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Fx Male Official request thread Babies!(Dark,Plot heavy, smutty, and fun)


Nov 25, 2019

Welcome to my official request thread!
Where to start first?
Choose your adventure below.

●About Me●

Okay, well i'm D! Pleasure to have you here reading this post. I hope you're having a great day, or night or mid afternoon. I'm a easily excitable little lady who's always down for a good story. I've been actively Rping for a few years now, but writing on my own for even longer. I started Rping because I loved the idea of writing a story with another writer! The worlds you can create and destroy.

As you can probably tell already I'm super friendly! So, i'm always a fan on Ooc chat, because I understand that you're more than the words on the screen and it we click ooc than I know our story is going to be stellar.
But I'm not only here for chatting, so If you wanna focus solely on the story that's fine!

●Post length●

I am probably the biggest believer in fluctuating post length. I completely understand that sometimes it's hard to pump out tons of paragraphs if it's an important dialogue scene where characters are asking plot focused questions. But I'll send a wall of descriptive text if i'm setting up a scene or introducing a character. I usually hover around the 3-5 paragraph mark. And only ask that you give me at the very least enough details to form a reply. I'm not asking for a novel but tell me how your character is doing/feeling ect.

●Reply frequency●

I try to open the site at least once a day and try to get replies out at that speed as well. But unfortunately I'm currently working a few jobs in a creative field. Some days I'm drained and need a little bit of time before I'm free to sit down and give a proper reply. I'm also working on letting my partners know that i'm not avoiding! But if I've disappeared for some reason and you haven't heard anything, please reach out. I've probably forgotten to hit the almighty enter key and it's been sitting in my drafts.

●Where do you write?●

I stick to PMS or Threads. I will almost never move off site. Just because it's impossible for me to keep track of everything if I have to check six different places every day. Plus i'm aesthetically attracted to the site so there's that!

I think i touched base on the usual stuff. But if you have a question I haven't answered feel free to reach out! Even if it's simply you read the thread.

Now let's get into the good stuff!

I'll start with my smut to plot ratio! I'm usually sitting at about 40/60. As I've touched on earlier, I'm such a sucker for a good story! So, i don't mind raising the smut level as long at I've got a story i'm vibing with and the smut makes some sense within the story. Our characters are locked in a cabin for the weekend finally able to get some time alone after a week of sexual tension? Of course they're going to go at it like bunnies.

All though I'm a fairly easy going, happy go lucky kinda gal I do have some strong limits that I don't really roll with. In no particular order.
Unrealistic hyper proportions (An almost two foot long cock on a ten foot sex Demon? ✔ The same genitalia on a 5 foot college aged nerd. ❌)

Pregnancy (No problem with the risk of pregnancy)

Incest (I'm talking true Incest of any kind. It's not for me!)

Scat play
Underaged characters.

And now for something completely different!
Here's just a little idea into some of the things i enjoy. I do have a F-list it's not completely updated, because it's such a feat to update.
But here are generally some things I loooovvveee.

Just because it's written doesn't mean it has to happen. It's never a must do! I'm happy with writing vanilla smut and a good story.

Anything Degrading or to do with degradation! But i especially like the verbal aspects of This kink.

Roughness is also a huge one; Bitting, scratching, hairpulling, slapping. You know, the works.

Facefuck and throatfucking. It kinda goes along with the one before. But I'm super into it

Getting Messy. Kinda goes along with the Degradation aspect but have M/C Covered in Tears and Spit and cum.

Lightning round!
Orgasm control/Denial.
Nipple play
Gags and restraints
Anal/Anal training
Multiple Holes being used at a time
Tada! You made it through!
Now we get to talk about scenarios!
I tend to lean towards the darker themed storys. It's just what I enjoy writing!
If you've got a dark and smutty story you've been looking to play, send it my way. We might be able too work something out!

I'm working on adding a full list but here are some cravings for now!

Latest Crave!
(In no particular order)

!!! Enemies turned lovers. Or maybe just hatefucking. I love writing snippy dialogue with this so any pairing where this is included is golden.

Mafia! I've been strangely interested in doing something mafia themed. I'm looking for someone to flush this out with. Maybe a Mafia boss and their best assassin. Maybe an assassin and an informant from a rival gang. I'm not sure yet, but I'd love to work things over.

I'm also kinda obsessed with the Witcher currently! (Or maybe just Henry Cavill...) I finished the Netflix series and have just started reading the books. So, if you're in the same boat let me know!

Probably my biggest forever craving are supernatural creatures. Specifically Vampires,Werewolfs and the like. I have a request thread for my vampire character out already. But I'm looking to change it up as well.

That's it I believe! So, if you've made it this far why not send me a message? I'd love to chat and start plotting! Thank you for taking the time to read through this hot mess! I appreciate it! ♡
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