Fx Male KitKat's Treats

Kitara Dietrich

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Dec 29, 2019
A Twisted Fairytale
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for checking out my request thread.

First of all, I’d like to say that I am not always available to reply right away, but that I try to reply at least once a week (often more), depending on how much free time I have either at work or at home.

I am a detailed roleplayer, and I would appreciate you to be as well. That being said, I am not strict about length; if you don’t feel your reply needs more than a paragraph, that is totally cool, but oneliners should be kept to a minimum. I don’t mind if you can’t post more than a few lines, but try to at least give me more than three sentences; this will keep my interest. And be descriptive! Try to expand your vocabulary and use synonyms.

I bore easily and am fairly fickle; you have been forewarned. I live a very busy life, am extremely socially active (too damn popular for my own good), and I have many hobbies. Don't harass me if I don't reply right away. Sometimes all I need is a break, and other times, well--I hate to admit that I'm a picky roleplayer and choose my partners based on how well they can entertain me, and if you don't make the cut, I tend to just disappear. Sometimes though, I am just busy, so never be afraid to give me infrequent reminders. All that being said, I don't give up on a story easily, and if we've brainstormed enough, I will usually come back to it. I lose interest quicker on slice of life stories, though sometimes I am in the mood for one, but they tend to only last a few weeks.

I also prefer to RP on the forum, as I like to go back and edit my work. I feel like it forces me to be a better writer if other people aside from my partner can view my posts. Ergo, I will decline all requests to RP in PM.

I RP MxF, MxMxF, and MxMxFxF (with me as the female(s)).

LIKES: urban fantasy, high fantasy (I love D&D and usually base my lore off of the game), historical fiction, action, drama, romance, politics, smut (taboo, forced, BDSM, lovey-dovey, incest, kinky, dark), specific fan fiction (as you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan of fairytales of any kind), active posts (help out with the story—don’t just respond to what I write)
DISLIKES: specific fan fiction (I am not into anime and don’t watch or know of any of the shows so I wouldn’t be very good at re-enacting a specific one with you), specific smut (see my F-list for details), passive replies (don’t make me do all the work for the plot), God-modding (I don't control your character(s), so don't control mine)
YOU MAY: approach me to request a thought out storyline you have an interest in playing that does not appear in my requests
YOU MAY NOT: ask me to RP if you have no idea what you'd like to try out; ask me to only RP in PM; RP oneliners without detail; ask me to play a male if you are not making a male character (I will only make a male character who is gay or bisexual with a male love interest); ask me to RP if you are a beginner (I'm sorry, I am a busy girl and I don't have time to teach anyone, though you are more than welcome to read my current roleplays for an idea of how I write, and how I expect my partner(s) to)

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ROLEPLAYING WITH ME, please PM me (do not post in my thread).

STORYLINES: (to be continuously updated semi-frequently)

  • Three’s a Crowd: ménage à trois. This idea is very open, and I have no idea what setting I’d prefer or where the story will start. All I know is that I’d like to play an FxMxM where a number of things can happen: two best friends or brothers want the same girl; two rivals/nemeses want desire the same woman; two men decide to kidnap a girl to fulfill their fantasies; a woman is in a relationship with two men. Whatever you would like your two men to be would probably be perfectly acceptable (feel free to brainstorm with me).

  • Of Monsters and Men. I have a thing for monsters and beautiful women. Whether it’s a Beauty and the Beast scenario involving love and romance or the darker more depraved version where the human girl, elven girl cannot escape a monster’s embrace. As for the monster itself, honestly the more despicable the better. I am willing to accept the black heart of a vampire or evil human if you can’t do ugly, but I prefer actual monsters like orcs, werewolves, tentacled specimen… you get the gist. I’m not into gore, but I want this storyline to be smut heavy, so if you’re up for the challenge, hit me up! There will need to be storyline too, but this we can discuss privately before acceleration. (Please pick me! Hehehe ^_^)

  • Daddy's Experiment. This RP will be set in a steampunk/gothic Victorian world (other settings are up for debate if they make sense) involving a man (he could be a rich noble, a mad scientist or doctor who needs money) who turns a girl into a sex toy for his underground parties. He kidnaps her and trains her first before bringing her out after he’s tamed her (she could be his daughter, ward or a random girl he kidnaps—it would depend on whether my partner is into incest or not). He provides for her and they will have a daddy/daughter relationship. I’d prefer it if he was in his late 30s or early 40s, but if that bothers you, we can discuss younger.
    All the men she services will be more mature (40s and 50s), and some will be downright perverted and unattractive.
    BDSM, master/slave, slut training, orgies, exhibitionism, etc. will be involved in this storyline.


