Fx Male This Is The Thread You’re Looking For


Jan 7, 2020
Isn’t it? Possibly? Maybe? You should probably read it and find out. You can call me Sabre, by the way.

About Me + Preferences
  • I write in third person and would prefer that my partner does too.
  • I personally tend to reply two-four times a week, depending on schedule, and I would prefer that my partners post at least once a week.
  • I don’t care what your RL gender is so long as your main character is a dude.
  • I would prefer a partner that can do two-four paragraphs a reply. I strive for the same but often go a bit longer when I get caught up in the details or trying to set a scene. Generally if my partner does more I will try and match their length. (But I understand if there isn’t much to be said or if the scene requires two much back and forth for multi paragraphs)
  • Im not the most chatty OOC and don’t like talking about my personal life, but I do like to talk about plot points and plan them out before we get to them so the RP always has a clear direction.
  • Speaking of plot, I prefer a partner that is very active in it. If it’s largely a story of my creation than I will take the lead, but if mostly yours I expect you to do that. We both need to be proactive in world building and moving the story along to keep things from getting stale
  • I like drawn and anime face claims best. I can try to do realistic ones, but that isn’t possible for all characters and some blanks or coloring may need to be filled in.
  • I will never ghost you. It doesn’t matter if I’m sick, busy, shit hit the fan in RL, I can’t think of what to write for a reply, I’m not enjoying the rp anymore, or I am suddenly overcome by anxiety for whatever reason. I will reach out and let you know.
  1. Slow burn- I can’t just jump straight into smut and find it interesting. I like build up with settings and characters and having dynamics established before they jump into bed with each other. This doesn’t mean it has to take forever though. I tend to do plot/smut ratio of 70/30 but this is really flexible based on the plot.

  2. Size difference- this is a major kink for me. I want to play short women of varying body types against a tall strong man, preferably one that isn’t really considered conventionally attractive in the story and has flaws or that has monster/furry/scaley features. In stories where my character transforms (another thing I like) the size difference thing is subject to change.

  3. Fantasy- some element of fantasy/magic/unusual or just plain out of the ordinary is usually necessary for me to enjoy a story. I very rarely if ever go without this unless we are doing a fandom AU.

  4. Romance- pining, flirting, falling in love. I want romance to happen in the unlikeliest of places and love to blossom no matter the circumstance.
  1. More than two main characters- I can write side characters into a scene fairly well, but multi character sex scenes is a challenge for me so I usually just don’t partake. So far I can consistently run up to two main character at a time for a story and any more than that gets confusing.

  2. Incest- I’m not totally against all of it and am kind of okay with cousin/cousin and maybe step siblings if that even counts, but any closer than that is a pairing I will only try with a long term and well known partner.

  3. Sub/Dom dynamics- I don’t really play a type and my characters given personalities vary a lot. I can change to do a more submissive/domineering personality if you have a preference but I’m not familiar with or interested in doing anything like pleasure/pain, power play, dd/lg, or heavy bondage.

  4. Slice of life- this is just boring to me. I can do it well with established character or in scenarios where the main plot is already finished but otherwise I try to avoid it.
  1. I will not continue writing with some one that continuously only reacts to what I write without contributing to moving things forward in their response.
  2. No non-con, vore, heavy gore, bathroom stuff, or anything this site forbids. Some mentions of these things are ok if they are conducive to the plot, like a character struggling with intimacy things because they were sexually abused in the past, but no playing these things out.
Cravings: Virginity, knotting, exotic dongs, heat/rut, lots of sexual tension, Fur/furry
The ability to include a lot of these also kind of depends on the character and RP, so they aren’t an absolute must just something I’m feeling at the moment.

Underlined= MC
Nothing underlined= I will play either
Italicized = Taken

These have no particular plot, but are pairings and ideas I’m open to try and create a plot around. If you would like to play one of these please have something in mind even if it’s just a setting or a personality/description of YC that we can work around together
  1. Just about any retelling of beauty and the beast
  2. Arranged marriage between royalty to create alliance between country A and B so that they are stronger against antagonist country C. (I especially love this idea if A and B are very different culturally or different races)
  3. Human/witch/angel/elf basically anything mostly human looking and feminine x Werewolf/Werecreature/Shapeshifter/Furry (Preferably includes sexual awakening, discovery of a fur kink and similar themes.)
  4. Prey furry x Predator furry
Some have a plot or a theme. Most don’t

Miraculous Ladybug, love square with MC being Marinette/Ladybug and YC being Adrien/Chat Noir

  • Aged up only, open to AU, Canon divergence, timeline change, craving canon divergence where Adrien/Chat Noir becomes werecat/werewolf or similar for whatever reason.
  • I have an idea for a feudal fairytale Inuyasha-ish AU that Id love to ramble about.

Star Wars- ReyxBen Solo/Kylo Ren
  • Open to AU, Canon divergence/fix-it
I think of these as mostly plug and play where all you need is a character and some backstory. I’m totally up for tweaking the stories to fit characters and preferences.

