Mx Female LF Dominant Female char, writer gender irrelevant


Mar 27, 2011
Hi! Thanks for coming in! I'm looking for someone willing to play a dominant female character (I don't care who/what you are behind the screen). If you're into that, read on and let me know!

General notes on what I like to play
  • MC's are heterosexual males.
  • I enjoy RPs where my male characters are dominated by females; that is not to say my characters are of the "spineless doormat" species.
  • I prefer MC to resist, challenge, defy the condition of submissive - only to fail again and again. I like it when he stubbornly resists, only to see the woman's power over him proven over and over again (yes, do show off, please). If we go on long enough this may progress into a situation where the dominance is more established, and if we manage to keep it interesting for both, of course we'll keep going.
  • How is this dominance achieved then? Seduction, martial arts, hypnosis... are the concepts I enjoy. I prefer to leave out props (like weapons or mind-control machines) and outright blackmail. Also, no drugs, they are just not sexy enough.
RP concepts - Here are a couple of ideas I'm currently craving:
  1. The body...: this is a female character concept I love to see played, and almost any plot or short scene where she can fit is a crave for me. The core of it is that she has a powerful touch- she knows where and how to touch a person to cause a wide range of incredible effects. Usually I picture her as a super master martial artist, whose style relies not on kicks and punches, but on pressure points and locks and holds - elegant, delicate and effortless rather than brute, forceful and sweaty. With the delicate touch of her dainty fingers, toes or even heels, she can cause several effects: pain or pleasure, partial or full paralysis, shortage of breath, preventing or causing a hard-on or even an orgasm... your imagination is the limit.
  2. ... or the mind: another thing I enjoy is some form of seductive persuasion or even hypnosis. I like to play this out slowly, with the woman persuasively probing the man for his secrets and his desires, teasing him, using his fetishes against him, until he's putty in her hands. Knowledge is power, and she uses this knowledge of him and her seductive skills to control his mind.
RP seeds / pairings - How can the above be an RP? I'd love to hear your ideas, but here are a few:
  • YC might be a villainess facing a hero (Batman is always a good example but I can create an OC anytime) or even a whole group of them and toying with him/them
  • MC could be a burglar who broke into the wrong house and gets his punishment for it
  • (works better with #1 above) YC could be a legendary martial arts master hidden away somewhere and MC finds her to get training... and gets more than he bargained for
  • (works better with #2 above) MC comes as a patient to YC, a female therapist, and ends up being wrapped around her finger
  • Two rivals of some sort (mafia families, gangs, ninja clans, corporations, whatever), YC decides to put MC, the adversary boss, under her thumb once and for all and plays with him
  • MC has something YC wants or needs, and she has come to extract it
  • YC is a subordinate of MC (student / teacher, secretary / boss) and decides to turn the tables
Of course, all of the above may be mixed and matched and improved, and deeper plots freshened out.

A thing or two about my main kinks / fetishes:
  • A woman who can bend a man to her will is the main fetish for me.
  • As mentioned above, some sort of power struggle is key. My character losing such a fight is also key. This doesn't even have to be explicitly sexual. The mere fact that the woman can take control, has some kind of power over MC, is already arousing enough for me.
  • Female hands. Use them and be detailed about them. Slightly long (preferably natural), well manicured nails, in seductive slender soft hands. Just saying this makes me hot. First fetish in my life and all my characters will certainly share it, even if they do not openly admit it.
  • Female feet? Well, in a way, yes. I'm not a true foot fetishist, but I find any sort of foot play to be an extremely sexy and sensual form of humiliation and of asserting dominance. And well, I can recognize the beauty of feet (specially in a pair of high heeled sandals) and the sensuality of a woman who knows how to use them seductively.
  • Belly dancers. Yeah, not usually associated with dominant women... but I had to include this here. I don't know whether it's for the mysticism related, or for the sexy hand movements, or for the beauty of some of the dancers, or for the just-enough-revealing outfits or for the sheer sexyness of the dance itself... or whatever, you get it. I just love belly dancers.
  • Of course this is by no means a comprehensive list. Let's discuss which of these and what other elements are going into our RP.
Last but not least, some other stuff:
  • Your role: I like these dominant women to be at least a little arrogant. They are confident and intelligent, they look good and they know it, and they know what they are doing. Dumbness and innocence are big turn-offs for me.
  • Details: please be as detailed as you can. Tell me how good she feels with a man on his knees before her, how the power makes her skin prickle, how her eyes shine with confidence, mention the color of her nail polish, how tall are her heels. I'll do my best as well.
  • Post length: well, it all depends... for me it's more about the quality than quantity. I usually stay in the 2-4 small to medium paragraph range, but it depends on the moment and on the RP, and I don't like to be stuck to a standard. Sometimes even that plot-heavy RP may call for a one liner response, you know? I'm not going to hold it against you.
  • Post frequency: much as I'd love to post daily, I can't promise that. Lately I've been replying within a 48-72 hour period (so 2 or 3 posts per week), but it can vary. I don't require you to abide by any post rate, just please let me know if you got held or are leaving.
  • Smut/action vs plot: I need something of a background to the RP, as a minimum. That said, I've lately preferred RPs to focus more on action scenes (not necessarily smut), even if it's just a dumb sequence of those (like superhero tries - and fails - to stop supervillainess in various crime scenes). If we have a really good idea I'm open to a longer, more story focused one.
  • Where: I prefer to RP on threads, but I will gladly do it over PMs or even e-mail. IMs not available, don't bother asking. I don't even know what Discord is.
  • Grammar nazi? Just write coherent sentences that make sense. I'm not willing to struggle to understand txt speech or other weird writing stuff, but I won't hold mistakes against you - I'm bound to make mistakes of my own. We may also write in Portuguese if you like :)
  • Underage characters are not cool, not sexy, and not legal. No underage characters in any RP of mine. Period.
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With lockdown slowly lifting up and life slowly becoming stable again, I'm looking to fit one more partner.
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