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Fx Male Desert Rose

Jan 18, 2020
Hello All,

It took a bit to get me to finally post here but I've done it. So first thing's first:

Do drop me a DM before anything...
This is only a Sample and no one is required to go by it unless they feel like it's a thing they would want to pursue.
Male Rpers only S'il Vous Plait.
Be Bold, come to me with character possibilties.

Any character would do unless you're a furry tiger or any one of those.

I enjoy plots, twists and turns.
Fantasy it is.
Historic contexts are fine as long as its nothing modern
Weapons are the medieval sort, guns and such are not medieval.
Smut is probable.It's a pretty sensual setting, but plot encouraged overall.

That being said, please don't assume I would play off sickening kinks like (Pedophilia, Toilet Play, Blood Play and other such unmentionables)

Well, I've grown up with 1001 nights and have recently purchased a pretty version of the classic and was sucked in once again. Magical genies, tortured princes, fallen heroes, beautiful women, right? Well, Sur'men'ra'a is an ambitious take on this particular setting. Think a large domed palace, an intricate family, court plots and intrigue, and perhaps an inner rebellion even.

I've gone ahead and posted this following introduction:


The goblin treaded carefully past the giant dunes of the Moluat Desert. He was careful in his descent as to not awaken the many suckling mouths of the sandy floor. Quick sands, they called it. It took one born in this hellish land to know how to walk or stomp towards the hidden kindom. Sur’men’ra’a was his quarry, he had heard many things of the lost empire but little could be proven to be true. There, past the whipping wind that threw back his hood and exposed his warted face; there it stood. The golden walls of the city did not distract from the giant monument of their reigning goddess. The Ulat; a nude crone with hanging teats, a fierce face and twin spears held in both her stone hands. She was ugly, but formidable to be sure, but she was also merely stone.


The statue gleamed underneath the hot sun while the goblin slid towards the foot of the goddess, raised his hands in praise before he pressed on towards the gates. He could read the scriptures well enough, the ancient house of Surmin’s sigil, a black panther in the sun was present in many of the stone engraved bannermen. He also glimpsed various constellations, an indication of the time and age of the drawn battles. He also saw the lost banners of extinct houses, and lastly a rare sigil held up by a woman in a cloak behind the last Surmin king. It was much too high for him to reach for, but he knew of this particular king. Tural, and his beautiful wife, a second marriage born out of passion and desire despite the King’s fathering of five healthy sons by his first wife- This woman, an island heiress of Calypso, the port city where her family reigned bore him a daughter.

Legend told that the princess was a goddess, a sublime beauty that put all women to shame. The goblin glanced at the statue of the Ulat behind him, and chewed his lips in contemplation a goddess wasn’t always beautiful and legends were often exaggerations. The creature drew his hood tighter around his face, and began touching the lower beams to seek a point of entry. His master told of a hidden passageway, related to him by a eunuch who once served in the palace. Finally, he touched the dusty button and a small opening would be visible now. In truth, this opening was the only reason he was chosen, the small cube barely fit a small child, or a skinny animal. It did fit him, though.

He was in. The bustling passageways of soldiers making their rounds, of slave boys running about to follow their masters bidding was a sample of life after the barren desert. He could only see their legs however from where he stood, and they thankfully did not pay the little darkness any notice. He slipped deeper beyond the passages, towards another cube, and another and another until he was in the market place. Here, he glimpsed many shades of humans, and other exotic creatures as well. He saw a troll leashed like a mule, he surveyed a team of drakes, the lizard like creatures thrived in the heat and seemed to make a life here. He noticed red skinned humanlike creatures, and recognized them instantly as djinn. He needed to move off before they caught him, and so he did past the stalls and towards the more elaborate passages. It should be close now, the palace with its many pillars and gilded domes.

He stopped when he noticed the marble wall, solid white like a gleaming pearl in the sun. He was against that same wall and had to whisper his enchantments, a spell that would turn him invisible. The white walls made anything visible, and surely even he in his black cloak would look like a giant fly upon the flawless expanse. The magic was quite brief for it only allowed him mere moments to sneak past the guards and into the inner gardens before he was revealed again.

