- Joined
- Feb 7, 2009
Hello. I go by Fades, and I am interested in telling a story together.
A dirty one, of course. Not one to be without its filth, or without its debauchery. But certainly not one to be without its characters, without its realism, or without its development, either.
I see a lot of search threads looking for a certain percentage of this versus a certain percentage of that. Of 'plot' versus 'smut.' Tell me, why can scenes not have both? Why can it not be well-written, yet shiver-inducing? Compelling moments between characters, yet causing the most delighted of squirms?
Or perhaps the two-sentence faerie vampire princess/rugged pirate kidnapper with a heart of gold genre is more your style. To each their own, of course. But I'm here in particular hoping to find someone looking for a bit more, to have fun pushing ourselves and each other in something equally rewarding in the long-term as it is in the here and now, with every post or even thought that we create together.
Below are some current desires. Would you care to explore any together?
Trust // Incest, Porn
A dirty one, of course. Not one to be without its filth, or without its debauchery. But certainly not one to be without its characters, without its realism, or without its development, either.
I see a lot of search threads looking for a certain percentage of this versus a certain percentage of that. Of 'plot' versus 'smut.' Tell me, why can scenes not have both? Why can it not be well-written, yet shiver-inducing? Compelling moments between characters, yet causing the most delighted of squirms?
Or perhaps the two-sentence faerie vampire princess/rugged pirate kidnapper with a heart of gold genre is more your style. To each their own, of course. But I'm here in particular hoping to find someone looking for a bit more, to have fun pushing ourselves and each other in something equally rewarding in the long-term as it is in the here and now, with every post or even thought that we create together.
Below are some current desires. Would you care to explore any together?

Trust // Incest, Porn
Life is hard, and coming to terms with what life is really going to be, as a young adult, can be difficult. Three siblings, a trio that has always been warm with each other, playful. Close. One has been out of college for a few years now, is crippled heavily by that student debt atop rent and every other bill there is, with the all too common misfortune of not being able to even get a job in their field. Their current job is dead-end, the idea of patience being a road back to that field struggles as each season goes by, and the competition just becomes more and more crowded. A second sibling that has finished school only just recently, and is starting to get a taste of that same emotional and financial burden. Maybe they did get a job they were after, but it doesn't pay what they thought. Then a third sibling, in school now, struggling with the idea of if they should continue on for a few more years and get their degree, or take a cue from what their siblings and other friends are going through and...figure something else out.
A night of drinking. The three just chilling out at one of their apartments, laughing, getting silly together. Loud talk. Dares. Jokes. Personal stories. The whole silly cornucopia of drunken revelry between three siblings that are more than just brothers and sisters, but trusting friends.
One of them makes a comment, a joke. Among many other jokes that night, for sure. This one though, a joke that they 'should just sell their bodies or something, it's sooo much easier than this 'being an adult' shit!' which the others would laugh to. Followed by someone else, 'Can you believe what people who cam even make?! It's crazy!' laughing, again, beer in hand.
After the evening passes so too do many of the thoughts from that night, except for one. One that lingers, because...what if it's not so crazy of an idea, actually? If it's something you do purely in private, something you're in control of, and if you're only doing it with people you absolutely trust?
Comfort // Incest, Teasing
It's been just the two of them for awhile now. Best friends, beyond being mother and son. She had him young, so she's still late thirties/early-mid forties. He's late teens/early twenties. She's still very youthful, not only in appearance but in attitude, very hip, very into the same things he's into. He's the picture of behavior and hard work, Captain of This or That, great grades, hardly a thing to complain about. Doing his best to work hard and be good, from seeing what she goes through to take care of them both.
Neither is tremendously social. They're social, but they always seem to feel like they'd just rather be hanging with each other, rather than someone from work or from school. And their friendship together is a bit cozier than friends would ever be. Certainly more than a mother and son should ever be. Somewhere along the line their complete comfort together melded with an all too human desire for affection, and things gradually, step by step, teetered toward the questionable, and right over the line of what is, and isn't appropriate. Though they're no one else's to judge, right? It's all done in private. No prying eyes.
Hello/Goodbye kisses on the lips. Arms around each other as they watch a movie together. Perhaps he reaches for something up high in the kitchen while she's cooking, 'innocently' pressing himself right up against her butt. Perhaps she decides to linger about the house post-shower in her towel longer than usual before getting dressed.
Maybe they like going out to different towns 'to check out someplace new' when going to dinner together. Meanwhile they're in a place they're unlikely to run into anyone they know, freeing up the opportunity for some simple, taboo PDA.
Maybe Mom sends her son a series of dressing room pictures while he's in class, of her in various outfits, asking which ones she should get. The son equally sending his mother pictures of him from the gym while she's still at work, shirt off, asking which parts of his body are looking tone and defined, and which he should keep working on.
