SeseChi's Colossal RolePlay Catalogue~ (NSFW imagery)


Lover of Dragons
Jun 22, 2019
Hey there, everyone from Blue Moon!

This is my vault of ideas that I've churned out through my (brief as of now) lifespan on this website. I've collected them and put them all here for your viewing pleasure~

Bondage Theme Park - The kinkiest place on earth!
Hello there! This is the Female Edition, where I play a female character. The alternate edition of this is here in the Male Edition.]

The links in my prompt are VERY NSFW, AND FURRY. This role-play can be written in either a furry AU, human AU, or a mix of them both where we both exist. If you really don't like this kind of artwork, don't click the links.

Hello, wonderful couples! And welcome to Bondage Theme Park, the ultimate paradise in kink-related fun and excitement.

Here at the Bondage Theme Park, our wonderfully trained employees have willingly given themselves and their bodies to the enjoyment and excitement of others.
 Take a ride on the merry-go-round, or the spinning teacups! If you would prefer to take a slower ride with your sub, perhaps consider the tunnel of love boat ride, the perfect spot to enjoy time on the slow caressing waves.

If rides aren’t your cup of tea, take a stop at the Bondage Theme Park’s extensive animal exhibit. Our petting zoo is perfect for some interactive fun!

But perhaps you’d like to be entertained by a performance instead. Fret not, because BTP has round the clock performances! Here we can see our faithful employees performing Swan River, and look at how perfect they look!

For you Dom’s out there, we understand how tiring it can be teaching your sub to be obedient, which is why we offer many sub day care programs at our Care Centre, from our pre-school themed hospice to our beautiful play-pens. Rest assure that they’ll be perfectly safe.

While your sub is being taken care of, maybe shop around our many stores for new outfits. We have many employees who model our newest outfits, from maid gowns to a pretty princess. If you’re into it, maybe get a cute outfit to baby your sub

Once you’re exhausted with your activities, perhaps you’d be eager to get some food. Take a bite to eat at our restaurants, with food prepared and served by our lovely waiters and waitresses. And of course, we always cater to your pretty subs!

Want to become a BTP employee, or have your sub employed here? Good! We have many ways and training pathways to help make new employees acquainted with how our theme park works. We always need new employees to model new outfits or be the diligent workers for our express pass holders

From all of us at Bondage Theme Park, we can’t wait to hear from you

This is my edition of 'The Kinkiest Place On Earth!' The Bondage Theme Park (BTP) is a blatantly sexy theme park, filled with all kinds of bondage themed kinks. Objectification, hypnosis, petplay, you name it. There are a few ways that we can play this story, and they all depend on which role you identify as.

As a Dom, you can either come to BTP with your sub (me) or when arriving at BTP, I'll be playing all the cute bound employees who are totally not brainwashed and mind controlled. During this edition of our role-play, you can play with and interact with the employees in anyway you like, especially sexually.


As a sub, you can either come to BTP with your Dom (me) or when I arrive at BTP, you'll be playing as all the cute bound employees who AGAIN, are totally not brainwashed and mind controlled.
During this edition, I'll be interacting and playing with you in anyway I like, especially sexually.

Demons In Hiding
Hey there everybody. I've come with a new prompt that I thought of during a session of Omegle, that while interesting my partner was lacking, and I think that this can defiantly be taken further.

Demons in Hiding

For decades now, Demons have been hiding themselves on the mortal world in plain view of humans, cleverly disguising themselves as normal people using simple illusion spells and hexes, allowing themselves to stay hidden and live peacefully. Most have made the venture to the mortal plane to avoid the hardships of the underworld, opting for an easier lifestyle. However, these Demons can sense others like themselves, feeling a strange aura around other Demons, and if they're advanced enough are simply able to see through the illusion. Most of the Demons keep this information to themselves, with some talking about it with the other, usually becoming closely integrated with each other with their newfound similarities.