He took his time gazing about the lush beauty here, the white peacocks floating about from one fountain to the next. The blue mosaics plastered beyond towards the inner courtyards, the high palm trees, and the fragrance of incense smoke. It was all lovely to be sure, but he had no time to dally- he needed to travel deeper still. And so the little creature lingered, until it was dark. He had heard many things during the few hours till dusk. He understood the ruling method of the current Surmins as it was quite confusing to most. It seemed that the eldest ‘Noah’ was the head of state, while the twins took equal parts in the militia. Darius led the soldiers, while Daryoon conducting as tactician for battle. Isaac the fourth born was high priest to the temple, as well as somewhat of a magician it seemed. Ram the youngest looked over the taxes and treasurey. The country did not have one singular head, but many heads and different allies routing behind each man.

Their half sister, Princess Alia Leanora Del Surmin was also spoken about but in hushed tones he could barely make any sense of. Truth be told, it seemed they intended to marry the young thing off for profit- but to whom? He wasn’t mad enough to walk about the halls, instead he climbed up the slippery column towards one of the hanging candelabras, there he swung from one to the next and so on.


He heard laughter soon enough, clear bubbling crystalline laughter that had him pause. Not too far away past the archways, he drank in the scene. A pool surrounded by hundreds of candles, jasmines and curvaceous limbs. He saw them dunk inside, he saw them glide over the water, he watched as a pair explored one another in whispers and caresses. Each girl was molded perfectly, black, white and pale. They ranged from blonde to red to raven haired and each was carefree with her body. If they found him now, and put him to the sword he wouldn’t mind it at all- he would go happily. His little cock strained in his breeches, his mouth watered to taste the many temptations beyond but he curbed the notion. He had to stay focused, and not be distracted by the sight of breasts bouncing nor by the image of them pressed against each other while both redheads kissed. He shouldn’t be bothered with the sight of both a blonde and an ebony skinned beauty fondled one another. Most of all, he shouldn’t gawk at the woman he was sent in to spy on-


Her highness seemed unperturbed by the harmless acts of passion about her, instead she conversed with a couple of her friends, her high girlish voice a contrast to her voluptuous form. She was pure woman, her full pouty pink mouth, her high full breasts, her small waist that hinted of more beneath the water. Her face however was what had men pause in their tracks. Her sun kissed pallor contrasted against the darkness of her heavy curls, the way her almond eyes hinted of both seduction and innocence, the slim slope of her nose was pure aristocratic, and that hint of a black beauty mark by her mouth as she rushed on speaking excitedly of things he could not yet hear.

He also heard voices above, masculine voices, rough and not at all like the musical notes he had come to enjoy. There he climbed once again, towards the bushes by the balcony. He stopped here to listen on what he could tell were two men in military garb, one was higher in rank than the other.

“Her brothers fashion her to be a virgin.” Intoned Maxwell to his second.

“…Haa? Surely so, my lord.” Said the other man, obviously distracted.

“Look at her, Liam. No woman who is that beautiful would be untouched.” Snapped Maxwell, anger evident in his tone.

“She holds the keys to Sur’men’ra’a and the port city, My lord. Surely, virgin or not she is still of value.”

“If-If they give her to me, Liam. They dangle her about, and the little bitch enjoys watching me beg.”

“Women can be confusing, Sire.” Commented Liam diplomatically.

“There are about thirty other suitors taking lodgings here. I’m merely number twenty three- Who knows who they might decide on.” Grumbled Maxwell.

“You must woo the princess, Sire. Her own pressing hand might change your favor.”

“I tried! Liam, all she wishes to speak about is the quality of horse manure. It is quite difficult to turn that sort of conversation into one of seduction.”

Liam remained silent then.

“I see her the next day, and she looks right through me as if she had never seen me before in her life.”

The goblin stifled a laugh, the cut direct was never one men spoke of so comfortably and thus he decided that the two men must be of close standing, brothers of arms or so. Still, he did notice her speaking excitedly to her friends. Maxwell had mentioned thirty, but one of them might be responsible for the princess’s excitement.
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