Fx Female KD.vA - League of Legends x Overwatch Crossover


Mar 26, 2012
So, here’s an oddly specific request I guess: I really ship the whole D.Va/Ahri pairing, and I figure the KDA alternate ... uh ... lore... thing lends itself better to that happening. Basically, I’d be playing Ahri (and the other members of KDA as well if the other party is interested). However the two meet up, I’m up for discussing.

Far as RP style, I prefer 3rd person and I prefer sticking to PMs.

With regards to limits, the only things I really want to stay away from absolutely would be any kind of toilet stuff and gore.

So yeah, looking forward to hearin’ from people.
I sold my bumps for some magic beans. Planted them during the light of a full moon and a squirrel made off with them.
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