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Come Play In My Worlds (FxF edition)


Builder of Worlds
Dec 27, 2019
Atlanta..ish, GA
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What I am here for:

As my tagline suggests I build worlds. I am most at home playing a world and many of the characters within, with my primary character being a match for my partner’s character.
I don’t usually do ‘pairings’ in the traditional sense. I bring a whole world to the table. Usually that means I play narrator, NPCs and my own POV character, but I’m okay with that.
How much smut ends up in a given plot is up for discussion. Some characters in each ‘verse are inherently more sexual than others. I aim for an 80/20 split between “Plot” and “Smut”.

I am comfortable playing either male or female characters and accept MxF, FxM, and FxF pairings for any of my scenes.

About My Play Style:

• I play in third person
• I prefer Original Worlds & Original Characters
• I do NOT play canonical characters in any established universe. Fandoms don’t excite me.
• Story before Smut. Plot before Porn (60/40 to 74/25)
• I don't so much as play a character as play a world. I will gleefully play a variety of NPCs and 'GM' the world.

What I want from my partners:

  • I want to see inside your character's head. I want to know what their senses are telling them. The sweet scene of perfume, the soft touch of silk, the roughness of stone-- that sort of thing. I give out the broad strokes to be filled in by your character's experiences.
  • I want to hear inner monologues.
  • I want to know what their clothes look like and feel like.
  • I want to know how they react to the world I'm painting around them.
Posting Frequency:
I prefer to post 4-7 times a week for a given pairing. That said, once a week is acceptable. As long as I know your usual frequency, all is well.
I do not play via Private Message.

I prefer to handle OOC development via PM or Discord. The initial contact/spinning PM thread is usually used for this. I use Discord as an alternate means of communication and for more rapid OOC chatter. Just ask.

My Kinks:
My F-List elaborates on the specifics. It is, however, non-exhaustive and by no means does every kink need to be addressed in every scene.

I have a particular penchant for transformation kinks: breast expansion, muscle growth, weight gain, pregnancy, that sort of thing. While certainly not required for a given thread they do inform the rest of my kinks.

My Limits:
  • Playing in PMs
  • Incest (by blood relations)
  • Scat/Watersports
  • Futas/multigendered
  • Anthro/furry
  • Undead
  • Werewolves
  • MxM pairings

As of this writing I have several established worlds, each with their own plot lines and backstory. See below for in-depth details of each and my story ideas.

TERRA PRIME & THE WASTELAND: “Crunchy” Sci-Fi. No magic, no aliens, lots of technology and space adventures.

This is a ‘space opera’ setting that can either reference modern Earth (ala Stargate) or not. “Rule 34” use of bionics is a given.
“Dwarf” and “Elf” characters are possible, but everyone is descended from Earth-born humans whether they know it or not.

PACIFICA: “Clarke’s Law” Magic fuels a hedonistic body-warping paradise.

Non-human "parahuman" creatures appear here. Though by default YC’s characters start out as mundane humans. Whether they stay that way is anyone’s guess.

Life Out There Began Here: Terra Prime | The Wasteland
Picture if you will a world where most of what we think of as modern pop culture came from stories told by those from another planet.
FTL tech, Artificial Intelligence and nanotech all exist here. No magic or aliens.

The two realms are two distinct eras in the same ‘verse.
“Terra Prime” is set on “Present Day” Earth (an alternate present). “Wasteland” is set 1,000 years earlier where no one knows what “Earth” is.

Strange New Worlds & New Civilizations: Terra Prime
In an alternate present Earth gains interstellar spaceflight thanks to refugees from long-lost interstellar colonies. They make friends, enemies and explore new worlds...

In another world…

The year is 2019. Fourteen years ago, the world found out they weren’t only not alone in the universe, but that the galaxy was populated by the decedents of humans who seeded themselves among the stars eons ago, only for their home world, and their space-faring legacy lost to myth and legend. A small group of humans from a highly advanced civilization were stranded on Earth before the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and China rose to power. They waited, living with the population for decades at a time, inspiring song and story, waiting for the humans of Earth to reach for the stars to discover the fate of their brethren.

In the early 20th Century, the group uncovered a threat to the very survival of Earth’s way of life from a civilization intent on conquering the planet. They used their knowledge, technology and accumulated wealth to create a financial empire capable of funding the development of an interstellar defense program.

In 2003 they launched an exploratory mission to Tau Ceti, discovering a dying world and a city of humans under siege by a relentless robotic army that had launched an attack on Earth a decade earlier.

A year later, with the help of their new-found allies, christening themselves the Terran Alliance and with the military might of the United States and its closest allies defeated the robot threat in a great battle in Earth orbit.

Over the last ten years, almost two million refugees from the once-great nation of Sarconia arrived on Earth. Resembling the dwarfs of fantasy legend, the Sarconians try to make new lives for themselves in their new home.

At the same time, a great starship is being built to seek out the other long-lost brothers of man and a crew assembled.

Still others have begun to colonize the third planet of the nearby Epsilon Eridani system, a world terraformed for human life eons ago and inexplicably abandoned.

Ideas set in the Terra Prime 'verse:

"The Newcomer"

A young Sarconian (by all appearances, a Tolkienesque dwarf) goes to University on Earth and meets a native.
Bring a ‘local’ and an Earthbound setting. “Local color” is appreciated as I’ll play the ‘Alien’ in a mostly-mundane Earthbound setting.