However, thanks to the Demons now roaming the surface, there are some who seek to destroy them in their entirety. When demons cast spells and hexes, they leave behind essences of the spell. This can be detected through their anomalous properties, and even used in experiments to utilise their power. Because of the mortal plains new inhabitants, a well funded group of loyalist soldiers have formed, with the sole purpose of the complete eradication of the Demon population on earth. They have no name, but to the Demons they are commonly called... The Crusaders. Thanks to their presence, most Demons hardly use their powers, expect for illusion spells.

So far, both The Demons and The Crusaders have managed to keep themselves hidden from the public, and higher ups in the police force and secret police for now.

Now for the actual roleplay

Here is what I'm hoping for. This is just my personal idea, but if you have any other suggestions, then please give me some suggestions.

For this scenario, MC will be the principal or head dean of the school. He's been here for about 6 years now, appearing out of the blue seemingly with a great track record behind him of being a teacher and involved in academia. YC will be a Demon who has hidden themselves as a student. YC is a succubus, a Demon who feeds off the sexual energy from Humans, and so acts like she's always interested in whoever she's 'dating' for the time being until she's fed off his energy. Instead of going the full way, you just drain them mildly, leaving them really tired or sick. Draining them fully would kill them, expending their body of energy completely. After watching YC mess around with too many students, MC intervenes and begs you to stop using your succubus powers on students, fearing for The Crusaders who might investigate. In exchange for keeping your succubus powers and hunger in check, you demand a sort of relationship between each other, usually getting slightly sexual.

For this scenario, MC is a member of a street gang, usually one of the thugs hiding in an alleyway taking orders from higher ups. No one knows what he actually is, but the people he interrogates and threatens for the gang sure to know not to mess with him. YC is a businesswoman, a high ranking board member of a company (you can choose what). After witnessing me work gang business, you approach me along one night with an offer. Work for you doing some... less than ethical business... And you keep me paid. Not just with money, but with shelter at your apartment, food cooked by you and maybe some extras if you think I deserve it.

Your New Familiar - (What should we do next~)

Familiar: A Familiar is a supernatural entity, most comparable to a spirit or ghost.
For the purposes of this role-play, there's gonna be a few rules attached to a Familiar, like a Genie. First, they can't physically interact with their summoner/owner. However, they are only visible to them. They also can't use any spirit powers on their summoner.
So its like a spirit or ghost, where they would normally pass through their summoner, but they can still interact with the world around them. They could interact with people, and touch stuff, but Familiars innately prefer to remain hidden to other humans.
A Familiar has a few special powers. For one, the simple ability to pass through things is a basic one. However, there are some... lewder powers associated with a Familiar like this. The main ability is the peculiar power to start stimulating pleasure in anyone at will. So in practise, someone could be talking to say, their crush, and she suddenly starts dripping lubricant from her pussy. Combine this with the familiar maybe stroking and groping, and you've got a recipe for lewdness.

So, the roleplay...
(MC: The Familiar. YC: Collage Student)
The whole premise of this role-play is that you're a student, (Collage aged, so 18 onwards) and for the most inexplicable reason, you've managed to summon a Familiar overnight. She (yes, she.) is bound to you, as in you're the only one she can't interact with, but you're the only one you can see her. Initially, you're opposed to, and really freaked out at the Familiar, but once you start seeing what she can do, you pay some more attention to what the two of you could do together.

Send me a PM if you're interested, and we can talk more details there.

The Infection: Globalification
Globalification (At least I think that's the word) is a fetish where something happens that changed how the global populations works and functions. Say for example, suddenly all women grew taller, like amazon warrior tall. This would A) Be really cool, and B) Be really kinky. This is an example of globalification, something that changed the function of the population worldwide.

I will try my hardest to reply to whoever I'm roleplaying with. I may disappear for a few hours or a day, but know that I'm probably just busy or caught up in something and don't have time to sit down and write properly. I aim to write as much detail as I can, while keeping the smut and story going forwards. During sexual scenes, I try to follow kinks as much as I can, especially if its the whole point of the role-play.

I understand that life gets in the way of internet role-play completely, being a victim of it too. I'll try to figure out your hours as we go along, but as long as we keep the conversation going that's fine with me. If you get bored with the role-play, please let me know instead of ghosting me. If you do ghost me, that's fine, although I will be peeved, obviously. For the amount of writing that I expect from a partner, as long as you give adequate detail, I'm fine with anything. Although I write based on how much I'm given to work off, so the more you give me, the more I can use to advance the plot and/or smut. Try to aim for around 2-4 lines around there.

