New Year's Resolutions


Master of dreams
Dec 11, 2019
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
We're 16 days into 2020 (and have 350 days to go), and it's more than likely that many of us have made one or more resolutions. What I'm interested in, is how many of us are still sticking by them after half a month in the new year.

As for myself, I only make one resolution every year (ever since my mid-thirties) and that is to keep breathing. But what about you lot? What resolutions did you make and how difficult is it to stick by them?
-Make some more friends
-Get a job at a NICE company
-Stop eating at 2 in the morning
-Read lot more books than last year

Difficult to stick by them since everything is hard until you do it. Focus is major thing, because we get distracted by things that don't matter literally all the time.
Keep it up, you can do it, set your mind to it, reach out. endure the boredom, I guess... And be all you can be!

Easy way to stay motivated: build a routine and try sticking to it? kinda helpful
Be home more often. Travelling has taken its toll, leaving me to appreciate my own bed a lot more ^.^
Stop smoking. Like every year for the past ten years. Maybe it will work this time around.

Now excuse me, I need a smoke. :p
I got a job. I guess that counts. Hopefully I won't be abused there either!

Seriously, we have got to change the laws. Workplace abuse should be highly sueable.
- Be better about using the gym at my apartment. I lift a few times a week at a class-based gym (not CrossFit or anything like it), but when my schedule gets busy I dump the classes first. My apartment building redid their gym in partnership with Equinox, so I really don't have any excuse not to go lift there.
- Even if I don't lift, do at least 20 minutes of high-intensity, or 40 minutes of low-intensity, cardio work daily. This feeds into the prior point.
- Start work on my cosplays more than a month prior to the con. Given I have like... 3 in the works, one which is very technically complex, this is a resolution I need to get started on ASAP
- Try more new things. I tend to get very set in my ways with respect to which hobbies I participate in, but this year I'm trying to branch out. I'm going to go see a few musicals, I'm signed up for a LARP convention, and I have a few burlesque shows I really keep meaning to go to, but... Don't. Also, trying new board games!

A few of these won't really bare fruit for a few months, but of the others, I've been about 70-80% successful. It's a good start!
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