next to her partner.

Desmond’s mind utterly failed in making sense of this situation. This was far too real to be a dream. Far too terrifying to be an enjoyable experience, and far too enjoyable to be a terrifying one. He watched as the two eyed his stiff muscle. They both stared intensely. Then, the one called Xezzi moved her face closer. He could feel the heat of her breath massaging the head of his hardened rod. Then, just as before, he felt the creature’s tender lips envelop him.

Another quaking gasp escaped and his hips bucked deeper into the creature’s mouth. Xezzi’s breathless gasp swallowed the taste of his sap. The sensations that invaded her tongue caused her mind to betray her will. Clouded by this foreign substance, her body fell dangerously relaxed. She felt her hand began to stroke the muscle as her partner continued once more. With a pulse, more of the human’s sap spilled out into the alien woman’s mouth, and her body could not help but moan from the gripping sensation entrapping her tongue.

Instinctively, the alien female began bobbing her head to match the pace of her partner’s stroking.

Desmond’s body responded with a violent spasm. As if trying to escape the pleasure, his hips retreated, but the hungry mouth of the alien woman chased after him, causing his erection to delve deeper into her zesty palate. Eyes shut tight, his voice shuttered with a gasp. His legs began to weaken as the sucking motion seemed to pull directly at his stomach.

As the creature suckled his stiffened part, saliva collected in her mouth. It mixed with the tartness of his precum and increased in volume. Eventually, her mouth could no longer contain this concoction, and the euphoric cocktail began to spill from her mouth. Streams of cum-mixed saliva dripped down the pronounced vein and onto her endowed breasts.

Jealous of her partner, Myrta’s hips shoved against the other females’. “That’s enough!” Pushing her aside, she was able to snatch the stiffened rod from her companion’s hungry mouth and shove it within her own.

Bereaved and unsatisfied, Xezzi pushed back at her partner, but was unable to dislodge the human’s hardened muscle from her hungry mouth. Envy quickly set in as she watched her companion mimic her bobbing technique. Still, she noticed the shimmering of saliva dripping down the human’s dense vein. Positioning herself, her lips parted and attached themselves to the underside of the human’s stiff pole. She rubbed her lips against it from side-to-side and her deep blue tongue slithered beneath the underside of his pronounced vein, collecting whatever bits of cum-laced saliva she could.

The sensations flooding his body were overpowering him. He could feel the serpentine tongues tickling close to every inch of his length. As they rubbed against him, he could feel the raised bumps that added just a touch of grip as they tugged and wrapped around his girth. Their hands travelled down to the base of his length to make more room for their soft lips to cover.

Desmond could feel the tightening in his lower stomach. The sucking sounds that split into his ears caused his entire body to tremble. His breathing became harsh and rugged. With barely the strength to keep his eyes open, he looked down and watched the two female creatures pump and tug and suckle and kiss. He watched their incredible breasts bounce and jiggle within their dingy armor. Their curvaceous bodies moved opposite of one-another in an even pace. There was never a pause: never a moment for Desmond to steel himself. The constant assault of numbing ecstasy washing over his body was causing all his senses to overload.

Suddenly, Desmond felt his lower regions twitch and pulse. “Ahh…” Instinctively, he tightened every muscle he could still control. He held back as much as possible strictly out of fear. He had no idea what these things would do to him once he let go. “I… can’t…!”

Neither Myrta nor Xezzi knew what would happen next. They were far too gone in their euphoric dance along the human’s sap-muscle. So much of his girth filled their hungry mouths. Their tongues danced and slithered around every inch of him collecting as much of his thick juice as they could gather.

They could feel the muscle expanding. The pungent pheromones their captive’s body gave off diluted their sense of space and reality. They wanted nothing more than to satisfy their sudden need for the human’s seed. They worked him harder after realizing more of his juice would pour out as a result. They could feel him stiffening. As his hips attempted to retreat, they would increase the vigor of their attack.