For a quick definition, a Hucow is a human female who lactates milk, and because of this dresses up and acts like a cow, usually milking themselves.

Nearly 50 years ago, something happened. A strange virus stepped across the earth, slowly spreading from country to country. Its peculiar qualities emerged from the fact that symptoms seemed to only affect females. This began causing mass panic, as half the population began undergoing transformations due to the virus, and with nothing to help or save them from it. The virus spread too fast, and infected absolutely everyone.

Dubbed ‘The Hucow Virus’ due to its effects, symptoms of the strain involve the following, which effect females exclusively.

-Increased mass in breasts, causing the size of them to increase.
-Increased Hourglass figure (Hips expanding alongside breasts)
-Rapidly induced lactation. With proper stimulation, a constant stream of fresh female milk can be extracted.
-Reduced intelligence and logic.
-Increasing obedience to perceived ‘Leaders and Owners”

Because of the widespread nature of the virus, no perceivable way to stop any further spread and the fast acting and seemingly irreversible symptoms, the human race was forced to accept the new change in their species, as the virus strain was passed down through generations. It always affected descendants of past carriers the same. The day they age over 18, they begin to experience the transformation from a girl to a Hucow.

(The Actual Plot) There are actual multiple versions of this story, depending on what you like.

1) Boyfriend X Girlfriend story: YC is my boyfriend. We had been dating for a few years now, despite my imminent transformation from who I really was into the cow girl that every other adult woman was. MC is your girlfriend, who will turn 18 tomorrow and start transforming into a Hucow

2) Brother X Sister story: YC is my brother. Ever since I started dating my boyfriend, you wished that you were able to get with a girl like me. Good body, pretty face. I was the perfect girl for you. However, you’ve found a beacon of hope. Soon, your sister will start becoming a proper woman, a Hucow. Soon, she’ll be as suggestible and obedient as your mother, who dad has ordered to only walk around the house in a revealing apron, nothing even covering her ass or tits.

My Mechanical Lover
Hey there everyone, its Serena.

I'm looking to do somewhat of a wholesome role-play with this scenario, although I'm fine with it getting dark.

MC (Serena) has been suffering from something commonly known as Lock In Syndrome. It's a disease where slowly you lose the ability to move and communicate in any way. You eventually become 'locked' in your own body, unable to talk or move in any way. Once it had reached the point of no return, a strange company reached out to you, offering a solution and promising to fix my problem. They said that they could transfer my consciousness into a new frame, allowing me to live normally again. No strings attached, no catch. All they gained was some on-the-field research and evidence that their science works.
YC agrees for me, allowing them to perform the procedure that would turn me from an organic into a synthetic. Of course, they ask you if there's any modification you would like made to me, be it physical or psychological.

(Here, you would be able to maybe add some trigger words or commands into my psyche, which when said or done would make me do something, and I would think that its completely normal (Or I could be aware of it, and try my best to not to do it, even if its ultimately futile))

Here are some pictures of synthetic androids I am happy with playing. Take your pick~

Mecha Fox Girl
Mecha Dragon Girl
Mecha Feline Girl
Mecha Feline Girl (2)
Mecha Canine Girl

Human Love-Dolls
Hi there everyone of BlueMoon, its Serena!

This idea was inspired by the Fan No Hitori hentai comic Dolls ( Reading Dolls (Fan no Hitori) (Original) Hentai by Fan no Hitori - 1: Dolls - Page 1 hentai manga online ). I suggest maybe having a read because it draws heavy inspiration. The whole premise is that there is a collar and app that can control the actions of whoever wears it. They can't remove the collar, and are completely obedient to commands, despite how badly they want to stop obeying.
I've made a general start in the spoiler. Warning, this does contain some themes of Non-Con and all that.

After a number of laws were passed successfully, the government now had the ability to select random women to be involuntarily turned into pleasure dolls. Agents prowl the streets searching for the targets each day. Most people selected for the pleasure doll program don’t want to be taken and have their lives transformed, so to help, they use a special bit of technology.