“Home on the New Frontier”
On the new colony world of Epsilon Eridani III, settlers from Earth and Sarconian refugees tame the untamed wilderness and build a home there.

"Bionic Blues"
Starfleet Academy cadets get the best of everything, even bionic implants.
The Terran Alliance Starfleet will take anyone whose mind fits the bill; they can fix just about anything. Quadroplegic? Amputee? Two classmates in the class of 2020 adjust to the 'new them'.

“I, ET”
This is a way to bring other ‘worlds’ into play. E.g. Steampunk meeting Space-faring SciFi.
On the hunt for other human worlds, the crew of the T.A.S. Essex finds a new world populated with humans.
This is a plotline where I would play a Principle Character from “Present-Day” Earth and the ensemble of the crew of the Essex. My partner would play a Principle Character from a new world and the ensemble of NPCs that goes with it.

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The Body is the plaything of the Mind: Pacifica
Picture if you will a world where a society of demi-humans lives among the general population, they live by the motto "The Body is the Plaything of the Mind". A person's dream figure is merely a well-placed wish away. Elves, nymphs, cyborgs, amazons, demigods, mermaids all exist here as self-constructed dream bodies. Still others are descended from demigods and other creatures of legend.
It all started when a young woman named Kianna, then living in Florida, discovers that she's not only lactating, but that her milk can alter someone's body if they drink it from her.
Her early trials on friends and family are successful, giving them their dream bodies. Then she makes a mistake...

Kianna gifts an older girl, Sierra, with what turns out to be a fertility gift with plant-inspired traits. Driven mad by the changes, Sierra goes on a nymphomaniacal rampage. She fatally rapes every man in her path, giving birth each time to an increasing number of fast-growing, sentient plant-like females that dub themselves 'Dryads', all devoted to her and to her cause: Breed. It's made worse by the Dryad's ability to permanently convert any female who consumes their cum to be like them, stripping away any intelligent thought and turning them into green-skinned nymphomaniacs. Men change as well, but don't fair as well. Their mutations unstable, those that survive the sexual onslaught of dozens or hundreds of dryads die before they can get help.

Meanwhile, a young woman named Tessa and her boyfriend hiking through the far reaches of the Amazon basin in northern Brazil stumble upon an ancient temple. Artifacts there turn an otherwise ordinary 20-something into a demigod of fertility and strength. Slowly, their influence grows, recruiting others to their cause to share their gift. Eventually they explore the temple and discover more artifacts, technology and a holographic AI who helps them realize what they are.

Kianna and her friends have several run-ins with Sierra as time goes on, each time barely escaping, eventually creating a small army to deal with the threat. Eventually defeating Sierra, Kianna is forced to adopt the now-thousands of Dryads as her own, tempering their abilities. At the same time, the still-secret (but barely-so) issues catch Tessa's attention. The two groups join forces and together begin to unlock the true reasons for their abilities.

Their quest leads Kianna to reclaim her ancestral home, an island in the South Pacific abandoned during WWII, seemingly home to a tribe with powers very much like her own.

Their influence grows and eventually a young woman is recruited into their midst and takes, as many have in the recent years, an 'escape', opting to live as a Dryad for a week. Her body reacts poorly to the changes and, with the racial memories of the uber-nymph, Sierra, takes the name of her progenitor and vows to continue what she started, only this time with a body and brood of much greater ability.

With an army of amazon-turned dryads, assimilated mundanes and native-born dryads, the new brood cuts a path of destruction across the U.S. in search of fertile ground to carry out her ultimate goal: Breed and Conquer. A process hampered by her ability to create a stable male mate.
They lay waste to a small town in Kansas where Kianna and Tessa catch up with them, mere moments before Sierra and her now hyper-endowed breeders could unleash a wave of millions.
Unable to hide their existence anymore, the group rebuild the town into a futuristic metropolis, using their gifts of technology and bio-engineering to enrich the world as a whole, all the while searching for the true meaning of their existence.
The city, geographically near the exact center of the US, is a strange and wonderful world filled with people of literally all shapes and sizes living their lives.
The enclave in the Amazon has been converted to a Spa resort where the populous, and many guests, go to fulfill many a fantasy.

Ideas set in the Pacifica 'verse:

"Whisky Thirteen"

A Pacifica-engineered attempt to allow their reality-bending abilities to work worldwide awakens long-dormant 'gifted'. Werewolves, pyrokinetics, hydrokinetics, and other creatures of legend emerge, literally transforming the lives of a handful of ordinary people overnight. The agents of the Pacifican Ministry of Gifted Outreach chase rumor and legend to track down these gifted to "snag em, tag em, or bag 'em".

"Stranger in a Stranger City"
Someone from the Outside World moves to the City of Pacifica and tries to adjust to life with its inhabitants and its uninhibited atmosphere.
This can be by several means: YC is a student on a scholarship, or coming to the city to work, or is there against her will by means of witness relocation.

“Fantasy Island”
The Ministry of Fantasies grants elaborate, usually sexual, fantasies, the more outlandish the better.
YC would have written a letter detailing their strangest fantasy, only for someone to offer to make it come true.

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Tell Me Your Idea

I am always up for a challenge. Give me a scenario I haven't seen; a character I haven't played before.

Or for that matter, I'm up for capturing lightning in a bottle and building a new world from whole cloth, but you have to get my attention first.

Feedback always welcome.
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