Seventh Heaven [FFVII Fandom RP]

cheat code

Sep 30, 2017
Seventh Heaven

.. 'cause I am a materia girl.

The citizens of Midgar were living in a time of fear, strife, and uncertainty. Their bills were skyrocketing, their surroundings worsening, and terror attacks were filling the streets with unease. Whether slowly squeezed to death by Shinra's mad drive for profits and luxury for the few, choking on the sickness that rose up from the slums as though to punish those who were mere eyesores for their "betters", or caught in the crossfires of the mad tactics of the rogue AVALANCHE organization striking violently against the oppressive corporation that owned the plate and everything above it, life in Midgar was hardscrabble and dog eat dog. People worked themselves to the bone for one little scrap of peace at the end of any given day, hopefully resting their eyes long enough not to worry if their ruin would be the result of ruthless capitalists or ill-tempered reactionaries. Most of them just wanted a life where they could pop open a beer and not worry about whether or not there was a tomorrow. And for the citizens of Midgar who lived in and around Sector 7, they could at least have a small taste of what that life was like by putting their boots up at Seventh Heaven. There they'd be in good company and kept in good drinks, and the owner always had a sympathetic smile and an open ear for whatever weary woe or small joy had brought them by. For just a few gil to fill a clean glass, anyone's heavy burdens could be lifted for a short while. Well, except for those of the bartender herself, but plenty of regulars would argue that that was just part of the charm of the friendly little drinking hole down in the forgotten slums. So long as they were safely out of earshot, anyway.

Level Select
Hostile Takeover - There was nothing above or under the plate that Shinra didn't own. Granted, most everything down in the slums was way beneath their pay grade, much less their notice. Still, they had found themselves having a hell of a time ferreting out just where AVALANCHE was keeping their base of operations, and so someone in the money department got the bright idea of just starting to buy up some of the popular local businesses down there in order to get some ears closer to the ground. Sure, the proprietress might insist her establishment isn't for sale no matter the cost, but when you own the land underneath a building there's not really a leg to stand on. It just makes sense to keep her on board so the drinks keep flowing and the information keeps bubbling around though, right? Even if certain measures have to be taken to keep her in line.

How much can Lockheart put up with to keep up the front for her partners in crime, knowing that Shinra has her over a barstool? .. sometimes literally?

Happy Birthday, Mr. President - AVALANCHE had finally been caught. Their members were incarcerated, awaiting execution. The science division had insisted on using one of them for studies, the SOLDIER program had decided to see what made one of them tick .. but not all of them were going to be of much use in the time before their big day. Still, ever since the old man's untimely demise, there had been suggestions that not everything needed to be the way he had set things out to be. The public hadn't yet been made wise to the identities of the terrorists who had finally reached just a little too far. And the new president of Shinra had a simple proposal for one of his prisoners. Complete and total handover of all information past and present. The identities of everyone not currently behind a cell who had aided and abetted in their eco-terrorist plots. And seven days to learn how to tame her own wildest impulses to be allowed to live in the lap of luxury, or else join the rest of her scum at the gallows. Rufus Shinra so rarely allowed himself anything during his anniversary week.

Ticking clock. Push and pull. Break the wild filly, or it's off to the glue factory. Seven days of the most opulent, cruel, seductive life she could imagine. Tick tock.

Bright Lights, Big Saucer - It's easy to be completely overwhelmed by the flashing lights and the glitz and glamour the first time you step foot inside the Gold Saucer. With your Gil all converted harmlessly away into GP, it's easier than ever to think you're doing nothing more or less than spending "play money" as you rack up incredible wins in games of chance or skill .. or to think nothing of just how much you actually lost when things don't go your way. Even when on an urgent mission to save the world, it's hard not to get sucked into the promise and prestige of the most interesting game in town. Whether the party needs to push their luck in order to get the next piece of the puzzle, or a little R&R just sees the team going their separate ways for a bit, a small town girl who's learned a few big lessons can still make a bad bet or two. But one bad bet leads to another when you try to dig yourself up out of a hole, and before you know it, you can end up losing your shirt .. or more. Still, as long as you don't hit rock bottom, there's always a chance to pull yourself up before you end up working down in Corel Prison to pay off your debts. Right?

Casinos might as well be rat traps for people, and a little country mouse just waltzed right in. Quicksand would be kinder than the quagmire of ever compounding losses ..

Random Encounter - I have nothing important to say to this one, since it's the one where a monster ambushes the party and has fun with the pretty one. Sometimes simple is good. Prefer no Marlboro's or anything tentacle-y, but am open to plenty of suggestions here! Tying it back to Shinra with Professor Hojo's creepy breeding experiments is also an option.

It's not really bestiality if they're monsters, right?

What Happens in a Tent, Stays in a Tent - During the end of the world, tensions run high. There's no time for reflection, no time to think for yourself, there's only the march toward success or failure with the fate of far too much riding on your shoulders. Morale is down. Rations are low. Every camp site closer to the crater is one day closer to the truth. With emotions at a breaking point and the end potentially nigh, one last night is spent close together, just feet away from the rests and worries of everyone else.

"Finally, a scenario where I can play as Cloud," he said, his fingers only growing still when she suggested that her preferred pairings for this will be Barrett, Cid, Yuffie, or Red XIII.

Load A 20-Year Old Save File - For suggestions not encompassing anything above.

Because mostly I'm feeling very nostalgic for FF7 in general! General shipping cheat sheet in no particular order: Barrett, Cid, Yufffie, Red XIII, Rufus, Reno, Rude, Elena, Scarlet, Hojo, Don Corneo, Original Characters.

Giving Head
Getting It Hard
Tugging The Hair
Psychological Warfare
Forced Nudity
Big Dicks
Men, Women, Monsters, And Everything In Between
Canon Knowledge
Game Over

< / 3
Butt Stuff
Unsexy Bodily Expulsions
Foul Smells
Submissive Partners
Chocobo Haircuts
Demanding Utter Fealty To Canon
Press Start
Female -- Not A Casual
Prefer PMs -- A Thread Is Fine Too
Open To Other Roles -- But This Will Change To Reflect That In Due Time
Central Time Zone -- Shoots For One Post A Day, No Guarantees
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