The Doll Control Collar is a piece of technology that can be quickly placed on a target and interface with their nervous system. The collar takes control of the motor cortex, disabling voluntary movement for the target doll. This prevents them from fighting agents or trying to run away. However, steps to improve dolls have been taken.

The collar can be synced with an app on a phone, allowing the owner of a doll to use it in a variety of different ways. Using the app, the owner has primary control over the target dolls movement. If the owner wanted the doll to stand in the middle of the room, the doll would be forced to, and there would be nothing she could do. The apps features include (Stripping, masturbation, blowjobs, sex (anal/vaginal) and a many selection of positions)

Until these dolls are bought, they are safely stored in these wonderful boxes. The transparent screen between them and the outside world allows people to look at the dolls appearance before making a decision. The collar stops them from moving, so they’re forced to stand there while the world looks at them.

Destiny (the game) Themed RolePlay

Hey all, its Serena!

I'm back with the newest craving I seem to be wanting, which is a role-play centred around the Destiny game series and characters. More specifically, Mara Sov and Petra Venj. They've both already got a little bit of character development to them, so knowing the game and their characters would be preferable, but I'm totally fine with you adding some of your own personal spice to it.

I will try my hardest to reply to whoever I'm roleplaying with. I may disappear for a few hours or a day, but know that I'm probably just busy or caught up in something and don't have time to sit down and write properly. I aim to write as much detail as I can, while keeping the smut and story going forwards. During sexual scenes, I try to follow kinks as much as I can, especially if its the whole point of the role-play.

I understand that life gets in the way of internet role-play completely, being a victim of it too. I'll try to figure out your hours as we go along, but as long as we keep the conversation going that's fine with me. If you get bored with the role-play, please let me know instead of ghosting me. If you do ghost me, that's fine, although I will be peeved, obviously. For the amount of writing that I expect from a partner, as long as you give adequate detail, I'm fine with anything. Although I write based on how much I'm given to work off, so the more you give me, the more I can use to advance the plot and/or smut. Try to aim for around 2-4 lines around there.


Mara Sov:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Petra Venj: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Storylines & Relationships

So I've got a few storylines that I could do with these two. Some would be before the events of the first game, and some would be present time.

-A New Recruit
Petra Venj has accepted the honour of becoming a Queens Wrath, a master skilled bodyguard and Servant of Queen Mara Sov. As a new recruit, she won't be doing much out-in-the-field work until she can be trusted. For the next few months, shell be entrusted with following the Queen, ensuring her safety at all times. And this means at all times, including when the Queen sleeps. However during the night, Petra learns how lonely she is, and how all she really needs is someone to share her company with. Maybe a hug, too. (and maybe a bit more I don't know)

-Holed up
During some of the Queens talks with some distant allies, the group is suddenly bombarded with extraterrestrial strikes. Petra manages to drag the queen along to shelter inside a cave, but a rogue missile causes the only entrance and exit to be sealed up. They're safe inside, but it'll take about a day, maybe 12 hours for them to arrive. What do the two get up to inside there?

Please let me know if you've got any characters you would be happy to play, or if you have any preference in storylines I typed out there.

Getting 'Foxy'

Heya all of BMRP! This is a transformation craving!

General Premise

I will be playing two characters in this story, Kalli(19) and Serena(23). Both female, and they can be either true sisters or be so close to each other win a friendship that they're considered sisters. Either way, they're very close and do next to everything together. One of the girls finds an add in the paper about a special treatment to 'unleash your spirit animal' and give you 'a life changing experience'. They were curious, so of course will seek out whoever will do this. The girls come to a locked metal door, which is where the story will begin.

Now of course, this story will involve some transformation, so I'd love if you could choose your preferred method.
-Special potion
-Other (You can just tell me your ideas)

The end result.
Once the transformation is over with, both Kalli and Serena will have transformed into a duo of busty vixens. Like the girls here in this picture

As the vixen ladies, they appear to be seriously sexualised, which in turn makes them crazy aroused. With proper training, you could probably make them your pets~

Please hit me up in the DM's if you're interested!

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