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I want to Dominate! (I play male and female)

  • Thread starter rp_addict4life13
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Welcome one and all!

You know why you are here, and I know why you are here so do we need to repeat it? Yes...cookies! *passes cookies around to visitors* Take a load off while you read. And don't worry, I don't RP with *, I RP in third person.

Now, of course I like a good RP. To me that means that both parties put into the RP, if I feel that you aren't interested or trying, or that I loose interest I will tell you and most likely I will ask if you want to do another RP because sometimes I just like to do something different.

I will only RP on Blue Moon. Either PM or Thread. I do NOT do messengers or emails, so please...don't ask.

I do MxF, FxF, or MxM. I will be dominant, submissive, or neutral.

I will do a lot of things, if something you want to do isn't on my list then just suggest it. If I don't want to I will say, "I prefer not" or "I'm not comfortable with that" or "NO!" or "Let's try something else first and then try that later"...."It's not you, it's me...wait no, it is you" *sorry couldn't help that one* :p


A "kid" that just moved away, just turned 18 (or 21 up to you), visits their first bar/club. But, what will they do when they have to walk home because their friends ditch them at the bar/club? What will they do when they come across a group of people that want some "fun", will they be rescued? What if their rescuer is worse than the group? What if one of them starts falling for the other? What will happen if skeletons come out of the closet? (figuratively)

Neko x Human
Neko x Neko
Neko x Inu
Inu x Inu
Bounty Hunter x Bounty Hunter
Prince/Princess x Prince/Princess
Knight x Prince/Princess
Prince/Princess x Commoner
Prince/Princess x Thief
Arranged Marriage
Demon x Angel
Angel x Human
Kidnapper x Kidnapped
Cop/Detective x Whiteness
Cop/Detective x Cop/Detective (could be New Cop/Detective)
Cop/Detective x Criminal
Criminal x Whiteness
Prisoner x Prisoner
Prisoner x other
Runaway prisoner x innocent person
Gang x Innocent Person
Gang member x Rival gang member
Gang member x Gang member
Bodyguard x Guarded
School Kid x New School Kid
School Kid x School Kid
Roommate x Roommate
Band Member x Fan
Band member x Band member (or new band member)
Sibling x Siblings Best Friend
Demon x Human
Demon x Demon
Sibling x Siblings Girlfriend/Boyfriend
Sibling x Sibling
Step-sibling x Step-sibling
Parent x Kid
New Farm Hand x Farmers Kid
Rehabilitation Ranch (Troubled kid x Ranch member – thinking the child of the owner of the ranch)
Teacher x Student
Bounty Hunter x Hunted
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