MC = My character
YC = Your character

When YC became a vampire he didn’t know that soulmates were a thing, how could he when he’d only ever lived the one life?
YC is a master vampire, has been one for a few centuries. He falls in love with the same woman , the only one who makes his heart beat, over and over again, only to be heart broken each time. He’s had her a few times, but never the forever he desperately wants. Over the past few lifetimes MC has refused the gift of immortality, died unexpectedly or moments after they met, been terrified of him, or had other unfortunate circumstances that kept them apart, like being a nun. Now she wants to kill him.
YC can’t catch a break because modern day MC is (insert menial modern job) by day and rookie vampire hunter by night. In this story YC would also be head of a large corporation, one that she works for, and thats how they generally interact with each other. (She doesn’t recognize him because he wears a mask over half his face or looks very different while out doing vampy things, and he never takes her that seriously, she’s a weak mortal after all. It takes her figuring out that he’s actively trying not to kill her- and possibly also flirting with her?- to get the drop on him.)
[Elements: Soulmates, fate, comical but tragic circumstances, internal conflicts, (maybe) dubcon, biting, blood drinking/feeding, happy ending]

That third leg of his makes him a ton of money and often has women clamoring to see it, too bad it’s usually a deal breaker once they do.
The world is an alternate universe of our own where humans are still the majority but have all sort of mythical and magical creatures living and working alongside them, some more common than others. YC is a very rare nearly last of his kind creature, very big, and very furry/scaley (Your choice, but I’m picturing a wolfy/lycan looking guy right now) he is the star performer at a local strip club called Beastie’s thats definitely exploiting the sexy novelty of more exotic creatures. He’s tall, his bulge is huge, and he can dance.

YC also attends the local university where he has a reputation of being a ladies man and sleeping with a different girl every night. What people don’t know is that despite all the buzz he’s never actually had penetrative sex. He’s tried, but most women either run for the hills or those that try to take it just can’t. Not being able to go all the way with a girl is frustrating enough, but each year that passes he also worries a little more that he’ll never find a mate.

MC comes into play when she is at a bachelorette party at the strip club and things go south when a disgruntled ex-employee storms in with /literal/ guns blazing. He saves her, injuring himself in the process. In the aftermath she visit in him in the hospital and find out that because he can’t dance, he can’t pay his rent, and she offers him a place to stay.

He eventually finds out that her very uncommon species is very compatible with his own. Problem, she’s so naive and innocent sometimes it’s like flirting with a brick wall. Or maybe she’s faking it. Shenanigans ensue.
[Elements: Bold flirting, teasing, sexual tension, blue balls/cockblocking, seriously so much teasing, possible corrupting innocence, eventually knotting, super stretchy pussy, BIG DICK, big exotic dick]

Talking to a Pokémon will never not be weird.
MC, seemingly standard snobby rich girl and heiress to Silph Co., desperately wanted to be a Pokémon trainer when she was younger like all the other little girls. On a child’s tenth birthday it’s tradition in the Pokémon world to give a child their first Pokémon or to send them to the local Pokémon professor to obtain one. MC was given news that she would be going to the regions most exclusive boarding school instead.

She goes through school, than through university, all under her overbearing parents thumb- until she becomes an adult and is expected to take on training for the mantle of Silph co. CEO— but she refuses. Her parents practically have a melt down and oh wait, her mom actually does because oh dear, oh god, how could their dear, lovely, perfect daughter do this to them? MC strikes a deal the moment she’s given the opportunity- they give her five uninterrupted years of time and funding to achieve her dream of becoming a Pokémon master and then she’ll finally settle down and do her daughterly duties again.
MC searches high and low finding the perfect Pokémon and then uses a coveted masterball to catch her first. YC is a pokemon she wouldn’t normally be able to catch. For whatever reason she can understand him, maybe a psychic Pokémon, a legendary? Or some sort of hybrid/science experiment and could even be partially human? Maybe MC is psychic and has been hiding it all this time? TBD, but of course things go wrong with mom and dad holding up their end of the bargain and MC being famous doesn’t help her situation.
[Elements= Monster love, TBD]

Spells are mostly written in ancient languages (all of them difficult to pronounce) and summoning the devil never goes quite as planned.
The setting is modern day where real witches have always existed and the worlds version of the Jesus book is known to be mostly right. Witches really get a shit lot in life. There are four things MC knows to be true. One, she has only recently presented as a witch in a world where magic use is illegal and has harsh sentencing. Two, using her magic intentionally condemns her soul to the darkness and to hell. Three, not using her magic causes the well of magic connected to her soul to leak and eventually explode, which will make her cease to exist entirely. Four, she is PISSED, both at god and the world. Using grannies old book to summon the devil starts sounding like a good idea. But for this down on her luck girl nothing ever works as it should.

She accidentally summons YC, the youngest of the devils three sons, instead. There’s a whole lot of competition between the three princes and YC gets a lot of flack for never corrupting a single soul or ever making a deal- in part because no mortal knows his name. Being summoned by a witch is a unique opportunity to not only punish the sinners around her and make a name for himself, but to go about opening the gates of hell with her assistance and fulfill the ritual that brings about the rise of the anti christ- a major feat that neither of his stupid brothers have ever gotten close to doing.

He binds himself to her until their contract is complete, but his inexperience in dealing with that kind of paper work leads to some side uncomfortable side effects. Every moment they spend bonded makes him feel more of what she feels and hear more of what she thinks, and that just the start of it.
[Elements: Demons/devils, shapeshifting, unwanted emotions, angry women, possible angels, god/religion bashing, magic, corrupting the willing, punishing sinners and bad people in general for funsies, (are demons really bad if they are giving bad people what’s coming to them?)]

Edit: Oh heck I forgot to include my F-List
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I am grateful for the overwhelming amount of positive messages I have received from this community in response to my thread. Holy heck ❤️
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