- Joined
- Jan 20, 2020
- Location
- Sweden
Hello! I am swedishfish, 30+ male from Sweden (I know, shocker!) with a passion for art and writing. I "work" as a freelance artist and that gives me a lot of freedom over my own schedule or lack thereof. I have been writing RP threads for some 15+ years but that's just propaganda, I haven't really been good at it until the last five years or so! Here are the basics about what writing with me is like:
Hello! I am swedishfish, 30+ male from Sweden (I know, shocker!) with a passion for art and writing. I "work" as a freelance artist and that gives me a lot of freedom over my own schedule or lack thereof. I have been writing RP threads for some 15+ years but that's just propaganda, I haven't really been good at it until the last five years or so! Here are the basics about what writing with me is like:
- Plot over smut! I don't want pure smut, I want at the very least a 50/50 balance. If you just want smut there are plenty of fish out there, godspeed!
- When I write male characters I tend to go for MxF, but I have an interest in doing more MxM and MxNB. I just have different tastes when it comes to that. I'll ask for it when that mood strikes me though!
- 3rd person/past tense/paragraphs. I'll be just as happy with one paragraph as with ten paragraphs. It's more about substance. Bloating a post with flowery language and descriptions pertaining to something unrelated just makes it harder to reply to for me.
- Plenty of plotting/ooc chatter over PMs strongly encouraged, Discord optional. I like keeping in touch and just share ideas, even those not pertaining to our thread.
- Fluctuating replies, ranging from several a day to once a week, y'know how it is. I try to be thoughtful of my partner's wishes when it comes to pacing, but sometimes I just drop the ball. Feel free to harass me if I ever go over that despicable one week limit without letting you know.
- Versatile in writing. Mostly dom but I am open to sub or switch as well. Depending on plot and characters of course.
Alright, that's it for introductions I think. Let's talk about the juicy bits.
I don't have much to say here so I'll just list it in a few ON and OFF lists (classic). What's in the ON lists will always draw interest. What is on the OFF list is NOT NEGOTIABLE. Everything not listed can be negotiable but in the end I retain the option to deny. I'll add to them as I wish.
Biccus Diccus:
I'm just gonna be honest here. I like playing males with big dicks. Not like extremely so but, y'know. If you are a size queen, just say so, because size matters!
Biting & Scratching:
Sharp teeth and nails/claws not necessary, but...
I don't know why but a woman with some hair on them is endearing. Not just pubic but also other body hair.
Muscular Ladies:
I love a woman with some beef on them! I don't have to play opposite one however, I love petite, slim and chubby as well!
Size Difference:
Tall and small? Yes please, it's cute as all hell!
If you finger someone with a tail, is it tailoring?
Yesss, build that antici... pation.
I'm just gonna be honest here. I like playing males with big dicks. Not like extremely so but, y'know. If you are a size queen, just say so, because size matters!
Biting & Scratching:
Sharp teeth and nails/claws not necessary, but...
I don't know why but a woman with some hair on them is endearing. Not just pubic but also other body hair.
Muscular Ladies:
I love a woman with some beef on them! I don't have to play opposite one however, I love petite, slim and chubby as well!
Size Difference:
Tall and small? Yes please, it's cute as all hell!
If you finger someone with a tail, is it tailoring?
Yesss, build that antici... pation.
Just straight up humans:
Of course. Just because of the others below doesn't mean I have abandoned humanity.
Exotic Humanoids:
Characters that are physically different but fairly human. Tails, horns, spines, claws and strange teeth are but a few examples. Supernatural, alien, robot or whatever, I love to play as and play opposite something out of the ordinary.
Monstrous Humanoids:
Werewolves, reptilians, dragonpeople, et cetera. A lot of fun can be had, especially with suitable genitalia attached. I especially enjoy playing as big strong lizardmen Ć la Argonians/Draconians/Dragonborn and werewolves, exotic dicks included!
Sapient Monsters:
Going beyond that with straight up dragons and such. Logistics be damned, we'll figure it out somehow.
Just to clarify, sapient means the ability to think, and to reason.
Of course. Just because of the others below doesn't mean I have abandoned humanity.
Exotic Humanoids:
Characters that are physically different but fairly human. Tails, horns, spines, claws and strange teeth are but a few examples. Supernatural, alien, robot or whatever, I love to play as and play opposite something out of the ordinary.
Monstrous Humanoids:
Werewolves, reptilians, dragonpeople, et cetera. A lot of fun can be had, especially with suitable genitalia attached. I especially enjoy playing as big strong lizardmen Ć la Argonians/Draconians/Dragonborn and werewolves, exotic dicks included!
Sapient Monsters:
Going beyond that with straight up dragons and such. Logistics be damned, we'll figure it out somehow.
Just to clarify, sapient means the ability to think, and to reason.
Not to be confused with sapient monsters. I'll fuck a cunning dragon but not a dog on a leash. As a matter of fact, I won't go for Fido even if he is perfectly eloquent. It's just creepy to me, no thanks.
Before the cries of hypocrisy, I'm talking cartoony here, with the typical neon furs and all that. I'll still take 14 werewolves behind a dumpster though!
Been there, done it, never caught on. Next!
Again, been there, done it and it left me feeling bad.
No thanks.
Absolutely not.
