Fx Male RP request for my somewhat ironic kink


Nov 15, 2019
In the real world, I'm a somewhat militant feminist. To the core. However, secretly, when I roleplay my darker erotic fantasies, my biggest personal kink is misogyny and sexism. Even though my thinking, understanding brain is repulsed by it, my lizard brain and body is intensely aroused by it. So I like to put together erotic RPs to explore this, and I'm hoping to find someone that's also interested.

So there's two main ways we can go about playing this and it depends on which flavor of sexism you'd be more interested in playing. One of them, domestication, focuses on the traditional gender roles kind of sexism and is very plot-driven, the other, objectification, focuses on the sex toy kind of sexism and pretty much entirely smut. Obviously they both involve heavy doses of D/s, but the manner in which they're expressed is very different. One more psychological and the other very physical. The main kinks explored will entirely depend on which of the two you'd be most interested in playing. I'm good with playing either one but please specify which one you'd most like to play.

My limits are nothing gross (WS, Sc, AtM, Vomit, etc.), and no blood, gore, or serious injury. I'd also rather not do mind control or anything like that as to me that's "cheating".

If you want a face claim, I can do that, though it's not necessary. I'm also good with either DMs or Discord.

Hope to hear from someone soon!!!

EDIT: I've gotten takers on the objectification one, so won't be accepting anymore on that. But if anyone wants to do the domestication one, please get in touch!
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