Drinking together at home. Nerf wars, pillow fights in their underwear.
Flowers appearing at her work. No name attached, just a sweet message that has her blushing and being teased by coworkers for weeks.
Whatever this all is, it's for no one to judge but them. And they both seem to smile and look forward to it together quite a lot.
Maybe they go 'over the line' one day. Maybe they don't. Maybe they both just love constantly pushing the envelope further and further, treating each new naughty, teasing step as 'not that big of a deal, right?'
"I'm okay with it if you are."
Shooting Stars // Celebrity, Porn
A daring porn company makes an even bolder offer, one that immediately makes the rounds of every news station, every radio talk show and podcast, and it seems like everyone's social media feeds. Because that's the age we live in, right? The most shocking, interesting things spread like wildfire. Free press. Agree or disagree with it, you can't escape hearing about it at least ten times before the news is even two days old.
The offer?
Simply, that they'd 'like to offer a contract to any notable female celebrity, whether that fame comes from film, music, sports or otherwise, that would be interested in filming an hour of content for an adult film under our banner... That $5m guaranteed would be donated to the charity of their choosing, regardless of their level of fame.' And that 'there is the option for an additional, longer contract afterward, which would balance being financially beneficial for the performer, for our company, and again, of course for a charity of her choosing, and in which we would make effort to work it around the timing of her other, primary profession.'
A crazy offer. Something to be laughed off. Right?
Would everyone hold their breath? Look around, waiting to see who actually takes this company up on their offer? Would anyone? No one would, right? 'Leaking' a sex tape is one thing. This would be an actual porno. Who would even want to risk that for their career, nevermind their personal life?
An up-and-coming actress? An aging star, eager to rekindle her status as a sex symbol in the public's eye, and get back to being at the top of the lists for roles? Perhaps someone who's had a few flops recently, and is not gonna let everything she's worked for slip away, as fame is known to do? Maybe it's someone who's in a good position, doesn't 'need' this, but isn't uncomfortable about her body in the same way that society is. Maybe someone who's famous in a squeaky clean way, and wants to break out of that mold? Maybe she's a singer, or an athlete, and wants to get the public's attention in a big way while she tries to transition into the world of acting, or launch her own fashion line.
I'd be eager to hear what lady(ies) you think may answer such an open invitation, and why.
Faith // Femdom
A younger couple, somewhere between mid-twenties to early-thirties. They've been together for a number of years now, though only married a year, maybe two. On the outside everything is normal. They're 'that' couple in their circle of friends, the one that's always happy, pleasant, fun, silly, picture-perfect. And in truth, they are. They're a wonderful pair. Work is going well. Their relationship is a tight bond. Life is just positive in all the ways it can be.
Behind closed doors their sex life has always been fun. But like any two people, it's constantly evolving as they try new, interesting things. Some are duds of course, but hey, it was worth a shot. Some stick around as they find new favorite positions, or outfits, or roleplays, and so on... For the longest time the husband has been the dominant of the pair, though it's always come with a play-struggle from her end. Perhaps there's been a fiery question mark inside her for awhile now, where maybe it's more than just the fun of being a brat and getting her bedroom comeuppance as a result. Maybe she'd like to be in charge sometimes, too. And as they start exploring that idea together, something that was laughable at first starts to take shape, and a dynamic develops between the young, married couple that has both red in the cheeks, yet neither wanting to shy away from.
Her newfound desire to dominate her husband can take shape in many forms. Copious massages? Cunnilingus whenever she damn well pleases? Training him to hold off, to not finish until -she- is ready to be done? Of course, of course, of course. These and many more. From feeling she 'should start getting more gifts~,' to whatever else a lady in the saddle may desire, she'll come to discover that being in charge is quite the sandbox for getting whatever you'd like.
As of late my heavy preference for place of play has been Discord. I feel it has a vibe to it that's very favorable to writing together, and would like to guide any new stories in that direction. Should that not work for you, the traditional 'in the forums' is certainly not off the table.
I would like a few paragraphs in a given post, and would like that a few times a week together. This won't be something anyone is pressured on, though. Life will happen. This is just an idea to see us on the same page here at the start.
I'd also like for us to share pictures and such regularly throughout the story, whether they be delightful visual aids for our characters, outfits, settings, and so forth. It's one of those little things that I believe brings a bit of fun to the moment.
And finally, I ask that if you've read this, if you're earnest about writing something together, that you please show that desire, not just tell. Because we all get those. Those messages where it's simply 'ya i like idea 3 lets play,' or where the whole of the message is just a brief babble of nothing. I'm thrilled that you like something I like! But I also want this to be your story, too. Break the ice by showing me what's on your mind. What do you love about it? What do you want to change? What do you want to add? Show me you're out to be a partner, not just a player, and we'll get along great~