Desmond could no longer block out the humming and slurping. He could feel the heat of their drool traveling down his skin like lava. The tightness of their hands and mouth gave no room for escape. “Haa…!” The speed and force of their sucking pulled at his insides in a way no human could fight back against. “God… it’s… coming…!” There was nothing he could do to defend himself. The very instant he accepted this fact his body released all of the pressure and tension that built up from this passionate endeavor.

A relentless torrent of the human’s thick juice blasted from deep within him and, in seconds, filled the mouth of the creature. As Desmond’s voice produced a deep moan, the alien female whined from how his pulsating muscle and warm sap filled her mouth to bursting. She swallowed as much as she could. The juice ran down her throat and she could feel her entire body heating rapidly. The euphoria set in faster than she could prepare herself. Her mind fell completely numb and her eyes rolled back in sheer ecstasy.

More and more of Desmond’s seed filled the creature’s mouth. The pulsing was relentless, as was Xezzi’s stroking. She hadn’t even realized the human was expelling her prize until her partner’s mouth could no longer contain it. An opaque liquid splashed from Myrta’s lips and drizzled down the sides of her mouth. Eyes wide with shock and betrayal, Xezzi ripped the human’s rod from her partner’s mouth.

It fired another shot of its opaque sap all over Xezzi’s chest and she gasped, then quickly engulfed the head with her lips. She pumped furiously to get whatever was left. As it filled her, she let out a vibrating moan of satiation that reverberated through Desmond’s entire body.

The human’s moans grew louder and louder as the nerves fired through his very spine. Desperately, he attempted to pull himself from the mouth of the creature, but to no avail. Her grip proved far too powerful for him to risk pulling away.

Greedily, Myrta pounced on her partner and attempted to pull her newest source of sustenance away, but Xezzi would not release the human again. The two fought hard over their treat, but soon, his toughened muscle relaxed, and the seed that they craved slowly ran dry.

Finally, Myrta was able to pull the human’s muscle from her partner’s mouth and insert it within her own, but by now, the thick ooze had run dry. She sucked and pumped hard. The human’s moans slowly grew silent before transforming into squeaks of pleasured pain. She didn’t care. Eventually, her pace slowed once she realized they’d emptied their vessel of whatever they could get from in. But then, she noticed her partner, Xezzi, still gulping down the human’s sap that remained in her mouth and on her fingers.

Like a savage beast, the alien female pounced on her partner. Locking lips, she pinned the creature to the floor and shoved her tongue deep into her mouth. She could still taste the human’s substance within Xezzi’s mouth.

Panting heavily, Desmond slid down the side of the wall and to the floor. His body, spent and exhausted, struggled to regain its baring. His eyes watched as the two blue-skinned aliens fight with each other over the cum that remained in their mouths. He stared at their bodies pressing, rubbing; embracing one-another.

His stomach felt empty. His mind cloudy. He hadn’t even realized this might be his only chance to escape. This chance, however, was quickly fleeing.

The two creatures became less aggressive towards one-another. By now, they had collected as much of the human’s substance as they possibly could. Now, they continued to kiss upon one-another; reveling in the intense experience they’d shared. Their bodies were soft as they rubbed upon one-another. They shifted and squirmed as their tongues danced against one another.

Finally, a sense of fatigue caught up with them. Myrta, who was on top, pulled away from her pinned down partner. Their eyes locked with mischievous intent. In that moment their thoughts became one. Simultaneously, their attention turned towards the downed human. He watched them helplessly as they both rose to their feet. They eyed him from above. Deviant looks swelled within their eyes. Then, they simply walked passed him.

Desmond followed the women with his eyes and watched as their curvaceous figures walked to the opening of his cell. Once they exited, they turned to face him. The bars of light flickered back into place and imprisoned him once again.

“This’ll be our little secret.” There was a dark satisfaction present in Xezzi’s satiated voice.

“We’ll be back for you another time, human.” And with that, the two alien females retreated out of view, leaving Desmond cold, alone, and flaccid in his quiet cell. Used and confused, the human male’s body toppled to the side. He laid there quietly; his mind not yet fully recovered to make sense of the events that just occurred.
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