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Fx Male Vixen's Fixins!

Jan 9, 2020
Hello! Thank you to all who have stopped by!

My name is Vixen and I have a wide variety of things I enjoy, this thread will serve as my platform for delivering this information to y'all. I am looking to find a partner, to make a story, not just a one-shot smutty roleplay. I'll totally do those too but that's not the main reason why I've returned. I want to create a story in which the main goal isn't just to get fucked but where we create true history between the characters together. I am open to playing multiple characters, whether they play big roles or not!

I do not use Discord or any outside service.

I enjoy playing women that are in their mid to late twenties, I can go young but no younger than 18, and I can go older though I prefer to go no older than 40. My complete list of kinks can be found here, I will warn, that is over four years old and might not be up to date so even if it’s listed as a no or a maybe just ask and I’ll clarify. I would update the list but I can’t find my login! I am hugely into the fantasy scene, come to me with a fictional idea and you’ll have a big piece of my heart!

I enjoy being dominated. I like rough hardcore sex and situations where the male thinks the woman deserves what is happening to them. The darker we can go the better so long as everyone is still alive in the end, well, so long as our MC's are alive in the end. However, I do have scenarios where I prefer a softer style to my roleplay; more romance and love.

Real-Life Situations (All plot interests listed below could possibly be turned Fantasy)
Please note that the only incestual roleplaying I am interested in is (step)siblings or cousins, no parent x child

