Fx Male Coming of age RP Idea


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Nov 10, 2019
I have been thinking a lot about what I want to roleplay, and I would like to roleplay a scenario that plays on taboo and age gap. However, I want it to be done tastefully so anyone searching for something quick and messy please you may avoid this request altogether.

A few details beforehand and forewarnings as well:
I do not roleplay underaged characters, with no exceptions other than their mentality being more of the playful curiosity or immaturity. My characters are not daft though inexperienced they maybe they will be highly sensitive to their environment and will not take kindly to being treated less than.
Absolutely no derogatory names or remarks towards my characters, if you wish to degrade someone I am sure some other writer can fit your needs.
I like tastefully written erotic scenes and while most things do not scare me in writing please discuss with me beforehand what we are wanting to do in character. Do not side blind me with some sort of fetish I was not made aware of before this.
If I feel like this isn't working respect that is my choice and only I can change my mind about it.

My characters will be younger 18, just... and the budding envy of her friends and family. Sweet and well loved but needing a delicate and somewhat firm hand. Be gentle but I will be adventurous playful and flirty with her.





Roslyn Adaile is the wealthy daughter of a predominant cotton farmer she has spent the majority of her life in London and at the age of 15, she was brought to America's southern heartlands to live with her estranged father. While she loves her father dearly her life was sorely missed back in high society London... Yet she made due becoming the envy of her community in Savannah, Georgia. Her delicate beauty and her charm often led her father to use her as a pawn to be the bridge of a well to do marriage however Rose, (As her closest called her) was just never happy with any match that was made. She found herself happy living freely with the spoils of her family's money even though her mother's stern lectures would chide her into behaving. Her wild spirits was not one to be easily tamed.

That was until he arrived into her life, from the moment she saw him starring at her she felt an unease about the man. He looked as though he were a wolf able to devour her whole, and for the most part she avoided him completely except for polite circles of society that brought them face to face. He was some years older but wore it well and there was no denying the man was indeed handsome. Still, she couldn't explain the fear and curiosity she had for him. Rich from some mining and trading company she knew only that all the woman fawned over him and that irritated her to no end. Not that she cared at all... Yet under certain circumstances, they found themselves alone for the first time...

Ideas: It is a bit open-ended there with lots of room for ideas and musing. I would love to have a long term relationship here a chase between him and her, some inappropriate behavior, and lust... SO much lust. Little by little Rose will give into this terrible man who will be eventually her husband. Someone to teach her the new and exciting ways of love to an innocent virgin to the idea and physical acts. I am perfectly fine allowing her experiences be oral, vaginal, and anal sex (again done with taste and competence.) Such things as punishments, restraints, and mild submission are perfectly welcomed.

Anyway you may contact me on discord or here.
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