Fx Female Futa x F and F x F Fandoms and originals


Jan 18, 2020
What you need to know to proceed:
  • Primarily PMs but will play in email or docs. Not interested in discord or IMs or anything like that and would need convincing to thread
  • Third person
  • tends to write a lot, so if you tend to hang out on the shorter side, probably not a great match. That said, I'm not looking at word count or whatever "lit" means, I just don't think it would be a good fit if you're the type who writes and expects something around, say, the amount written in this thread to this point.
  • I tend to reply pretty fast because I'm excitable
  • Even the smuttiest ideas are more fun with some kind of story around them
  • Unless noted otherwise, I'm all for contriving some reason to make my character a futa
  • these are written short and kind of vague by design to give room for your ideas. I'd rather PM about them with an enthusiastic partner than make everybody wade through a ton of details here
Some fandom stuff

  1. Batgirls - Barbara Gordon Batgirl is back, and that means that Stephanie Brown is out as Batgirl.... and she really liked that job. (competitive, potential frenemies)
  2. AU post Dark Knight Returns - Carrie Kelly x OC (your OC probably) - bit of an age gap, as CK has hung up the batstuff since the big man died until your girl starts going out in her homemade costume and fighting crime.
  3. X-Women (just sort of in general)
Original ideas
  1. roommates/mean girls - futa - your girl's the friendly roommate or perhaps the queen bee mean girl type and discovers my girl's secret. (could easily go super smutty or have some serious plot - some fantasy element or setting for the school? adventure opportunities? blackmail opportunities? lets talk)
  2. teacher student - similar, though there's potential for some real power playing here. What if the student's the blackmailer? What if she blackmails the hot teacher but it turns out said teacher is pretty dominant herself (or has something extra to silence her little blackmailer). Again, can be pretty straightforward smut or can be complicated with plotz on plotz
  3. step sisters/sisters. aside from the hiding and secret-keeping and the potential cock involved, I don't see a ton of plot here, but we could find some. maybe dabbling in magic gets things weird... maybe possessive little sis does something stupid to big sis's boy and there's a whole "on the run" thing happening....
  4. original super hero stuff
  5. honestly, probably happy to do some pretty cliche ideas because if I get to play a futa somehow. I'm kind of feelin' it right now and I will probably find ways to complicate up the cliche.
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