College is when young adults get to explore who they really are. They are able to test the limits of their freedom and enjoy themselves until graduation. Almost everyone takes advantage of that, except my character. She is focused solely on her grades, she doesn't care about parties, and she doesn't care about boys. This doesn't mean she doesn't notice them she just doesn't care. Unbeknown to her there is a game circulating the fraternities. The men try and bed as many girls as they can to rack up points, certain types of girls are worth certain amounts of points. It's a rather wide range too, slutty sorority girls are worth one at the lowest, and girls like my character? Worth fifty points. When one of the hottest playboys on campus suddenly starts giving her attention she's obviously going to be suspicious but can she resist his charms? And will he be able to remember that all it is, is just a game? This is a light-hearted and romantic roleplay but it can be taken on a darker twist with humiliation and manipulation
Two couples who are all best friends decide to go out on a camping trip together. Perhaps one couple is much more open about PDA than the other couple is, or is into swinging? What was going to be a relaxing trip out by a lake quickly devolves into a sex fest between friends, the only question when it's time to pack up and go home is who goes home with who? Do the couples stay together or do they decide to swap? Maybe they all decide to be in an open relationship with each other. The relationships of the campers can be discussed as well as what happens while they are there of course.
We often hear stories of people leaving their hometowns to chase their dreams; in search of something that will really make them feel alive. But what about the people who leave their towns to run away from their towns? In search of something that will keep them alive? My character is one of those people, just trying to survive. She moves into a new town hours away with a new name ready for a new lease on life. But how will she handle it when she realizes that she had been followed? That uprooting her life had been for nothing and that her life really wasn’t even hers to begin with? The reason for running and who she runs from of course will be up for discussion, this is a role play that will be very dark and heavy in themes of mental torture.
My character is a former detective, kicked back down to street duty while on probation due to unnecessarily roughing up several suspects. The first few times it happened her captain had been able to let it slide, excuses of emotions running rampant and getting carried away were good enough for him. But when she takes it too far and is caught threatening the life of a suspect by her partner they can’t look past it anymore. Before she can return to street duty however she is forced to take three weeks of unpaid time off, a way to hopefully placate the victims involved. Of course she is less than happy but it could be worse, she could have lost her job. One night she decides to treat herself to a night drinking, where she happens to run into one (or several) of the victims to her abuse. This is another role play that will be very dark, multiple characters are not necessary but always appreciated of course.
My character is a young adult, perhaps a college student, struggling to make ends meet. She works odd jobs here and there and has truly known the unfortunate side of humanity; abandonded at a young age by her parents she was left to an aunt who had never wanted to raise kids. Once she was old enough to be put to work that was what she did, never knowing the warmth of a loving home. One night on her shift at the local bar she finds herself unwittingly thrown into the path of a rather dark and mysterious man. In her he sees the perfect moldable little toy, a blank canvas that has been wholly untouched. In him, she sees her first hope of escape from her shitty life. The cost? Her body, mind, and soul. This would be a very heavy Sub/Dom focused roleplay and not quite as dark as the others. Whether the characters actually fall in love is something we can discuss/develop but I aim for it to start off as the two mutually using each other.
This would be a story in which I play a pair of identical twins. Though they look to be the same person they couldn’t be more different. While one lives a hectic life as a Triage Nurse at the local hospital ER, the other works as a stripper. One is quiet and in control of her life while the other is more rambunctious living her life like it’s a never ending party. Perhaps your character meets the nurse first, whether it be at the hospital or simply out by chance. They hit it off rather well and decide to meet up that night for a date, but she calls and cancels stating she got called into the hospital. That same night your character decides to go with the guys to the new strip club where, lo and behold, the woman he was supposed to be on a date with is on the stage. I think this story could be very interesting to play out with your character being a high ranking mafia or gang member, someone who’s used to getting what he wants. It will take some time to figure it out, but once he realizes that they’re sisters he doesn’t want just one of them, he wants them both even if they don’t. This is one that I am thinking will play heavily on manipulation and corruption. Perhaps some noncon and violence as well but of course everything is up for discussion. Could also possibly be a fantasy story instead of real life.
My character in this story would be a young woman who spends a lot of time looking through social media; Instagram, TikTok, even Twitch too. She follows all sorts of different accounts, interacts with other fans and is sometimes even lucky enough to interact with the poster themselves. Her favorite influencer would be your character, always leaving comments on his pictures and videos until she just stops one day for a few months. Maybe he notices, maybe he doesn't, but when she comes back he can't help but want to interact with her. After all she had been his most loyal fan, what could have been so important for her to be gone for so long? The exchanges between the two start off innocent and maybe even a little flirty, for her it's a fun way to pass the time, for him it's a growing obsession, made even worse when she tells him she's getting off of social media for good. After she gets off work one day she gets a notification that he had posted a new video so of course she has to watch one last time as she walked in her front door but... that looks like her couch, and those look like her pictures hanging on the walls behind him? Is that her bedroom? No, that would be crazy right? This does not necessarily need to be a dark idea, but will play heavily into obession and manipulation, borderline or completely toxic is the aim. If we want to take it dark we can certainly include a potential kidnapping and coersion into the mix as well.
The relationship between our characters can be up for discussion, whether they are dating, married, or siblings so long as their relationship with one another is a good one. The premise of this idea is that your character every other weekend likes to have a game night with the guys and my character wants in. Lately she's been feeling left out and even if she doesn't get to play, she just wants to be there to hang out. As the night progresses and the drinks keep flowing your character finds himself faced with an impossible situation; play his hand and risk losing everything, or offer up my character as a get out of jail free card. I am thinking this will be a situation in which my character is willing to comply, as for why that can be up for discussion. This is one that clearly requires you to play multiple characters, we can however discuss the option of there being more than one girl present.
Our characters have been together for a while now and things have been going great. They have plenty of things in common and work hours work out just right where they get to spend plenty of time together. The issue? Your character just wants a little bit more from my character in the bedroom, whereas she is perfectly content with the way things are. The topic has been brought up, and she's promised to let him try different things out all the time, but always backs out at the last possible second. She's learned to be okay with her hair being pulled or the occasional spanking, but any restraints? Anything really kinky? She's almost too afraid to even consider actually trying it, and she's all too aware that his biggest kink is letting others watch. Sometimes his hand might stray a little too far while they're in public but she's always quick to shut it down. By now, he's just at his wits end and at a loss for what to do, until a friend suggests an aphrodisiac drug for her. Just a few minutes for it to kick in and she'll practically be on her knees begging for anyone to fuck her anywhere. What better place to test it out, then at a party? Essentially a 'good girl turned slutty slave' plot idea where once she finally realizes how much she has been missing out on she allows him to turn their house into a free use area. Anyone who comes over can do whatever they want with her, and only he has the control to stop anything. The drug use will not be a constant factor, nor will it be something she is made aware of, however it will be the catalyst to get things to the point of free use, and eventually extending even outside of the house. Another idea that does require multiple characters to be played but in a much more gradual way.

