Fx Male Orlie's Smut Search


Dec 28, 2019


Alright, let's keep this short, not so sweet, and to the point!

I'm looking for a roleplaying partner who can write at least two paragraphs, using proper spelling and grammar, for every response. Said partner would be asked to play a dominant male character who is older and larger than my submissive female character, in a short or long term (depending on their preference) sex-driven roleplay. Because it is a sexually focused roleplay, inquiring minds who would like to get a sense of what they're getting into can find my f-list here.

Now, this would be a darker roleplay, because more or less what I want is to play a beautiful teen or young woman who is (potentially) stalked, (possibly) kidnapped, and (definitely) raped. We can bounce some more specific storylines off each other in PMs and figure out exactly what we want to do, but that's the base framework.

1) Family Ties
YC has always been madly in love with his brother's wife, and has always secretly resented his brother for taking her away. Then, YC's niece, MC, grows up to look like her mother's double, and YC finds his obsession transferring to her. It's like he's being given a second chance, being presented an opportunity to start over with a teenage version of his brother's wife, the same age that she was when they first met. So, using her inherent trust in him as her uncle, he takes her captive, calling her by her mother's name and forcing her to live out all the fantasies he'd ever had for her mother.
2) Rebel Broken
YC and MC are neighbors. YC is an older man, a traditionalist and a fierce misogynist. As a result, MC, his teen neighbor, inspires both intense lust and intense hatred inside of him. She's beautiful, but a rebel. She sneaks out every night, dyes her hair wild colors, wears provocative clothing. YC believes she should be a good, submissive wifeโ€”more of a sex slave that cooks than a partner, in his mindโ€”like he believes all women should be. So when he's driving home one evening and catches her walking alone, he offers her a ride, pretending to be a friendly neighbor. If only she knew he intended to bring her home and turn her into his personal toy and baby maker.
3) Teacher's Pet
YC is a teacher at a high school, and MC is one of his students. YC is trapped in a miserable marriage, and has long since fallen out of love with his wife, who is verbally and emotionally abusive. As a result, he's formed an obsession with MC. Sweet, beautiful, and eternally warm, she's come to serve as a bright light in YC's otherwise dark and dreary life, always there to make him feel happy and liked after a night with his wife does the opposite. He comes to rely so heavily on the comfort she offers, that he creates a reality in his head in which she's in love with him, and has only been holding back out of respect for his marriage. So, he takes her captive, convinced that he's getting a second shot at a happy life with her. Whether he runs away with her or keeps her trapped in the house where his wife lives is up for discussion.
4) Daddy Dearest
YC was once happy. He had married his high school sweetheart, a beautiful and bright woman who only grew more so as the years passed, settled down in his hometown with a job he enjoyed, and had a baby girl. Then, when MC turned eleven, her mother got fiercely sick and died within a year. YC lost his job due to his depression, and he struggled to connect with his daughter. Years go by, and then, one afternoon, he walks down into the kitchenโ€”and there his wife is, making breakfast. His wife turns around, and it isn't his wife, but MC, who has grown to look so much like her mother. That's when the switch flips in YCโ€™s mind, and he snaps. It starts out slow. He'll place his hand a little too low on MC's back, or even sometimes full on pat her ass, and encourage her to wear less around the house. He starts refusing to let her go out with friends and grows jealous whenever MC shows interest in someone, and starts insisting they bathe together to conserve hot water. Finally, it all comes to a head when, one evening, he leans over and kisses MC on the mouth. MC is, naturally, horrified, but YC begs her to humor him. She just looks so much like her mother, it hurts so muchโ€”YC needs relief, just this once. So, hot and ashamed but not wanting to hurt her grieving father, MC complies, giving him a blowjob. She hates herself for it, but she tells herself that it'll only be the once. But then the next morning, YC is hugging her from behind, grinding up against her and kissing her neck and pressuring her for more. One time turns to two, then to five, then to ten. She lets YC go farther and farther, too afraid of further damaging her fragile father. And all the while, sheโ€™s woefully oblivious to the fact that YC doesnโ€™t see her as a daughter anymore: he sees her as a replacement for his wife, and with her, he plans to have a baby, and try one more time at a happy life.
5) Social Outcast
YC is a, for all intents and purposes, a loser. He comes from a broken home, he struggles in school, and none of his classmates are willing to give him the time of day, unless it's to bully him. None, that is, except for one. MC is one of the popular girls, top of her class and a cheerleader, and she's the only person in school who shows YC any sort of kindness. Clinging to that shred of sweetness, YC convinces himself that MC is in love with him, but that the social structure of the school is keeping her away. He stalks her for a few months, taking candid pictures of her, stealing articles of her clothing to covet, masturbating to the thought of her. Finally, he happens to encounter her in the courtyard after school hours, finding her alone for the first time ever. He tries to make a move on her, but she gently rebuffs him. Unable to process the rejection, which goes against the reality he's constructed, YC forces himself on MC before taking her captive, convincing himself that they can only be together if she's completely removed from the school environment.
6) Hot for Teacher
YC has a young child, and his wife tragically passed when the child was just a baby. YC was heartbroken, and he's forever been crushed that his child didn't get to have a mother growing up. Then, he meets his child's preschool teacher, MC. A beautiful, sweet young woman, she's exactly the sort of maternal figure YC's child needs in their life, and YC quickly forms an infatuation with her. He stalks for a few months, learning her routines and fantasizing about her, before finally, making his move and taking her captive. She's going to play the role of a happy wife, a loving mother, and a gorgeous sex toy, all at once, and if she doesn't do it willingly, he'll make her.
7) A Woman's Place
YC is a misogynistic hermit who lives on the outskirts of a small, southern town. His intensely diminutive view of women has deterred any from wanting to be with him, but it certainly hasn't stopped him from wanting a living sex toy partner. While hunting in the woods one afternoon, he happens across a young female camper, all alone in the middle of the woods. Overwhelmed with lust, he forces himself on her, and then finds himself so intoxicated by the idea of being able to do so regularly that he can't bring himself to leave her behind. Instead, he captures her, locking her up in his barn so she can go back and use her whenever she wants.
8) 007
YC is a national super-villain, and MC is the spy that has always been able to thwart him. Infuriated by being defeated by a young, petite woman, YC often straddles the line between hatred and lust. As one of his evil plans, he concocts a serum that should enable the drinker to sire super-powered children. Then, against all odds, he defeats MC, and staring down at his unconscious enemy, YC is struck by a new, quite exciting idea. Who better to carry his army of genetically enhanced children than his mortal enemy?
9) The Van
YC is a transient grifter, traveling from town to town. He's so used to being treated with disdain and disgust that when MC, a beautiful teen girl from one of the towns he visits, shows him kindness in the form of a sweet smile and a friendly word, it's enough for YC to become infatuated with her. He spins a complex delusion about how she's the only woman in the world that appreciates his life style, that she's excited by the idea of traveling the country, aroused by the thought of doing it in the back of his van, tied down on his mattress. (And maybe occasionally being fucked in public.) And so he kidnaps her, telling himself that she only protests because she hasn't yet been able to shed the societal expectations placed on her.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, PM me and we can discuss!
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