***The below article belongs to Kitara Dietrich; refrain from plagiarism.***
I have received a number of requests asking me to explain my roleplaying methods and while I have replied to said people, I thought that I would list some general advice that I think can benefit both new and experienced roleplayers. I have become (what I like to think) a very experienced roleplayer. I've roleplayed with all kinds of people in an extensive amount of genres in various styles. My experience did not come without practice and it took me a while to adapt to roleplaying rather than simply writing solo. There is no doubt that roleplaying is a very different skill than writing a story. Yes, you are telling a story, but you must remember that it is with someone else.

{Character Development} - Creating someone for us to roleplay with is crucial to the story; however, how we go about doing so is surprisingly complex. Here are a few pointers for making a good character (someone you, your partner and the reader can relate to):

  • Avoid character clichés and overpowered characters. Your character should not be beautiful, smart and an amazing fighter. The best characters have flaws and not stupid flaws like "Oh, I'm allergic to peanut butter". A good way to avoid doing this is not to model a character off of an idealized version of yourself.
  • Do not make a character you will have difficulty playing. Although you should not make a character who is an idealized version of yourself, you should still make a character who has some similar traits or flaws. This way, in any given situation, you have a likely idea of how he/she will react and it will seem believable. For example: if you are socially awkward in real life or a math genius of some kind, add these quirks to your character for development purposes. These qualities will make the character seem genuine and better yet, relatable.
  • Make your character believable despite the fantastical. Characters should seem like real people because that is the only way for a reader and your partner to relate to them. Moderators stress so often about the importance of detailed profiles, but what some seem to misunderstand is that a profile should have quality over quantity. Yes, length is good because it helps you as the writer to think out the process of your creation, but keeping him/her grounded in reality will prove to be far more successful. A good way to do this is to always have an explanation for why your character is the way they are or why they have certain life experience and/or traits. You do not necessarily need to write this down in their profile; simply keep the information handy for yourself so that you know and can have your character react to a situation in game realistically. [Although I enjoy a good character profile, I do not expect my partner to make one on this website unless they want to, so keep this advice in mind for when you're mentally developing your character.]
  • Give your characters goals, dreams and aspirations; by doing so, it will allow your character to grow in game and feed to dynamism that a roleplay often so desperately needs to keep it fresh and exciting. Static or paralytic characters often fall flat on the mark and leave no room for improvement (every story needs an arch, or else, what is the point, really?).
{Drama} - We may not enjoy it in real life (though some of us certainly do), but everyone likes drama in fiction. While we may roll our eyes or scoff at the ridiculousness of it all in a book, drama sells. So, too, should it sell you and your story with your partner. Think of ways to keep the story going because that will keep it alive.

{Contribute} - This one may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how often players do not do so on a regular basis. By contributing, what I mean is that you are responsible for at least half of the story. You cannot solely rely on your partner to come up with plot hooks and questions; in other words, do not only respond to a player--you must give as well. In other words, do not only react; you must also act.

{Quality vs. Quantity} - Sometimes less is more or vise versa. What is the best way to determine which one is better? The right answer is that there is no right answer and it all depends on your own style. Despite this, no one likes oneliners. Why? Because you are then going against point two and three. How can you add drama or contribute with a oneliner all the time? The simple answer is you cannot. But don't overdo it by writing novels all the time either, because more often than not, that will bore people and make the task of replying seem daunting.

{Inclusivity} - Do not make the story all about you and your character. A good roleplay must include your partner and you must give as much as you wish to receive. Chat a bit out of game about where you see the story going, how you want to deal with drama or conflict in story, how you think your character is likely to react, etc. These decisions do not need to be set in stone, but remember that you are writing a story together and you should both have a say about where it is going.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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