Fantasy Situations (All plot interests listed below could possibly be turned Real Life)

In a world where human genes have mutated there are those who have grown to discover unique abilities, some make themselves out to be heros and those who would rather use their abilities for their own gain and become villians. Our characters are sworn nemeses, perhaps they've known each other since childhood and grew apart or they just happened to meet by chance. Your character has taken on a role of a villian, how heinous his crimes are, that's up to you. My character is the picture of a rightoues hero and has made it her life's goal to stop him. During their most recent fight however my character suffers from a terrible head wound and is knocked unconscious. Your character sees this as an opportunity to hold her for ransom, when she comes to however there are no spitting words declaring revenge or how she will surely put a stop to him, it's just... confusion. Who is he and how did she wind up here? Her memory is like scattered pieces of a puzzle. Will the villian help her through the amnesia so their rivalry can continue? Or would he rather keep her confused, keep her for himself either as a toy, a lover, or even a possible accomplice? This is one that I picture being more on the lighter side of things with the amensia in play but we can also work out how it might not be if that is more to your tastes.
Chicago is a crime-riddled city, this is a fact that everyone knows, and yet every year people still move here. For many, they are just trying to live their lives. For others, well they're just trying to survive. My character is a Chicago native, as far back as she can remember she had always been here, and she has a pretty good memory too. She runs a local nightclub The Ember known to be frequented by rather unsavory types, but she welcomes all with open arms. Even the local police. Your character is a new member of the force and eager to prove his worth to his city. So when a murder case falls in his hands he jumps at the chance to rid the city of one more leech and what better place to get information than from the Ember. These murders are rather unusual and someone who's been around these streets longer than you would be a useful source of information. The victims had all been drained of blood before being stabbed, it's a pattern that the city hadn't seen in years. Oh, but she had, she had seen it many times over and over again, and now she's set her sights on a young hopeful cop who just won't give up. This is a Modern Day roleplay but can be changed into a more medieval-styled one. Also, a roleplay where it could be light or dark
War is brewing between neighboring packs, my character's pack has just recently lost their alpha, and as his daughter, she had no choice but to step into the role. It was not one she wanted but despite being challenged several times over, she still won it. She does not want a war, but her packmates insist this would be the only way to show their strength, to show her strength. She wants to try and talk the war down first, she isn't a violent type and if she could avoid spilling blood she will. So she sets up a neutral meeting time and place to meet your character, this will be the first time she had met an alpha that was not from her own pack. The species can be changed, open to supernatural or human, will be a darker roleplay
An angel has been tasked with guarding the realm of men, every blood moon the demons rise from the pits of hell to try and take over the earthly realm and for this angel it is her first time with such a heavy task. Whether it is one demon she faces or several, the end result will be the same; she is defeated, but she had wounded the intruder(s) enough to force a retreat. Not before taking the prize, an angel to be used and abused in Hell. A darker themed RP, could work out a potential dark to light theme with a fallen angel almost like enemies to lovers.
Most romance novels hear about princesses finding their true love, a prince breaking a curse, rescuing them from the evil witch or wicked dragon, and living happily ever after. But who is supposed to rescue the princess when the prince she is given to, or rather, sold to is just as wicked? There is no such thing as true love for MC, she has been used as a bargaining chip by her parents in order to keep a rival kingdom from invading their lands and slaughtering their people. After realizing the king/prince she was given to has no intention of treating her like a proper princess and would rather use her as a plaything she realizes there's only one thing left to do; kill him before he can break her. Who will break first? Can the noble and proud princess be reduced to just a living pleasure toy? Or will she realize that she doesn't need to be rescued in order to save herself? A very dark themed RP, can however discuss the possibility of changing it to a light romantic one.
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Returned from a long hiatus away. Currently in the middle of wedding planning and a move across the country so please have patience if it takes me a little bit to get back to you.
Wow, can't believe it's almost been three years! It's been so long since I've been to this site but I'm bumping this thread to see if anyone's still out there!
Back after a couple of months with a change in availability, new role play idea added to real life situations - The Naivety of a Virgin. Make sure to check it out! Or hit me up if you've got some ideas of your own that've been sitting on the back burner!
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