Fx Any Animal Craving (Short term)


Jul 3, 2019
Hello! I'm interested in playing as a young women that essentially gets fucked (non-con) by some type of large predatory animal that you will play as. I prefer writing that is very detailed, explaining the environment, sights, sounds, tastes, thoughts that are occurring at any given moment. This makes thing more immersive for me and is where i personally find my enjoyment in erp. I'll be just as detailed with my responses to what you do, intentionally playing off of your actions and building the sexual tension. Literate writing is required, since details are so important please don't DM me if you don't enjoy taking a bit of time building a scene before anything climactic happens. I like some level of realism in the story and writing itself, don't like things feeling like a cartoon. I'm more than happy to include accommodating kinks into the rp. Please Dm me if you'd like to discuss! I have lots of ideas for scenes. If you have any yourself, I'd love to hear them.

Primary example, i play a high school cheer leader in charge of a zoo for an extracurricular class to get into a college. One day while rushing the job, she falls into a pit by mistake when she is all alone. What animal is down there with her?
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