Not to be confused with sapient monsters. I'll fuck a cunning dragon but not a dog on a leash. As a matter of fact, I won't go for Fido even if he is perfectly eloquent. It's just creepy to me, no thanks.
Before the cries of hypocrisy, I'm talking cartoony here, with the typical neon furs and all that. I'll still take 14 werewolves behind a dumpster though!
Been there, done it, never caught on. Next!
Again, been there, done it and it left me feeling bad.
No thanks.
Absolutely not.
This is where I will list my plot bunnies, ideas and cravings, starting with a few pairings I like in no particular order of significance, with a little explanation. These are more general traits rather than specific pairings. Many of these will be in the vein of opposites attract.
It is pretty straight forward. I just like the dynamic and the shenanigans that often ensues.
Doesn't just apply to social caste, but that works as well. It can be a lowborn with a princess, worker with an executive, poorly educated with highly educated. It's a classic really, but I love classics as you will soon realize.
Not in a sexual way mind you (but could be that as well if you want). This is something that can go both ways. A city slicker going out in the wildlands and meeting an experienced woodsman or the other way around. Being out of one's element is a lot of fun.
Soldiers and civilians, knights and knaves, all flavors and variations thereof.
Just as good, a bond forged in battle that only Death can disturb. Love is a battlefield, after all.
Hahah, d-don't look at me, it's not what it seems- yeah it is. 

Here are some lil plots. I'll be putting them in categories for ease of access... well, once I have plots for more than one category.

Denotes a kind of period piece with fantastical elements such as monsters, magic, etc. Can be in our world (but magic) or another entirely.
Dragon Strike
[Monster X Not, Teratophilia]
Logistics debatable, form not negotiable.
For eons this ancient being harrowed the land, pillaged its civilizations and built its trove high in the mountains. At some point it tired of the constant marauding, his trove already more than sizable. He decided to take a nap. Perhaps he would be more inclined later. But the nap turned into a centuries long sleep instead and the lesser races that had quavered before his form had now forgotten all about him. Is YC an adventurer who found his citadel in the mountains, a thief hungering for the treasures of his hoard or perhaps a priestess from a religion that has sprung up around the dragon in his absence?
Dragon Strike
[Monster X Not, Teratophilia]
Logistics debatable, form not negotiable.
For eons this ancient being harrowed the land, pillaged its civilizations and built its trove high in the mountains. At some point it tired of the constant marauding, his trove already more than sizable. He decided to take a nap. Perhaps he would be more inclined later. But the nap turned into a centuries long sleep instead and the lesser races that had quavered before his form had now forgotten all about him. Is YC an adventurer who found his citadel in the mountains, a thief hungering for the treasures of his hoard or perhaps a priestess from a religion that has sprung up around the dragon in his absence?
Then we have some fandom plots, ergo plots that take place in already established settings.
Cry Havoc!
[Warrior X Not, Warrior X Warrior, Monstrous Humanoid]
No system, just setting.
I just want to play a big strong dragonman. Fighter, Paladin, Barbarian, etc. Epic adventures and intimate interactions by the campfire.
[Warrior X Not, Warrior X Warrior, Monstrous Humanoid]
No system, just setting.
I just want to play a big strong dragonman. Fighter, Paladin, Barbarian, etc. Epic adventures and intimate interactions by the campfire.
Burc'ya Vaal Burk'yc, Burc'ya Veman
[Warrior X Not, Warrior X Warrior, Experienced X Inexperienced]
I have not seen the Mandalorian series yet due to it not being available in Sweden yet, no spoilers for that please.
I. Love. Manda. Lorians. Their culture and looks makes for excellent spice in the Star Wars universe and I just like them a whole lot. I just want to play a Mando, that's all. Could be a story where a Jedi teams up with one to survive Order 66. A rebel hires a mercenary to get her from one place to the other while the Empire snap at their heels. Or two Mandalorians team up to recover an old Crusader artifact to restore glory to Mando'ade.
[Warrior X Not, Warrior X Warrior, Experienced X Inexperienced]
I have not seen the Mandalorian series yet due to it not being available in Sweden yet, no spoilers for that please.
I. Love. Manda. Lorians. Their culture and looks makes for excellent spice in the Star Wars universe and I just like them a whole lot. I just want to play a Mando, that's all. Could be a story where a Jedi teams up with one to survive Order 66. A rebel hires a mercenary to get her from one place to the other while the Empire snap at their heels. Or two Mandalorians team up to recover an old Crusader artifact to restore glory to Mando'ade.
He Hist At Her
[Warrior X Warrior, Monstrous Humanoid, Companion X Protagonist]
I just want to play a big strong lizardma- wait a minute...
I really want to play an argonian companion. No, not The Companions, but rather one of the myriad of henchmen that the heroes of the games can pick up along the way. If you want to play the Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch or Dragonborn that would be great, but not required.
[Warrior X Warrior, Monstrous Humanoid, Companion X Protagonist]
I just want to play a big strong lizardma- wait a minute...
I really want to play an argonian companion. No, not The Companions, but rather one of the myriad of henchmen that the heroes of the games can pick up along the way. If you want to play the Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch or Dragonborn that would be great, but not required.
If you have been intrigued thus far send me a PM, even if it is just to chat. Here are a few quick settings and such that I enjoy chatting about:
Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder
World of Darkness
Warhammer & W40k
Star Wars
Thank you for visiting, please come again!
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